Blue Sector

You are now in Blue Sector.  Blue Sector is the northern terminus.  Please alight here for the Docking Bays, the Station Commander's Office, the Babylon 5 Council Chamber and the Xenobiological Research Centre at Medlab 1.  Other areas are restricted to Babylon 5 Station personnel.

EarthForce officers may alight here for Command and Control, the Observation Dome, Officers' Quarters and the Cobra Bays.  Use the Transport Tube elevator to visit different levels in Blue Sector. 

Psi Scan:  Wanna share my favourite thing in the universe ?

Psi Scan:  In your dreams, Garibaldi.

If you want to know more about Babylon 5 before you start your exploration, you may like to use the BabCom terminal, which may offer useful information.