
+ Coordinator of Teaching Group 15 “Education, Diversity, ICT & Society"


+ Three five-year periods 

Mention of Teaching Excellence


of teaching innovations in the University of Cordoba

1. From theory to practice with the students of the Degree in Primary Education through school visits. 2021/2022. Coordinator. University of Cordoba.


2. Didactic integration of professional practice in subjects of the Primary Education Degree . 2019/2020. Coordinator. University of Cordoba.


3. Teaching innovation in the Primary Education Degree. Bringing school reality closer to university classrooms . 2018/2019. Coordinator. University of Cordoba.


4. Connecting Primary Education Degree students with their professional future. School visits in the university classroom. 2017/2018. Coordinator. University of Cordoba.


5. Innovative interdisciplinary practical experiences with schools. Bringing the future profession closer and enhancing specific skills in students in the Primary Education Degree . 2016/2017. Coordinator. University of Cordoba.


6. The Faculty of Educational Sciences as an Open Educational Center. Strengthening the professional skills of Primary Education teaching students. 2015/2016. Coordinator. University of Cordoba.


7. Learning through Skills Training. 2014/2015. Specific coordinator. University of Cordoba.


8. Learning through Skills Training. 2013/2014. Specific coordinator. University of Cordoba.


9. The Faculty of Educational Sciences as a Versatile Educational Center. Towards a New Practical Training in the Primary Education Degree . 2012/2013. Coordinator. University of Cordoba.


10. The Faculty of Educational Sciences as a Versatile Educational Center. Towards a New Practical Training in the Primary Education Degree. 2011/2012. Coordinator. University of Cordoba.


11. Training Strategies to Promote Inclusion and Attention to Diversity (Students with Special Educational Needs) II. 2010/2011. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


12. Innovative Approaches in the Teaching of School Organization and General Teaching Subjects in the Specialties of Physical Education, Foreign Language, Musical Education and Special Education for the Teacher Qualification. 2010/2011. Coordinator. University of Cordoba.

13. Innovative Approaches in the Teaching of School Organization and General Teaching Subjects in the Specialties of Physical Education, Foreign Language, Musical Education and Special Education for the Teacher Qualification. 2009/2010. Coordinator. University of Cordoba.

+ Membership of teaching innovations in the University of Cordoba


1. Training Strategies to Promote Inclusion and Attention to Diversity (Students with Special Educational Needs ). 2009/2010. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


2. Innovative Approaches in the Teaching of School Organization and General Teaching Subjects in the Specialties of Physical Education, Foreign Language, Musical Education and Special Education of the Teacher Qualification. 2008/2009. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


3. University and Functional Diversity. 2008/2009. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


4. University and Functional Diversity. 2007/2008. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


5. Theoretical-Practical Integration, Interdisciplinarity and Interprofessional Collaboration around Special Educational Needs. 2007/2008. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


6. University and Disability. 2006/2007. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


7. Determination of the Professional Competencies of the Andalusian Psychopedagogue under the European Perspective under the auspices of the Thought of the Students Receiving the Training. 2006/2007. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


8. Teacher Training: Interdisciplinarity and Collaborative Work to Understand Disability. 2006/2007. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


9. The Validity of the Competencies Marked by the Tuning Project for the Teaching Degree from the Perspective of Andalusian University Students. The case of Córdoba, Granada and Seville. 2006/2007. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


10. The Validity of the Competencies Marked by the Tuning Project for the Teaching Degree from the Perspective of the Cordoban University Students. 2005/2006. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


11. Teacher Training: Interdisciplinarity and Collaborative Work to Understand Disability. 2005/2006. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


12. Development of a Support System for the Teaching of the Subject “Design, Development or Innovation of the Curriculum”, Based on Information and Communication Technologies. 2004/2005. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


13. Improvement of Tutoring as an Educational Strategy in the Face of the Challenges of the Integration of European Higher Education in Teaching and Psychopedagogy Degrees. 2004/2005. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


14. Teacher Training: Interdisciplinarity and Collaborative Work to Understand Disability. 2004/2005. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


15. European Credit and Teaching Students. Comparative Study of the Assessment of its Implementation from the Perspective of Recipient Students (1st of Early Childhood Education) and Non-Recipients (1st of Physical Education). 2004/2005. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


16. Development and Implementation of an Innovative Blended Methodology in the Subject “Training and Psychopedagogical Guidance in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education” of the Psychopedagogy Degree: Blended e -Learning. 2004/2005. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


17. Development of a Support System for the Teaching of the Subject “Design, Development or Innovation of the Curriculum”, Based on Information and Communication Technologies. 2003/2004. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


18. Towards a Contextualization of the Teaching Planning of the Department of Education in the Degree. 2003/2004. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


19. The Training Needs of Teaching Students in the Specialties of Foreign Language and Physical Education around New Technologies. 2003/2004. Collaborator. University of Cordoba.


20. Development of a Support System for the Teaching of the Subject “Design, Development or Innovation of the Curriculum”, Based on Information and Communication Technologies. 2002/2003. Collaborator. University of Cordoba

+ Membership of international teaching innovations

1.       .«Réunion de lancement GEOMAG des Modules FI-GRI, FI-Cartographie et FP-FOR ». Proyecto «Renforcement des capacités en géomatique appliquée à l'agricuLture et à l'environnement en Tunisie – GEOMAG», financiado por la Comisión Europea como parte del programa ERAMUS+ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education. Colaborador. Unviersidad de Córdoba y Gobierno de Túnez. Erasmus + Programme.


2.       Proyect «New Hopes for our Children» por Erasmus + Programme. Gölcük Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (Turkey). Erasmus + Programme. 2019.


3.       Gölcük Meslekive Teknik Andolu Lisesi. Spain/Turkey. Design and Implementation of a Teaching Methodology through the Moodle platform as a tool for the development of the training of Primary School students. Erasmus + Programme. 2010/2011.