Lecturing & Editorial


[2023 - ] Evolutionary Biogeography and Spatial Modelling, Master degree in Ecology and International Master in Applied Ecology, Univ. of Coimbra.

[2023 - ] Ecological Restoration: rivers and coastal systems. Advanced course for Biology students, University of Coimbra

[2023 - ] Introduction to Coastal and Marine Ornithology. First degree in Marine Biology, University of Algarve

[2022 - ] Coastal and Marine Ornithology. Master degree in Marine Biology, University of Algarve

[2022 - ] Introduction to Marine Policy, Master degree in Marine Biology and Global Changes, Univ. of Coimbra.

[2006 - ] Biodiversity Conservation and Management, Master degree in Ecology and International Master in Applied Ecology, Univ. of Coimbra.

[2006 - ] Conservation Biology, First degree in Biology, Univ. of Coimbra.

[2009 - 2013] Biostatistics, First degree in Biology, Univ. of Coimbra.

[2014] Invited lecturer to the workshop "Applied Statistics in Biology" at Institute of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon.

[2010] Advanced Ph.D course in Biosciences, Univ. of Coimbra: “The role of stable isotopes in Ecology”.

Academic Juries


[2022] Jorge Pereira, University of Coimbra (Portugal). Title: "Cory’s shearwater as an indicator of Human stressors and marine spatial planning in the North Atlantic"

[2021] Julia Finger, University of Unisinos (Brazil). Title: "Habitat use of southern giant petrels: potential environmental monitors of the Antarctic Peninsula"

[2021] Billy Mills, University of Exeter (UK). Title: "Seabird demography, foraging ecology and trophic niches to support applied conservation actions in the Antactic region"

[2021] Hélder Araújo, University of Vigo (Spain). Title: "Airplane-based abundance and distribution of seabirds off western Iberia - monitoring towards conservation."

[2021] Amaia Diaz, University of Bilbao (Spain). Title: "Beyond environmental drivers: the role of biotic interactions in driving top predators’ distribution and abundance".

[2021] Andrés de la Cruz, University of Cádiz (Spain). Title: "Habitat and population modelling for the conservation of seabirds".

[2021] Gilson Semedo, University of Coimbra (Portugal). Title: "Distribution, abundance and conservation of the Cabo Verde seabirds".

[2019] Isabel García-Barón, University of Bilbao (Spain). Title: "Integrating marine megafauna into ecosystem- based management: a multidisciplinary approach applied to southern European waters".

[2019] José Costa, University of Coimbra (Portugal). Title: "The structure and disruption of mutualistic networks".

[2018] Edna Correia, University of Lisbon (Portugal). Title: "Small pelagics, predatory fish and seabirds: trophic and behavioural interactions in a marine protected area in GuineaBissau".

[2017] Marisa Isabel da Silva Gomes, University of Coimbra (Portugal). Title: "Birds in interfaces: The role of riparian bird communities in ecosystem processes".

[2017] Pedro Rodrigues, University of Aveiro (Portugal). Title: "Seabird distribution as a tool for marine conservation".

[2016] Isabel Afán, University of Barcelona (Spain). Title: "Ecological response of marine predators to environmental heterogeneity and spatio-temporal variability in resource availability". 

[2013] Hany Alonso, University of Coimbra (Portugal). Title: "Feeding Ecology of Cory's shearwater".


[2023] Roger Casado, Polytechnique University of Leiria, (Marine School Peniche). Title: “Accumulation of microplastics in North Atlantic sharks: causes, potential effects, and bioremediation strategies” (Opponent).

[2023] Bianca Ribeiro, University of UNISINOS (Brazil). Title: “The impact of multiple stresses on seabirds' extinction risk” (Opponent).

[2022] Vitor Silva, University of Coimbra. Title: “Exposure to microplastics in pelagic and coastal seabirds from temperate and tropical marine environments” (Supervisor).

[2022] Bernardo Machado, University of Coimbra. Title: "Are male's roars honest signs of body size in Cervus elaphus hispanicus?" (Opponent).

[2022] Cécile Trocado, University of Coimbra. Title: “Identification of candidate pelagic Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) off west Africa: evaluating their effectiveness in protecting marine predators and risk of fishery bycatch” (Supervisor).

[2022] Inês Silva, University of Coimbra. Title: "Activity patterns of red and roe deer: differences between sexes" (Opponent).

[2021] Luís Resende, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Title: "Winter activity of swifts (Ptyonoprogne rupestris) in Vila Real. It is related with the abundance of prey, climatological condition or both?" (Opponent).

[2019] Maria Santos, University of Coimbra. Title: "Seabirds as biomonitors of metal contamination and environmental health in the North Atlantic" (Opponent).

[2018] Manuela Nunes, University of Coimbra. Title: "Mechanisms explaining the distribution of juvenile Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia" (Opponent).

[2017] Roberto Mendes, University of Coimbra. Title: "Foraging ecology of Yellow-legged gulls with a marine strategy" (Opponent).

[2017] Filipa Mendes, University of Coimbra. Title: "The impact of introduced animals and plants on the São Tomé seed-dispersal network".

[2015] Danijela Dimitrijevic, University of Coimbra. Title: "Antarcitc food-webs".

[2014] Maria Alho, University of Lisbon. Title: "Movements and migratory activity of a pelagic bird: the bulwer's petrel (Bulweria bulweria)".

[2014] Tiago Valente, University of Coimbra. Title: "Feeding ecology of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua at Livingston Island (Antarctic)".

[2012] Sue Bloom, University of Coimbra. Title: “Behaviour ecology of white chinned petrels: feeding and diving ecology and its implications in conservation” (Opponent).

[2012] Vera Romão, University of Coimbra. Title: “Trophic Ecology of Pelagic and Coastal Seabirds” (Opponent).

[2010] Antje Chiu Werner, University of Coimbra. Title: “Pre-breeding period in Cory’s shearwater: bird quality and foraging behaviour” (Opponent).

[2010] Pedro Amorim, University of Coimbra. Title: “Dieta e Ecologia Alimentar de Garajau-rosado (Sterna dougallii) no Oceano Índico” (Opponent).

Editorial Board

Peer-review activity

=ISI journals=

Airo [7 manuscripts]; Animal Behaviour [2]; Aquatic Conservation; Ardea; Ardeola; Behavioural Ecology; Behavioural Processes; Biological Conservation; Biology Letters; Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology; Biology Letters; Birds; Bird Study [2]; Bird Conservation International; CBM - Cahiers de Biologie Marine; Climate Research; Zoology; Deep-Sea Research Part I; Deep-Sea Research Part II; Diversity; Diversity and Distribution; Ecography [2] ;Current Zoology; Ecological Modelling [2]; Ecological Indicators [27]; Ecosphere [2]; Emu -Austral Ornithology; Endangered Species Research [2]; Environmental Pollution [3] ; Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science [4]; Frontiers in Marine Science [3]; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution [2]; Global Ecology and Conservation [2]; Hydrobiologia [2]; Ibis [11]; ICES Journal of Marine Science; Italian Journal of Zoology [2]; Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International; Journal of Avian Biology [5]; Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology; Journal of Filed Ornithology [4]; Journal of Ornithology [2]; Journal of the Royal Society Interface [3]; Journal of Sea Research [2]; Journal of Visualized Experiments; Journal of Zoology [2]; Marine Ecology Progress Series [29]; Marine Environmental Research [2]; Environmental Pollution [2]; Marine Biology [4]; Marine Pollution Bulletin; Northeastern Naturalist; Oikos; Ornis Fennica; PCI Ecology; Peerage of Science; PLoS ONE [11]; Population Ecology [2]; Ringing & Migration; Royal Society of Open Science [2]; Science of the Total Environment [3]; Science Matters; Scientific Reports [3]; The Science of Nature; The Wilson Journal of Ornithology; Web Ecology.

=Evaluator of international projects=

[2022] Icelandic Research Fund, Iceland

[2020-2022] Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Serbia

[2021] National Research and Development Agency (ANID) of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of Chile, Chile 

[2020] French Polar Institute, France

[2020] European Science Foundation Grants, France

[2020] NWO Scientific Grants, Netherlands

[2019] Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Netherlands

[2017] National Geographic Grants Program, USA

[2016] Chilean Antarctic Institute, INACH, Chile

[2014] California Sea Grant Program - University of California, USA

[2014] Project Final Report: "Identification of foraging areas of little tern around breeding colony Special Protection Areas (SPAs)" conducted by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) - UK governmental organization

[2011] Member of the international peer reviewer panel for the joint call of the European ERA-Net Scheme (http://www.netbiome.org/) - (2 projects)