Lured into a Game

Against your better judgement, you have remained in the Casino, in the dubious company of Londo Mollari, the Centauri Ambassador, who is now considerably more drunk than at the start...   In his soul, Londo is a patriot, and longs to see the Centauri Republic returned to its former glory.  However, he is prone to despair over the decline of the Republic and the ineptitude of its government and prefers to lose himself in the worldly pleasures of gambling, drink and beautiful women.

Down on Your Luck

So, you lost again on the null-pool table?  Ohhh, deearrr, never mind!  What goes around, comes around, as you Earthers like to say.

What do you mean, it was I who lost all that money?  But I was teaching you how to play the game, yeeesss?  And whose money was it that we were spending?  It was your credit-chit, after all.  I have merely been exercising my diplomatic role as the bringer of joy to this sad and unexciting place.

Look, why don't you try the wheel of fortune over here?  I'm sure that Ilaros will smile on you, eventually...

What, you mean you cannot stay?  Oh, but you must learn how to lighten up and relax just a little!  Mertana, fetch my good friend another drink.  Really, these Earthers can sometimes be quite bad-tempered, and need alcohol to adjust their personality.

Cheating at Cards

Stepping away from Ambassador Mollari, you take a walk around the Casino to see the Wheel of Fortune in action.  This seems to be a straightforward game of probability; but the chances of winning are only one in thirty-two.  

Later, you walk back to the card table where Mollari is engaged in his next plan to win back some of the Centauri ducats that he lost earlier at the null-pool table.  He is holding up a hand of cards.  But then you notice something odd.  A tentacle-like appendage reaches out from under his coat and slaps down stickily on the discard pile.  It whips away the top facing card, just as Mollari fakes a cough to hide the movement.  

What was that appendage?  Is Ambassador Mollari actually cheating at cards?  Should you do anything about it?

Carry on having more fun?  Or go home?