

The Education Research Laboratory (LIEDU, SEJ-664) is a research group that focuses on social and emotional competencies, inclusive education, teacher-student relationship, innovations in the classroom and empowering methods of learning from an international perspective


Interdisciplinar (Agricultural, Economy, Psychology and Education) research unit about prosocial and altruistic behaviors

We organized the Workshop Synergies in Prosocial and Altruistic Behavior


PI. I+D+i Project PID2021-124180OB-100 "Key competencies of teachers for the prevention of antisocial cyber behaviors of students in Secondary Education" supported by the Ministry of Science (Spain). 31,097 euros

PI. Research project: The role of teachers as a protective factor against cyberhate, cyberbullying and cyberviolence in dating in secondary school students, supported by the Junta de Andalucía (Spain). 44.200 euros



Z-proso: The Zurich Project on Social Development from Childhood to Adulthood. Reference: 10FI14_170409. Funding entity: National Research Infrastructure funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Principal Investigator: Manuel P. Eisner. Affiliated Entity: University of Cambridge. Grant amount: 1.1 million Swiss Francs (approximately 9,200,000 euros). Start and end date: 2017-2019 (Switzerland).

Online extremism in a cross-national setting. Funding entity: Institute for Society, Culture and Environment (ISCE) 2017-2018. Scholars Program, Principal Investigator: James Hawdon. Grant amount: $29,654. Virginia Tech (USA).

School bullying as a determinant of drug use: A longitudinal study of risk and protective factors. Financing entity: Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare (National Plan on Drugs, Spain). Duration:2020-2023. Referee. 2019I016 (Spain)

Risk and protective factors against cyberhate in Andalusian secondary schools: a longitudinal study-PRY171. Funding entity: Andalusian Studies Center Foundation (Spain). Duration: 04-01-2020/04-01-2022 (Spain)

E-Intelligence: Risks and opportunities of emotional competencies expressed on the network. Ref. PSI2015-64114-R. R&D. Duration: January 1, 2016, to June 30, 2019. Number of researchers: 2 members of the research team. Amount: 28,677 euros. Funding entity: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain)

Inclusive Education in University Teaching. Azuay University. April 1, 2018, to April 1, 2019. (Ecuador)

"José Castillejo" Research Grant (2017-2018) at the University of Cambridge (4 months) to develop the project "Coexistence Plans and their relationship with bullying and cyberbullying" (14,010 euros). Funding entity: Ministry of Education (Spain)

Addiction to ICT: The role of cyber-emotional competencies and Emotional Intelligence. Mapfre Foundation. International Call. January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Izabela Zych. Registration number: BIL/14/ S2 /163. 12,000 euros . .


Promoting the culture of peace in Colombia: advice and training in coexistence and prevention of school and youth violence. University of Cordoba. From: 01/01/2014 Until 12/31/2014. Haro Gimenez. 1450 euros


Stimulation of the comprehensive development of Primary School Students . University of Zulia (Venezuela), University of Córdoba and Venezuelan schools. From: 09/01/2012 Until: 09/01/2013. CEDIP-073-13. María José Ríos. 2000 euros


Cultures, Policies and Practices of Inclusion in Universities: As Voices of Professors ' Trainers. National Council of Scientific and Technological Development- CNPq and LaPEADE, from September 2010 to September 2013. Pereira dos Santos, Mónica. 50,000 Brazilian Reals.


The role given to women in Primary Education textbooks in Morocco and Spain. Comparative Study. Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). From: 01/26/2011 Until: 01/27/2012. A/030059/10. Vicente Llorent Bedmar. 3000 euros


The role given to women in Primary Education textbooks in Morocco and Spain. Comparative Study. Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). From: 01/17/2010 Until: 01/17/2011. A/023211/09. Vicente Llorent Bedmar. 8000 euros


Peace and Non-Violence in Islam: Social behaviors of the Moroccan immigrant population in Andalusia. Junta of Andalusia. From: 04/13/2007 Until: 04/12/2010. P06-SEJ-02257. Vicente Llorent Bedmar. 4,910 euros


The reality of homeless minors: Alternatives for their protection and integration . Junta of Andalusia. 2009-2010. 12 months. Cod 0103. Ángeles Gervilla Castillo. 4,000 euros


The Education of girls and boys in Meknes in Secondary Education from an equitable perspective . Sevilla University. From: 10/01/2009 Until: 10/31/2010. Vicente Llorent Bedmar. 4,000 euros


Inclusion of North African students in Spanish universities: Development of personal skills . General Secretariat of Universities of the Ministry of Education. 2009. 12 months. Salmerón Sánchez, Honorio. 20,955 euros


Socioeconomic impact of educational reforms on teachers na Uniao Europeia. Lusíada Foundation of Lisbon. From: 01/26/2011 Until: 01/27/2012. José Manuel Mata Justo.


Cultures, Policies and Practices of Inclusion in Universities: A focus on initial teacher training. advice National of Scientific and Technological Development- CNPq and LaPEADE . from September 2008 to September 2010. Pereira dos Santos, Mónica. 58,000 Brazilian Reals


Assessment of university students about the services offered at their respective universities. Analysis and comparative study. University of Seville, Córdoba and others. From: 01/01/2006 Until: 09/30/2006. EA2006-0063. Vicente Llorent Bedmar. 12,500 euros


The role given to women in Primary Education textbooks in Morocco and Spain. Study. Compared. AECI. From: 09/01/2005 Until: 09/01/2006. 68/04/P/E. Vicente Llorent Bedmar


Including and integrating the 2nd generation of immigrants from the PALOP'S (African Countries of Official Portuguese Language ) in the perspective of educational and professional success . Lusíada University (Lisbon, Portugal ). From: 09/01/2004 Until: 09/01/2005. José Manuel Mata Justo