Choir Mentor Unites Community


Ulysses P Brown   Marvin Doucette

Josie Jansen is a beacon of hope and unity at the newly merged high school, where two predominantly black institutions have combined into one. Standing at the crossroads of this challenging transition, Josie plays a vital role in fostering a sense of community through the arts. Her influence is profound, rooted in her status as an award-winning state choir student whose exceptional voice has garnered recognition locally and statewide.

Despite her acclaim, Josie remains humble, channeling her talents into mentoring others. She possesses an innate ability to recognize and nurture the hidden artistic potential within her peers. Her approach to teaching choir goes beyond technical perfection; she instills a love for singing and encourages her students to embrace imperfection. Josie believes that every voice matters and that the journey of self-expression is more important than hitting every note flawlessly. Her mantra, "It's okay to sing the wrong note," resonates with her students, empowering them to pursue their dreams with resilience and joy.

Josie's impact on her choir is transformative. She creates an environment where students feel safe to explore their voices, experiment with their ranges, and develop their confidence. Her dedication to her peers' growth is unwavering, as she spends countless hours coaching, providing feedback, and offering emotional support. Through her guidance, many students discover their own musical abilities and gain the courage to perform publicly.

Josie's influence extends beyond the choir room. Her leadership and compassion have a ripple effect throughout the entire school, fostering a culture of acceptance and creativity. She organizes events, collaborates with teachers from different departments, and advocates for more resources to support the arts. Her efforts help to bridge the gap between the two previously separate schools, creating a unified student body with a shared sense of purpose and pride.

After graduating, Josie Jansen's success only continues to grow. She becomes a renowned award-winning singer, known not just for her vocal prowess but also for her generosity and commitment to giving back. She frequently returns to her alma mater, offering workshops, performances, and substantial charitable contributions. Josie's legacy is one of inspiration and empowerment, proving that with passion and perseverance, any dream is achievable. Her story becomes a cornerstone of the school's history, symbolizing the power of music to unite and uplift.