Slipchenko interviewing Kavun.m4a

In this interview, Yuliia Slipchenko interviews Hanna Kavun. Hanna Kavun was born and raised in Demuryne, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine, but has been living in Radsad, Mykolaiv Oblast, for more than 50 years. She has a long family story of how female members of her family suffered from different armed conflicts. She tells the stories of her grandmother and mother who witnessed Russian Civil War (1917-1922), Soviet occupation of Ukraine (1921), dekulakization (1917-1933), Holodomor (1932-1933), collectivization (1928-1940), and Nazi occupation of Ukraine during World War II (1941-1944). Hanna shares her family stories drawing parallels with today’s reality of Russo-Ukrainian War.

English Transcript

Hanna Kavun English Transcript

Ukrainian Transcript

Hanna Kavun Ukrainian Transcript