
Ph.D. students 

=Ending in 2028=

[17] "Adapting under heat: exploring the effects of heatwaves on seabird foraging ecology and breeding success" Ph.D. work of Pietro Semprebon to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal). 

[16] "Ecology and Conservation of Cabo Verde Purple Heron" Ph.D. work of Adélcio Fernandes to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal). 

[15] "Assessing the Ecological Resilience of Marine Protected Areas in Sal and Santa Luzia, Cabo Verde: Integrating Legal Frameworks, Biodiversity Monitoring, and Stakeholder Collaboration" Ph.D. work of Patricia Rocha to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Corrine Almeida, University of the Atlantic, Cabo Verde). 

[14] "Artificial Light At Night pollution effect on seabirds: identifying nefarious areas and advancing mitigation measures" Ph.D. work of Cátia Gouveia to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal). 


[13] "The osprey (Pandion haliaetus) as indicator of changes in coastal marine ecosystems of Cabo Verde" Ph.D. work of Rosiane Fortes to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal). 


[12] "Are mercury and persistent organic pollutants impairing the physiological condition and life-history of seabirds?" Ph.D. work of Ivo dos Santos (2020.05827.BD) to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Paco Bustamante, University of La Rochelle, France).

[11] "Using seabirds to assess human stressors in coastal and pelagic Marine Nature Reserves" Ph.D. work of Lara Cerveira (2020.07495.BD) to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal).


[10] "Tropical seabirds as indicators of Human stressors and as tools for marine spatial planning in the Tropical Atlantic" Ph.D. work of Diana Matos (SFRH/BD/143659/2019) to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal).

[9] "Assessment of plastic pollution and detrimental effects on wildlife using top predatory birds" Ph.D. work of Sara Veríssimo (SFRH/BD/145827/2019) to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos and Ana Norte, University of Coimbra, Portugal).


[8] "Metagenomic assessment of trophic networks for a sustainable conservation of Cabo Verde Seabirds" Ph.D. work of Ana Carreiro (SFRH/BD/139019/2018) to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal, and Ricardo Lopes, University of Porto, Portugal).


[7] "Tropical seabirds as indicators of Human stressors and as tools for marine spatial planning in the Tropical Atlantic" Ph.D. work of Nathalie Melo to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Teresa Militão, University of Barcelona, Spain).

[6] "Gulls and Humans: an increasingly complicated relationship" Ph.D. work of Joana Faria (SFRH/BD/118861/2016) to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Ana Gonçalves, University of Coimbra, Portugal).

[5] "Cory’s shearwater as an indicator of Human stressors and marine spatial planning in the North Atlantic" Ph.D. work of Jorge Pereira (SFRH/BD/123499/2016) to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Steve Voitier, University of Exeter, UK).


[4] "Distribution, abundance and conservation of the Cabo Verde seabirds" Ph.D. work of Gilson Semedo to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Teresa Militão, University of Barcelona, Spain).

[3] "Seagulls as sentinels of the effectiveness of the Common Fisheries Policy" Ph.D. work of Joana Calado (PD/BD/127991/2016) to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co- supervision with José Vingada, University of Minho, Portugal and Alberto Velando, University of Vigo, Spain).


[2] “Describing the distribution and identifying key areas for pelagic seabirds in Macaronesia: Building the scientific basis for the selection of offshore marine protected areas.” Ph.D work of Iván Ramírez to obtain the doctor degree in Ecology, University of Kiel (Co-supervision with Stefan Garthe, FTZ, University of Kiel).


[1] “Seabird conservation on a latitude gradient: how seabird species from temperate to polar regions react to environmental change and Human stressors” Ph.D work of Lucas Krüger Garcia to obtain the doctor degree in Biology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos and José Xavier, University of Coimbra and Virginia Petry, University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos).

M.Sc. students

=Ending in 2025=

[49] "Microplastics exposure of Kentish plovers and it's diet breeding in salinas and sandy beaches". M. Sc. Work of Leonor Duarte to obtain the master degree in Biological Resources, Territorial Development and Sustainability, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Filipa Bessa, University of Coimbra).

[48] "Effectiveness and adequability of conservation Marine Policies at off Westa Africa in current times and on a Climate Change driven future". M. Sc. Work of Babia Ialá to obtain the master degree in Marine Biology and Climate Changes, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).


[47] "The use of marine top predators in the management of a recently created tropical coastal marine reserve". M. Sc. Work of João Pessoa to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[46] "Home is where I want to be: site fidelity and home range of reintroduced roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)”. M.Sc. work of Diogo Correia to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Rita Torres, University of Aveiro).

[45] Diet, trophic ecology, foraging behaviour and physiological condition of Audouin’s gulls when foraging discards are strongly reduced”. M.Sc. work of Catarina Cascão to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jorge Pereira, University of Coimbra).

[44] "Effects of Artificial Light At-Night (ALAN) on the foraging behaviour of Cory's shearwaters". M. Sc. Work of André Neves to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jorge Pereira, University of Coimbra). 

[43] "Numbers, trophic ecology and inland distribution of Manx shearwater in it's southern breeding range". M. Sc. Work of Gonçalo Rodrigues to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra). 


[42] "Inter-annual variation in between-pair coordination of marine predators from temperate and tropical marine environments". M. Sc. Work of Pedro Patelliere to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Algarve (Co-supervision with Ester Serrao, University of Algarve). 

[41] Linking adult Ichthyaetus audouinii nesting condition and behaviour with at-sea foraging patterns”. M.Sc. work of Rafael Ferreira to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Ana C. Norte, University of Coimbra). 


[40] Identification of candidate pelagic Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) off west Africa: evaluating their effectiveness in protecting marine predators and risk of fishery bycatch”. M.Sc. work of Cecile Trocado to obtain the master degree in the International Master in Applied Ecology (ERASMUS MUNDUS program), University of Coimbra.

[39] "Spatial ecology and diel rythms of urban gulls". M. Sc. Work of Ricardo Reinolds to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra). 

[38] "Exposure to microplastics in pelagic and coastal seabirds from temperate and tropical marine environments". M. Sc. Work of Vitor Hugo Silva to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra). 


[37] "Spatial and trophic ecology of the Cape Verde storm petrel Hydrobates jabejabe". M. Sc. Work of Isabel Rodrigues to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra). 


[36] "Decadal abundance and distribution of the seabird community along the Portuguese coastal". M.Sc. Work of Ana Isabel Fagundes to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Évora (Co-supervision with Rui Lourenço, University of Évora).

[35] "The trophic ecology of the seabird community of Cabo Verde". M.Sc. Work of Catelene Monteiro to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Barcelona (Co-supervision with Teresa Militão, University of Barcelona).

[34] "The effect of omega-3 supplementation on chick growth and foraging ecology of Cory's shearwaters". M. Sc. Work of Sara Santos to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[33] "The effect of omega-3 supplementation on chick growth and foraging ecology of Cape Verde shearwaters". M. Sc. Work of Beatriz Martins to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[32] "Gulls as dispersers of pathogen agents". M.Sc. degree in Veterinary Medicine of Raquel Antunes.


[31] "Fine-scale foraging ecology of a Vulnerable seabird: the deserta's petrel". International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources of Luzia Solothurnmann, Ghent University.

[30] "Isotopic signatures and contaminant concentration on the diet of penguins from Bird Island". M. Sc. Work of Hugo Guímaro to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with José C. Xavier, University of Coimbra).

[29] "Implications of annual and inter-annual changes in productivity for the foraging strategies of Cabo Verde shearwaters". M. Sc. Work of Lara Cerveira to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[28] "Assessing foraging segregation between neighbouring colonies of a marine top predator in a upwelling system". M. Sc. Work of Mafalda Marques to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[27] "Comparing reproductive and behavioural parameters between urban and natural nesting yellow-legged gulls". M. Sc. Work of Rita Soares to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[26] "Do gulls like fast food?". M. Sc. Work of Patrícia Vaz to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[25] "Influence of environmental factors on breeding population size and reproductive parameters of Little Terns". M. Sc. Work of Ana Oliveira to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).


[24] "Seabird-fisheries interactions in the Portuguese coast". M. Sc. Work of Nelson Coito to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[23] "Year-round Feeding Ecology of Yellow-legged Gulls in a gradient of fishery discards' availability". M. Sc. Work of Sara Nujo to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[22] "Mesopelagic fish: the food of the future?". M. Sc. Work of Ivo Santos to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos and Miguel Araújo, University of Coimbra).

[21] "Feeding Ecology of Cabo Verde shearwater". M. Sc. Work of Cristiana Vieira to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).


[20] "Driven by the moon: the foraging behaviour of procellariiforms at night". M. Sc. Work of Eduardo Lobato to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co- supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[19] "Year-round distribution and feeding and trophic ecology of Madeiran storm-petrel at Farilhões, Berlengas". M. Sc. Work of Ana Carreiro to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).


[18] “Foraging ecology of Wandering Albatross". M. Sc. Work of Jorge Pereira to obtain the master degree in Geographic Engineer, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with José Xavier, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[17] “Chick provisioning regulation on a pelagic seabird: is there a coordination between the pair?". M. Sc. Work of Carlos Gonçalves to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[16] “Demographic parameters of seabirds in the North Atlantic along a marine productivity gradient". M. Sc. Work of Henrique Gonçalves to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[15] “How fishery discards affect the spatial and trophic ecology of two gull species breeding in sympatry". M. Sc. Work of Diana Matos to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[14] “Breeding success and feeding ecology of Little Tern (Sternula albifrons) in Ria Formosa, Algarve”. M. Sc. Work of Ana Correia to obtain the master degree in Biology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).


[13] “Contrasting foraging strategies of two populations of a seabird predator of the North Atlantic”. M.Sc. work of Milton Avalos to obtain the master degree in the International Master in Applied Ecology (ERASMUS MUNDUS program), University of Coimbra (Co- supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[12] "Environmental driven sexual segregation in a marine predator." M. Sc. Work of Justin Pereira to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[11] "The trophic and feeding ecology of two gull species breeding in sympatry." M. Sc. Work of Joana Calado to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).


[10] “The impact of the abandonment of Human salt-pans on the nesting habitat selection by estuarine birds”. M. Sc. Work of Catarina Lopes to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[9] “How the at-sea distribution of a seabird flagship species may help to understand the usefulness of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as a tool for marine conservation”. M. Sc. Work of Joana Faria to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[8] "Spatial Ecology of Yellow-legged Gulls". M. Sc. Work of Rahel Borrmann to obtain the master degree in Environmental Management, University of Kiel, Gemany (Co-supervision with Stefan Garthe, University of Kiel, Gemany).


[7] “At-sea behaviour of a pelagic predator on its wintering grounds”. M.Sc. work of Rogério Missagia to obtain the master degree in the International Master in Applied Ecology (ERASMUS MUNDUS program), University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[6] “Breeding Ecology of Macaronesian shearwaters” M. Sc. Work of Urtelinda Ramos to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[5] “Foraging Ecology of Cory’s shearwater breeding in Porto Santo islets” M. Sc. Work of Margarida Soares to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).


[4] “The role of breeding experience on the foraging specialization of a pelagic marine predator, the Cory's shearwater” M.Sc. work of Fredrik Duvholt Haug to obtain the master degree in the International Master in Applied Ecology (ERASMUS MUNDUS program), University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[3] “Foraging ecology and at-sea usage of Yellow-legged Gull in the Portuguese coast” M.Sc. work of Vera Fidalgo to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co- supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra.


[2] “Nest site selection and breeding parameters of Little Shearwaters in the North Atlantic” M.Sc. work of Enrico Favaro to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra). 


[1] “Pre-breeding period in Cory’s shearwater: bird quality and foraging behaviour” M.Sc. work of Antje Chiu Werner to obtain the master degree in the International Master in Applied Ecology (ERASMUS MUNDUS program), University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

ERASMUS & internship students

=Ending in 2024=

[15] "Microplastics occurence and transference along a marine foodweb". Work of Luís Lopes, University of Coimbra

= 2023=

[14] "Effect of restriction of access to anthropogenic food sources on the diet ecology of Yellow-legged gulls". Work of Pedro Jorge, University of Coimbra

[13] "Bill coloration as a measure of fitness and physiological condition in seabirds". Work of Rafael Medeiros, University of Coimbra

[12] "Patterns of microplastic pollution: from water samples, to fishes and seabirds". Work of Francisca Baptista, University of Coimbra

= 2022=

[11] "Historical Little tern diet composition trends". Work of Sofia Agra, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University od Coimbra, Portugal)

[10] "Changes in fitness measures between populations and species of Gulls". Work of Juliana Seco, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University od Coimbra, Portugal)

[9] "Microplastics occurence and transference along a marine foodweb". Work of André Neves, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University od Coimbra, Portugal)

[8] "Historial gull diet composition trends". Work of Afonso Siqueira, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal)


[7] "Diet of yellow-legged gulls through pellet analysis". Work of Maria Morgado de Sousa, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal)


[6] "Prevalence of cocid infection on domestic and wild passerines". Work of Yana Wolfs (ERASMUS student), University of Gent (Co-supervision with Brita Muysen, University of Gent, Belgium).


[5] "The lipid profile of a tropical seabird community". Work of Elisa Naessens (ERASMUS student), University of Gent (Co-supervision with Brita Muysen, University of Gent, Belgium).


[4] "Seabirds as indicators of plastic pollution". Work of Lisa Schilman (ERASMUS student), University of Gent (Co-supervision with Brita Muysen, University of Gent, Belgium).


[3] "Trophic and fatty acid ecology of seabirds". Work of Thomas Benoot (ERASMUS student), University of Gent (Co-supervision with Brita Muyssen, University of Gent, Belgium).

[2] "Seasonal variation in gull diet within mainland Portugal". Work of Jessica Treble (ERASMUS student), University of Cardiff (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Renata Medeiros, University of Cardiff, UK).


[1] "Trophic ecology of a tropical seabird community". Work of Naomi Treble (ERASMUS student), University of Cardiff (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Renata Medeiros, University of Cardiff, UK).