
International Funding


[2024-2025] Services rendered to conduct a study on the interactions between seabirds, seaturtles and artisanal fisheries in Cabo Verde (West Africa). Funding: BirdLife International (100 K€)

[2019-2024] LIFE Ilhas Barreira - Conserving the Barrier Islands in Algarve to protect priority species and habitat. (Associated beneficiary). Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE18 NAT/PT/000927). (2.3 M€)

[2017-2022] Conservation of Seabirds from Cape Verde. (Associated beneficiary). Funding: MAVA - Foundation pour La Nature (MAVA17022). (3.1 M€)

[2013-2014] Trophic ecology and at-sea movements of the endangered Bugio's petrel. Funding: British Ornithologists' Union. (2 K€)

[2011-2012] Feeding ecology and at-sea movements of Macaronesian Shearwaters (Puffinus baroli) in the North Atlantic. Funding: British Ornithologists' Union. (2 K€)


[2024-2025] SEANIMALMOVE - Monitoring the movement and population dynamics of marine vertebrate facing antropogenic impacts in a global change scenario. Funding: NextGenerationEU (Junta Andalucía) (243 K€)

[2023-2026]  Sustainable management of Iberian sandy beaches and wetlands: the conservation of kentish plover as a tool to conciliate human uses and biodiversity. (Associated beneficiary). Funding: INTERREG EU (INTERREG POPTEC 0123_IBERALEX_6_E) (1.4 M€)

[2023-2026] SEAGHOSTS – The global spatial ecology and conservation of the world’s smallest and elusive seabirds, the storm petrel (Hydrobatidae & Oceanitidae), across the Mediterranean and the North East Atlantic Ocean. Funding: Biodiversa+

[2023-2024] Update the conservation status of the endemic and Critically Endangered Santiago Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea bournei) from Cabo Verde. Funding: Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF). (Associated beneficiary) (73K€)

[2021-2025] LIFE Nature@night - Reducing and mitigating Light Pollution impact in Natura 2000 areas in Macaronesia. (Collaborator and scientific consultant). Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE20 NAT/PT/001098) (3.0 M€)

[2021-2026] LIFE Pterodromas4future - Improving the conservation status of two Pterodroma petrels endemic to the Madeira archipelago. (Collaborator and scientific consultant). Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE20 NAT/PT/001277) (1.8 M€)

[2017-2023] Planning in a Liquid World with tropical stakes. Solutions from a EU-Africa-Brasil collaborative network. Funding: European Commission - A3 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange. H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016. (1.7 M€)

[2022-2025] LIFE-Pan Puffinus - Improving the conservation status of endemic Balearic and Yelkouan shearwaters by ensuring safe land and sea (Collaborator and scientific consultant). Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE19 NAT/MT/000982) (3.4 M€)

[2021-2022] Conservation of seabirds from Baia do Inferno, Santiago Island, Cabo Verde. Funding: Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF). (Collaborator) (100K€)

[2018] Preventing Extinctions Programme (PEP) - Species Guardian Scheme - Pterodroma deserta. (Collaborator). Funding: BirdLife International (6K€)

[2015-2018] EuroSAP - Coordinated Efforts for International Species Recovery. (Collaborator and scientific consultant). Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE14 PRE/UK/000002)

[2014-2015] Preventing Extinctions Programme (PEP) - Species Guardian Scheme - Oceanodroma monteiroi. (Collaborator and scientific consultant). Funding: BirdLife International (10 K€)

[2014-2018] Berlengas – Conserving threatened habitats and species in Berlengas SPA through sustainable management. (Collaborator and scientific consultant). Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE13 NAT/PT/000458). (1.4 M€)

[2013-2017] LIFE RECOVER NATURA - Recovery of the species and land habitats of the Natura 2000 sites Ponta de São Lourenço and Desertas Islands. (Collaborator and scientific consultant). Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE12 NAT/PT/000195). (1.3 M€)

[2011-2015] MARPRO – Conservation of Marine Protected Species in Mainland Portugal. (Collaborator and scientific consultant). Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE09 NAT/PT/000038)

[2010-2014] FAME – The Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment. (Collaborator). Funding: INTERREG EU (2009-1/089)

[2010-2014] Recovering biodiversity of Ilhéus do Porto Santo. (Collaborator). Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE09 NAT/PT/000041)

[2009-2012] Safe Islands for Seabirds. (Collaborator). Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE07+NAT/PT/000649)

[2005-2009] Important Areas for Seabirds in Portugal. (Collaborator). (LIFE04 NAT/PT/000213)

[2008] Marine Important Bird Areas in Italy. Coordinated by LIPU – BirdLife partner in Italy. (Collaborator). Funding: Italian Environmental Ministry

[2007] Yelkouan shearwater project. Coordinated by BirdLife Malta – BirdLife partner in Malta. (Collaborator). Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE06 NAT/MT/000097)

[2005] Small Cetaceans of the Atlantic and North Sea, LIFE-SCANS II. University of St. Andrews, Oxford, UK. (Contracted filed assistant). Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE04 NAT/GB/000245)

National Funding


[2016-2017] SEAPLAS - Seabirds as indicators of plastic exposure from neritic to oceanic and temperate to tropical environments. Funding: FCT (5 K €)


[2022-2023] (Less)PlasticBrain: Bio Replacing Plasticizers – Impact in the Human Brain Development (Team member). Coordinated by CNC - Centre of Neuroscience and Cell Biology. Funding: University of Coimbra.  (20K €)

[2015] Ecosystem services of Marine Protected Areas indicators in estuarine ecosystems. (collaborator and scientific consultant) Coordinated by SPEA - Portuguese BirdLife International partner. Funding: Gulbenkian Foundation

[2012-2017] Avaliação da avifauna na área de influência do Aeroporto de Faro e medidas de conservação de avifauna nidificante, em particular da chilreta, Sternula albifrons. Coordinated by IMAR and ICNF - Parque Natural da Ria Formosa. Funding: ANA Aeroportos

[2004] Feeding and Reproductive Ecology of Little Terns in order to generate ecological (Contracted field assistant). Funding: FCT (37385/BSE/2001)

[2004] Field assistant (volunteer regime) of the project Habitat selection by Pin-tailed Sandgrouses (Pterocles alchata), in order to manage part of that area to allow better feeding, resting, and reproductive habitats for the conservation of this endangered species

[2003] Feeding and Reproductive Ecology of Little Terns in order to generate ecological indicators in estuarine ecosystems. (Volunteer field assistant). Funding: FCT (37385/BSE/2001)