Slipchenko interviewing Andriievska.mp3

In this interview, Yuliia Slipchenko interviews Nina Andriievska. Nina Andriievska has lived all her life in Radsad, Mykolaiv Oblast, Ukraine, until the full-scale invasion of Russian Federation began on 24th February 2022. She and her family had no intention of leaving their home, but things didn’t turn out as she had hoped. They ended up in a small town of Pelplin near Gdańsk, Poland. She shares her experience as a refugee while living in Poland for half a year (from March 2022 till August 2022), talks about hardships she faced there, of how she tried to keep working under such pressure, and of how she eventually returned home.

English Transcript

Nina Andriievska English Transcript

Ukrainian Transcript

Nina Andriievska Ukranian Transcript