Policing the Psi Corps

Out of curiosity, you have stayed behind in the Psi Corps Office.  The Psi Cop you saw previously is now working at his desk, and seems to have forgotten you...   But then, he turns back to you and starts talking, as if you were now a friend.  

Black Omega Squadron

Of course, the Psi Corps has its own military division, Black Omega Squadron.  Here's one of our fighters, the Black Omega variant of the Mitchell-Hyundyne SA-23E Starfury.

It has some special adaptations, including increased stealth capabilities, not just to make the ship hard to detect, but also to shield our mind from the rogue telepaths that we have to track down.  Otherwise, it has the same capabilities and firepower as the regular Aurora Starfury.  Lieutenant Commander Ivanova may be able to tell you more, if you can find her.

All pilots in Black Omega Squadron must be Psi Cops with a psi-rating of P12 or higher.  You would not want your quarry to overwhelm your mind.

Psi Attack and Defence

When you enrol with Psi Corps back in the EarthDome at Geneva, we will induct you into all the ways of the Corps.  It is important to trust your teachers and your fellow telepaths.  After all, we are a scarce resource, unlike the mundanes.

One of the skills we will teach you is psychic attack and defence.  An unregulated teep could attempt to invade your mind, which is an unpleasant experience.  We teach you how to strengthen your defences against such an attack.