Dark Star Incident

Wanting to report what you just overheard about the practice of slavery, you decide to find Babylon 5 Securitythe nearest Station House is on Red 7, which is not surprising, given the proximity of shady dives such as the Dark Star exotic club.  Babylon 5 Security Chief Michael Garibaldi is on duty here, looking over the vid feeds on his monitoring station.  A career EarthForce officer, who was busted several times back to the ranks for insubordination, Garibaldi doesn't suffer fools gladly.  But he is exactly the right man to deal with any infractions of the station regulations.  You report what you overheard about Adira Tyree being contracted as a slave to the Golian Trakis...

Reporting Slavery

Oh crap!  So the Centauri are bringing female slaves onto the station again?  Don't they know that this goes against the Babylon 5 Accords that govern their membership of the Babylon 5 Advisory Council?  We don't tolerate slavery being practised anywhere that falls under Human jurisdiction.

So tell me more.  The owner is a Golian called Trakis.  Let me find him on the station logs.  Okay, so he came in from Golus III five days ago, with his cargo shipped in a container accompanied by his chattel, the woman Adira Tyree.  That is how she is registered on the system, as a chattel!

I can use this record to search for her legal status.  Here we are...  She was legally contracted as a slave, according to the laws of the Centauri Republic, one year ago on Davo.  Damn it!  This means that we can't intervene.  If she was contracted off-world, all of this falls under the local jurisdiction of the planetary laws of Davo and the Centauri Republic.

Thanks for reporting this.  I'll keep a special eye out for Trakis, just to make sure he doesn't try anything on.  If he so much as abuses a hair of that poor woman's head, I'll be...   No, wait a minute, she's a Centauri.  She doesn't have any hair.  But you get my gist. 

I'm sure you know your way around now.  Just follow the exit signs to get back to where you were.

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