Mental Health

This page includes articles, websites, and other information about mental health, mental health programs and mental health services within the library .

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid in the Library 

The purpose of this infographic is to provide community members an idea of what mental health is, how to get certified in Mental Health First Aid and how to access services through the library. 

Click Here  to be taken to the infographic. 

Contributed by Aleena HousemanInfographic created by Aleena Houseman

Library Programs and Services 

Libraries as Mental Health Hubs

The purpose of this article is to reflect on how libraries are expected to handle mental health issues within the community.

Contributed by Charles L. Ludwig

Assistance for the community

Community Mental Health Resources and Support

The purpose of this website is to collectively gather free or low cost community health and support resources from around the web which address the needs and wants of specific communities.

Contributed by Dorothy Hamilton & Jacqueline Hernandez
Citation: Hamilton, D. & Hernandez, J. (2020). Community Mental Health Resources and Support. [website].

Community Assistance Programs 

The purpose of this website is to gather community assistance programs from government entities and community based organization address the needs communities.

Click Here

Contributed by Aleena Houseman
Citation: Houseman (2022). Community Assistance. [website].