Medlab Two

You just walked into Medlab 2 in Red Sector,where you run into Dr Stephen Franklin, the Chief Medical Officer of Babylon 5.  Doctor Franklin is a brilliant physician and Xenobiologist, who has pioneered many new medical procedures, based on alien medicine.  He gained his unique medical experience as a young man by hitch-hiking on alien transports and offering his services for free.  But sometimes, his work does not just involve saving lives...

Xenobiological Research

What am I working on?  Well, I was brought a collection of alien artifacts from an archaeological dig on Ikarra 7.  I've been checking these in the medical scanners to see what I can find out about them.  You see, we suspect that these artifacts may be organic in nature.  Organic technology is something that only a few races have mastered.  

So far as we know, the Vorlons have organic technology - some people think their spaceships are actually alive! Maybe the Minbari have organic tech too; we just don't know.  Now, if this were organic, and if I could only crack the DNA code...

Alien Technology

You see what's on that gurney over there?  That's the collection of alien artifacts that were brought in by IPX this morning.  Who is IPX?  Well, IPX stands for Interplanetary Expeditions.  It's a large Earth conglomerate that makes money by scavenging dead worlds, looking for alien technology. 

What's their bye-line, something like: "Investigating the past to build a better future".  Well, archaeology is a big business these days.  IPX has a fleet of science and research vessels that go out on the deep range.  Sometimes they come back with stories of long-dead alien civilizations, and ancient technology.

Medical Scanner

Now, I'm using the hand-held medscanner to penetrate below the skin of this thing, whatever it is.  I normally use this on live patients, to see how their internal injuries are healing.  It's a multi-functional tool really.  

At the moment, I've got it on a low setting, just so I can see inside the surface of this thing.  I'm beginning to get some information about the structure of this device, whatever it is.  The results show up on the screen over there...

Organic Technology

Yes, it's definitely organic. Look, these things here are rod and cone cells!  The device uses organic technology to sense light! It can actually see, the way we do!  That's amazing.  I wonder what the power source for the device is?  Maybe it's another of those artifacts on the trolley.  I'm definitely going to have to call the Commander about this; it's potentially a whole new scientific field.

Would you excuse me now?  I'm sorry this has been a bit rushed. I've got to see the Commander now; and get some kind of quarantine on these artifacts.