Dark Star

Despite your nagging conscience, you have remained in the dubious company of Londo Mollari, the Centauri Ambassador, who is now very drunk and is leading you by the hand through the Casino to the neighbouring establishment.  This is the Dark Star, and it seems to be an exotic dancing club.  Londo seeks out a table near the front of the stage and waits in anticipation for his favourite performer.  Then the music starts...

Exotic Dancer

This is what I have been waiting for.  Sit down.  Sit!

Aaah, my good friend!  Is she not exquisite?  Is she not divine?  This, my dear Earther friend, is Adira Tyree!  I have long awaited her arrival from Centauri Prime.  She is the most celebrated dancer of her generation.  Look, look - you will not be disappointed when she starts her performance.

Aaah, my dear Earther friend!  Do you not think that the female is the finest accomplishment among all of the Great Maker's creations?  On this, we could all agree, yes?

My eyes could feast on her beauty for days and I would never tire of it.  When she dances, she is so sincere in her performance, as she looks into your eyes.  It is as if she is dancing just for you!

Have you got some spare ducats?  It is a tradition here to throw gifts onto the stage, to show your appreciation.  Would you buy some Star Laces for me?  I seem to be short of the necessary credits.

You do not know what they are?  Star Laces are flowering plants from the planet Davo.  They have beautiful blossoms that glow with their own inner bioluminescent light!  They are considered a luxury, as they are very hard to grow away from their homeworld.

Do you not think that Star Laces would be the most suitable gift for such a beauty?  Never mind the expense!  After all, she is also from Davo, a beautiful thing that cannot thrive away from home.

Adira Tyree

So you do not know?  I have followed her professional career since she became a dancer.

Yes, Adira Tyree was born into a low house in the Centauri Republic - not one of any great standing or nobility.  She struggled to break free of the low esteem in which her family were held.  The family fell on hard times and she could hardly earn a living.

Eventually, she became contracted as a slave to the Golian called Trakis.  Yes, Golians are one of our client species that the Centauri Republic acquired in the olden days, but they live as free citizens in the Republic now.

Slavery is wrong?  No, no - it was all legally contracted, under the laws of the Centauri Republic.  Anyways, Trakis had her train as a dancer.  I suppose he thought he could use her to increase his influence.

Aaah, Adira, love of my life!  How I wish I could take you away from all of this.  I would make you a free woman again.

You know, we Centauri never marry for love.  It is always arranged by our families.  I have three wives:  Pestilence, Famine and Death!   But I would give them all up to spend one day with Adira Tyree... 

Go back to the Casino?  Or go home?