Elementary Libraries

A collection of resources for elementary educators

General Resources

Beginning Readers 4 Everyone

This is a virtual space for gathering and creating books for beginning readers. Explore our collection of guided eReaders that are both professionally published and written by users like you.


Contributed by: Morgan TaylorCitation:Taylor, M. (n.d.). Home. Readers4everyone. https://morganjstaylor.wixsite.com/readers4everyone

Harry Potter Resources for Teachers

Harry Potter is still popular with middle school students, 20 years after J.K. Rowling’s first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, was published. Give Potter fans a chance to explore Harry’s World through these resources:

The Harry Potter Lexicon is an extensive and delightful library of all things related to the world of Harry Potter. Start exploring!!

Harry Potter Digital Escape Room is a google form which takes students through a fun team building activity to complete, testing library skills along the way.

Contributed by: UnknownCitation:Harry Potter Lexicon. (n.d.). Harry Potter Lexicon. https://www.hp-lexicon.org/Hogwarts Digital Escape Room. (n.d.). Google Docs. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSflNxNM0jzbZJjUqOcXkwhGTfii4CM_CA3kCxImbY8c3AABEA/viewform

Student Resources

No-and Low-Tech Backpacks as Outreach

No-and-Low tech backpacks are a concept to create outreach for under served populations. The backpacks are part of a program for creating outreach to under served populations by The ALSC. In the toolkit found for this particular program there are ideas for resources concerning students with autism and sensory processing disorders, families experiencing homelessness and financial insecurity, Spanish speaking populations, and access to technology.


Contributed by: Lisa NenaCitation: Eastman, J. (2021, March 01). No- and Low-Tech backpacks as outreach. Retrieved March 24, 2021, from https://www.alsc.ala.org/blog/2021/03/no-and-low-tech-backpacks-as-outreach/

Virtual Field Trips

This website can be used as a template for K-8 librarians to share virtual field trips, tours, and live cams with their students. The resources are shared in a Bitmoji virtual classroom format that can be copied and customized. Topics covered are the arts, social studies, science, and math. Resources are organized in three grade-level bands: K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. Additional resources in the form of tutorials on a variety of related issues and an annotated bibliography of research from the Library and Information Science literature are included.


Contributed by Louise Chambers and Morgan Gilley, November 2020.Citation:INFO 266 Fall 2020. (n.d.). Sites.google.com. https://sites.google.com/sjsu.edu/virtual-field-trip-guide/home

This Google site offers more virtual field trips for students k-12.


Contributed by Joselle Garfias, Fall 2022

Native American Curriculum Resources

This site provides information for librarians and elementary school teachers for Native American literature. Some of the information came from the Washington state tribal sovereignty curriculum.

link: https://sites.google.com/view/native-american-curriculm/home

Contributed by Joselle Garfias


INFO 266 Fall 2022:https://sites.google.com/view/native-american-curriculm/home

Teacher Librarians in Elementary Schools

Teaching With Common Core State Standards

This resource can be helpful for teacher librarians who are looking for information about ways to use Common Core State Standards in the library and their instruction. Having this understanding can help teacher librarians create their own effective lesson plans that are relevant to classroom instruction as well as provide resources for students that align and support CCSS.

American Association of School Libraries. (2013). Common core state standards implementation toolkit. American Library Association. http://www.ala.org/aasl/advocacy/tools/toolkits/ccss-implementation

Contributed by Anna Nicholson, April 2021.Citation:JHABLEY. (2013, September 24). Common Core State Standards Implementation Assistance Toolkit. American Association of School Librarians (AASL). http://www.ala.org/aasl/advocacy/tools/toolkits/ccss-implementation

Teaching and Co-Teaching Skills

This guide is for teacher librarians to use to find resources and tips about how to plan out and apply Common Core State Standards in their library instruction. Co-teaching is incredibly important for librarians, and they must be prepared to align library programs with school standards.

Link: https://infogram.com/teaching-for-teacher-librarians-1hxr4zx0y0keo6y?live

Created and contributed by Anna Nicholson, April 2021.Citation:Teaching for Teacher Librarians - Infogram. (n.d.). Infogram.com. https://infogram.com/teaching-for-teacher-librarians-1hxr4zx0y0keo6y?live