Slipchenko interviewing Viecherkovska.m4a

In this interview, Yuliia Slipchenko interviews Tetiana Viecherkouska. Tetiana Viecherkovska is a resident of Radsad, Mykolaiv Oblast, Ukraine, and lived there when the Russian Full-Scale Invasion began on the 24th of February 2022. She is a mother of a 6-year-old son, with whom she left for Lviv (Western Ukraine) in March 2022 for the period of almost three months, until the end of May of the same year. Her husband was mobilized in September 2022 and is currently serving military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Tetiana shares her experience of being a refugee, a mother and a wife during the war conflict, telling how it affected (and keeps affecting) her, her child and her relationship with her husband.

English Transcript

Tetiana Viecherkouska English Transcript

Ukrainian Transcript

Tetiana Viecherkouska Ukrainian Transcript