Red Sector

You are now in Red Sector.  Please alight here for the Babylon 5 Commercial Zone, including the Zocalo open market, the Babylon 5 Emporium, the Psi Corps Office, the Casino and the MedLab 2 Facility.  There is much to see; and we hope we can cater to all your shopping and entertainment needs.

Personal and family accomodation is available in many different gravity environments, ranging from economy to business and first-class suites.  Syndicate rooms may be booked for that all-important business meeting and you may hire a licensed commercial telepath to monitor any business transaction.

It is like being nibbled to death by... what are those Earth creatures?  Webbed feet, go "quack"?


It is like being nibbled to death by cats!

In the Transport Tube

You never know who you might meet in a transport tube.  Nor be able to make any sense of what they are saying.

If you want to know more about Babylon 5 before you start your exploration, you may like to use the BabCom terminal, which may offer useful information.