The Casino

You have just walked into the Casino, a huge gambling emporium.  A strange, portly fellow with an impressive fantail of a headdress approaches you, smiling enthusiastically...  With a shock, you realise that it is Ambassador Londo Mollari, of the Centauri Republic.  Londo comes from the noble House of Mollari on Centauri Prime, but he was passed over for all the important political offices.  His posting as the diplomatic envoy to Babylon 5 is considered a joke, back home, since the bookmakers' odds did not expect the station to survive for more than a year...

Night Life on Babylon 5

Aaahhh! Hello, my good friend!  Let me welcome you to this place, the centre of delights on Babylon 5.  Is this not wonderful, a veritable palace of chance, a temple worthy of Ilaros, goddess of luck?  Oh, Mertana! Mertana!  Light of my life!  Bring a drink for my new Earther friend here - tell me, what was your name again?

Yeeesss, you see?  There is a secret to winning here, a knack that I have learned through dedicated and persistent observation of the gaming tables.  You see this game over here? It is the wheel of fortune; and if the goddess of fortune smiles on your luck, your life will be changed!  Really!

And over here, we have the null-pool table, my favourite game.  You must really try this now!  It works like that Earther game called... what was that game called?  It had that strange name, sounding like some vulgar bodily function...  Oh, never mind. Anyways, the game works like this...

Oh, here's your drink. Yes, on my tab, Mertana.  Pardon?  You won't accept my credit?  Well, I'm sure my new friend here will be happy to help out, won't you?  Oh, it's just a little drink, thank-you, I know you won't regret doing this for me; I can just tell we're going to be the best of friends.

Yes, Mertana, take this credit-chit instead.  Now, what was I telling you?  Aaaaahh yes, it was about this game.  Well, all you really need to know is that the numbers come up with equal frequency, so if you have any sense at all, you remember what has not been played so far.  It's easy, look, let me show you...

Yes, I will need to borrow your credit-chit again; but do not worry, we shall soon win more than enough.  We will have ducats and ducats to spare, just you see!

What, you mean you cannot stay?  Oh, but that is outrageous! We have only just met!  Mertana, fetch my good friend another drink.  They are feeling a bit peaky, these Earthers, and need more refreshment!

Carry on having fun in the Casino?  Or go home?