ANTHRO xpix 2

[R. R. sketch, 2009, based on Steiner's.]

"The image of the heavens in the living human being is in his head. What the human being can know about the heavens lives in his head. And since [beginning in early modern times] the human being had only learnt mathematics, or things that were logical or abstract, from then onwards only what was logical and abstract, or made of concepts and ideas, lived in his head. That is why from then onwards there was no possibility for the human being to bring what was spiritual into concepts and ideas." — Rudolf Steiner, BLACKBOARD DRAWINGS 1919-1924 (Rudolf Steiner Press, 2003), p. 126.


[R. R. sketch, 2009, based on Steiner's.

The blue area is the sleep world;

yellow, the dream world;

red, the waking world.]

"Between the world that is interwoven with the laws of nature and the world in which conscience speaks as it steams into us, there lies the world of dreaming. The world of dreaming protests in its images against the laws of nature." — Rudolf Steiner, BLACKBOARD DRAWINGS 1919-1924, p. 110.


[Sketch by R.R. of a sketch by R.S.]

"All over the earth there grows the denseness of earth, the magnetism of earth, the gravity of earth, striving upwards together with the downward-striving force of love and sacrifice." — Rudolf Steiner, BLACKBOARD DRAWINGS 1919-1924, p. 120.


[R.R. sketch, 2009, based on b&w image

on p. 281 of ESOTERIC LESSONS 1904-1909;

arbitrary colors added.]

"Saturn [was] entirely...warmth [A], also the beginning of the human being ... Sun [B] condensed to air ... [I]t glowed [C] ... This combustion is symbolized for us by sulfur ... Moon condensed liquid [D] ... [S]mall particles were formed that were active ... [Q]uicksilver is an example [E] ... Through a sound that came from the outside...particles were joined together into forms ... This is the principle of the feminine [F] ... Finally, the Earth was condensed to the solid element 'earth' [G] ... [T]he presence of the solid along with the fluid made possible the process of dissolution — as salt in water. [H] ... The stimulation for formation in the feminine now appeared in the Earth itself: the masculine principle. [I] And from all this the present-day human being evolved. [J]" — Rudolf Steiner, ESOTERIC LESSONS 1904-1909 (Steiner Books, 2007), p. 280.


Emblem of the constellation of Leo as reimagined by R. Steiner.

[Rudolf Steiner, CALENDAR 1912-1913,

Facsimile Edition

(SteinerBooks, 2003), p. 60ff.

R. R. copy, 2009.]

Emblem of the constellation of Taurus as reimagined by R. Steiner.

[Rudolf Steiner, CALENDAR 1912-1913,

Facsimile Edition

(SteinerBooks, 2003), p. 40ff.

R. R. copy, 2009.]


[R.R. sketch, 2009,

based on b&w image on p. 339,


"We become conscious of the 'I' in the physical world through the senses. This appears to contradict the fact that a certain point in the etheric head came together with one like it in the physical head during the time of the Atlanteans, and in this way the 'I' entered into the human being. Yet this 'I' was, so to speak, only like a small little skin, a little pocket that sank down into the human being. And the true 'I,' which was spread out through the planets from Saturn to Vulcan, radiated into it. The best symbol is: this little pocket like a mirror into which the true 'I' streams from this string of planets." — Rudolf Steiner, ESOTERIC LESSONS 1904-1909 (Steiner Books, 2007), p. 339.


[R. R. sketch, 2009,

based on the sketch on p. 20


“[T]he astral body makes itself very much at home everywhere in the [physical] body. It gets too strong. It attacks all the organs and wears them down. And that is the consequence of rapid arsenic poisoning. If someone takes a lot of arsenic, quickly, his astral body begins to become terribly active, whirling, whirling, whirling ... The ether body gives life, the astral body gives sentience. But there can be no sentience unless life is suppressed. To draw it in diagrammatic form, therefore, it is like this. There you have the astral body [darker areas], there the ether body [lighter areas]. They are always fighting one another. If the ether body wins we get a bit sleepy; if the astral body wins we come wide awake ... [T]he astral body gets what it needs...from the arsenic human beings produce themselves." — Rudolf Steiner, FROM ELEPHANTS TO EINSTEIN (Rudolf Steiner Press, 1998), pp. 19-20.


An Anthroposophical mystic seal, a variant of a seal of the Apocalypse.

“It can be said that this seal represents the idea of total humanity ... When we go back in human evolution, we come to a time when men were at an imperfect stage. Thus, for example, they did not have heads ... It would sound grotesque, indeed, were you to hear a description of the men of that time. Only gradually was the head developed, and it will continue developing. Men also have organs today that have come to the end of their development and in the future they will no longer form part of the human body. There are others that will transform themselves. An example is the larynx, which, to be sure, has a great future connection with the heart. At present the larynx is at the beginning of its development, but in times to come it will be transformed into a spiritualized organ of reproduction. You will get an idea of this mystery if you make clear to yourselves just what it is that a man achieves with his larynx today.” — Rudolf Steiner, OCCULT SIGNS AND SYMBOLS (Anthroposophic Press, 1972), pp. 49-50. [R.R. sketch, 2014, based on the image the book.]


R.R. sketch of four eurythmyic positions, with their associated astrological signs. [See Rudolf Steiner, EURYTHMY AS VISIBLE SPEECH (Rudolf Steiner Press, 1955), p. 159.]


An Anthroposophical cadueus, with its associated astrological signs. [See Rudolf Steiner, ESOTERIC LESSONS 1904-1909 (Steiner Books, 2007), p. 4001.]


The demon Ahriman, as conceived by R. Steiner. (R.R. impression.)

"[B]efore only a part of the third millennium of the post-Christian era has elapsed, there will be, in the West, an actual incarnation of Ahriman: Ahriman in the flesh. Humanity on earth cannot escape this incarnation of Ahriman. It will come inevitably." — R. Steiner, THE INFLUENCES OF LUCIFER AND AHRIMAN (Anthroposophic Press, 1993), pp. 16-17.

Anthro X-What?

"Anthro" — short for "Anthroposophical."

"Xpix" — code for "not pix," which is to say, not really Anthroposophical pictures. Rather, these are my attempts to copy or emulate such pictures.

Not Anthroposophical pictures. Instead, my pictures of such pictures. Xpix.

— Roger Rawlings