Slipchenko interviewing Ivanchenko.m4a

In this interview, Yuliia Slipchenko interviews Inna Ivanchenko. Inna Ivanchenko is a resident of Mala Korenykha, a microdistrict in Mykolaiv, Ukraine. She is a mother of three children (sons aged 27, and 22, and a daughter aged 9) and a wife of an officer. On the very first day of the Russian full-scale invasion, her husband went to military enlistment service and currently serves as a platoon leader. Because of the impending risk of living in occupation, Inna and her daughter had to leave for Lviv, where they spent a period of 6 months (from March to August). She talks about her struggles as a mother, a refugee, and a wife of a serviceman during the full-scale war.

English Transcript

Inna Ivanchenko English Transcript

Ukrainian Transcript

Inna Ivanchenko Ukrainian Transcript