Associate Professor at the University of Cordoba (Spain) and Visiting Scholar at the University of Cambridge (UK). Doctor of Pedagogy (University of Seville). Degree in Education with the First National Award conceded by the Ministry of Education (Spain). 

Coordinator of more than 10 teaching innovation projects. Teaching and researching about Didactics, teacher-students relationships, social and emotional competencies, antisocial behaviours and diversity. He has supervised more than 10 Doctoral Theses.  

Director of the Education Research Laboratory ( He has worked on more than 20 national (with different universities, and public and private institutions) and international (Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Portugal, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States…) research projects. 

Evaluator in many different national research agencies (Chile, Netherland, Spain, Switzerland...) and universities (Mexico, Portugal and UK).

Director of the national research project titled “The role of teachers as a protective factor against cyberhate, cyberbullying and cyber dating-violence in students”. He has more than 150 publications (Normalized impact = 4.08), more than 50 papers on JCR (more than 20 in Q1) and he has been a speaker at more than 50 conferences at numerous universities in dozens of countries. Member of Wolfson College of the University of Cambridge. Affiliated member of the Violence Research Centre (University of Cambridge) and Consultant in Cambridge Assessment-International Education (University of Cambridge).