Psi Corps

You have entered the offices of Psi Corps, on Red 4.  The reception is somewhat austere, spartanly furnished with framed posters hanging on the walls, bearing such slogans as:  Trust the Corps and The Corps is Mother, the Corps is FatherPsi Corps is the division of EarthGov that regulates the safe practice of psi skills among humans.  These include telepathy, the ability to read minds; empathy, the ability to perceive and affect emotional states; glyphing, the ability to project images; mindcasting, the ability to project verbal instructions; and even telekenesis, the ability to move objects by the power of the mind.   Anybody showing these latent skills is obliged by law to attend a Psi Corps assessment centre. 

Psi Cop Alfred Bester

A man you had seen earlier patrolling the corridors outside is sitting at a desk.  He seems to ignore you at first.  This is Alfred Bester, who visits Babylon 5 from time to time, on Psi Corps business.  With his high P12 psi-rating, he is able to subdue and control rogue telepaths and return them to the proper care of the Corps. This is his duty as a Psi Cop.  He looks up.

"Hello.  How can I help you?"

His welcoming greeting seems to be at odds with his intense demeanour.  Alfred Bester is fiercely loyal to the Psi Corps, having been raised by the Corps from a child.  He will go to any lengths to fight for the rights of telepaths, even at the expense of mundanes.  It is not known how far his authority reaches..

Psi Scan:   So, to perform a psi scan, you do exactly as you are now. You have to scan in the region of your subject's head, moving around until you sense a flicker or change. Then, you simply push harder until the thought emerges, fully-formed. 

Latent Telepathy Assessment

So you would like to be assessed to see if you have any latent skills as a telepath?  We can soon find out, if you would just relax for a moment...

Psi Scan:  Hello.  I wonder if you are receiving this?  I'm sending it to your audio centres, in the hope that you'll be able to screen out the message against all the background noise.  I'm not pushing too hard, otherwise even a mundane would be able to tell that I was messing with his mind.  Just focus a little more...  Yes, that's right.

Well, this is excellent news! You may be a telepath after all.  Most latents suffer a mind-burst and some pass out.  Well, the good news is that I'm enrolling you in the Psi Corps, with immediate effect. You must belong, by the laws of EarthGov, as we can't have untrained rogues scanning the minds of everyone they meet.

Psi Corps Geneva Headquarters

That's all for now.  If you really are a telepath, you will return to our training centre in Geneva on the next flight.  Psi Corps will pay all of your expenses, for life! Remember - The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father.

Are you leaving now?  Or did you want to stay and find out more about the Psi Corps?