Table of Contents
Physical Geography
U.S. National and Federal Geographical Resources
U.S. State Geographical Resources
International Geographical Resources
Human Geography (Cultural and Social Geography)
GIS and Geospatial Technology
Geography Open Educational Resources (OER)
What is Geography?
"Geography is the study of the earth’s surface, including its physical, biological, and social systems. It is concerned with how people shape and in turn are shaped by the natural and ecological systems around them, how societies create landscapes and places, and the spatial distributions of many kinds of phenomena. The discipline seeks to describe and explain why different phenomena are located where they are and how their spatial patterns change over time." - from Oxford Bibliographies Online
The Virtual Library Guide's Geography Collection
Encompassing the study of the natural environment, its inhabitants, and the interactions between them, the topics explored in geographical research and learning are expansive. The Geography Collection of the Virtual Library Guide features multimedia resources, databases, collections, and websites that are freely available online to anyone who wishes to explore and learn more about geography. The collection has been organized by three common disciplines within the Geography field:
Physical Geography- earth sciences, geology, natural resources, etc.
Human Geography- social and cultural geography
Geospatial Technology- technology used for geospatial representation and analysis (like GIS)
There is also an Education section with resources for teaching and curriculum development, including Geography Open Educational Resources (OER).
U.S. National and Federal Geographical Resources
American Geographical Society Library
The American Geographical Society Library contains over 1.3 million items in a variety of formats, including maps, atlases, books, journals, pamphlets, photographs, slides, Landsat images, and digital spatial data.
Bureau of Land Management Maps & Data
From the White Mountains in Alaska to the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse in Florida, map and geospatial products inform our federal management decisions. BLM has a collection of publicly available maps for the purposes of research and recreation.
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
The USGS is responsible for organizing, maintaining, and publishing the geospatial baseline of the US nation's topography, natural landscape, built environment, and more. Based on their fundamental science practices, the USGS provides online access to a collection of accurate geologic maps (2-D and 3-D) containing critical data that their users can rely upon to be impartial, unbiased, and objective. Take a look at the USGS map collection here.
Online Guide to U.S. Map Collections (MAGIRT, American Library Association)
The Online Guide to U.S. Map Collections, a project by the Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT) of the American Library Association (ALA), is a crowd-sourced directory of map collections across the United States. It features a searchable map interface so users can easily locate map collections by their geographic location and find map collections with specific subject specialties by keyword search.
U.S. State Geographical Resources
California State Library Maps
The California State Library has made a portion of their map collection viewable remotely on their online catalog. This collection is a remarkable resource for anyone researching California’s geography and history.
International Geographical Resources
United Nations Geospatial Data for a Better World
General maps are available for the world, continent or macro-regions, country or territories or specific regions of interest where the United Nations plays a role following specific mandates or resolutions. These maps are a practical way of sharing basic geographical information of UN factions.
ProtectedSeas Navigator (ProtectedSeas, a conservation nonprofit of the Anthropocene Institute)
The ProtectedSeas Navigator is an interactive map and comprehensive database of global marine life protections and their boundaries. It provides access to regulatory information for over 21,000 managed saltwater and coastal areas worldwide, including the high seas, that is invaluable for assisting marine conservation and protection efforts.
WindowSwap (Ranjit & Balasubramaniam)
Started as a quarantine project by Sonali Ranjit and Vaishnav Balasubramaniam at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, WindowSwap is a "place on the internet where people from around the world share the view from their windows to help someone else relax, focus, meditate and travel without moving." Users can cycle through views from different places around the globe or share their own.
If It Were My Home (Lintner & Calabrese) is a website dedicated to helping users understand life outside their own homes. Originally created in 2010 as a way to depict the magnitude of the BP oil spill, the creators realized the power of representing large facts in relation to a person's own home. The site features a country comparison tool to compare living conditions in a user's own country to those of another, as well as a visualization tool to help understand impacts of disaster like the aforementioned BP oil spill and the 2010 Pakistan Flood.
Visual Geography (Bjørnlund & Kester) is an educational tool that allows users to learn more about places and cultures around the world through audiovisual media and references. Users can explore countries by viewing images, flags, money, language, maps, and other information about a selected country.
Gapminder (Gapminder Foundation, Sweden)
In their own words, Gapminder "identifies systematic misconceptions about important global trends and proportions and uses reliable data to develop easy to understand teaching materials to rid people of their misconceptions."
Free teaching and educational tools Gapminder provides include:
Worldview Upgrader- A teaching tool to help users learn and rid themselves of the most common global misconceptions
Bubbles (Animating Data)- A data visualization tool that helps users "get the proportions right and realize the macrotrends that will shape the future" by exploring data about societies across different geographical locales.
Dollar Street - A site where users can "watch everyday life in hundreds of homes on all income levels across the world, to counteract the media’s skewed selection of images of other places."
Mapping Inequality: Redlining in New Deal America (University of Richmond's Digital Scholarship Lab, Nelson et al.)
The Mapping Inequality website is a searchable map with an interface that makes the security maps, data, and textual assessments of areas produced by the Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC) accessible digitally to the public. Learn more about the HOLC's legacy as a New Deal Era federal government agency regarded as "both a savior to the housing sector and a force for racial segregation" and explore the archival data at the website.
StoryMaps Gallery (ArcGIS)
The StoryMaps Gallery is a free collection of digital stories that use geographic information system (GIS)-based maps to help inform and inspire audiences. The collection covers a wide range of interesting topics and also acts as a great reference for folks interested in learning how ArcGIS users are enhancing digital storytelling with maps. A sample of stories available to users includes: Mapping the Spread of COVID-19, Misconceptions ("Some common geographic mental misplacements"), Mapping the Thanksgiving Harvest, The Surprising State of Africa's Giraffes, Coastal Flooding, and many more.
Earth 3D Map
The Earth 3D Map website utilizes several mapping APIs and software such as Google Maps APIs, Google Earth plugins, and ArcGIS to provide users with a tool to explore geographic data on a 3D globe. This is a more user-friendly virtual exploration tool than the standard Google Earth site, as it has shorthand links to explore the world by areas of interest like Countries, Capitals, Cultural Landmarks (the Pyramids of Giza, the Parthenon, etc.), Skyscrapers, Mountains, and US States.
Google Earth
A great description from the Google Earth website: "Google Earth is a computer program that renders a 3D representation of Earth based primarily on satellite imagery. The program maps the Earth by superimposing satellite images, aerial photography, and GIS data onto a 3D globe, allowing users to see cities and landscapes from various angles."
National Geologic Map Database, USGS & AASG
The National Geologic Map Database is a fantastic, distributed archive holding geoscience information standardized to USGS standards. Click through to access an extensive catalog of maps (including topographic maps), stratigraphy data, USGS standards for geologic map creation and reporting, database schema for digital geologic maps, and more.
Geography Open Educational Resources (OER)
Open Textbooks
Physical Geography
An Introduction to Geology by Chris Johnson, Matthew D. Affolter, Paul Inkenbrandt, Cam Mosher is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Physical Geography and Natural Disasters by R. Adam Dastrup, MA, GISP is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Physical Geography by Jeremy Patrich is licensed under CC-BY 4.0
Human Geography
Human Geography by Christine Rosenfeld and Nathan Burtch is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Introduction to Human Geography by R. Adam Dastrup, MA, GISP is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Introduction to World Regional Geography by R. Adam Dastrup, MA, GISP is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
World Regional Geography by Caitlin Finlayson is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Community Resilience to Climate Change: Theory, Research and Practice by Dana E. Hellman and Vivek Shandas is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
Introduction to Human Geography – 2nd Edition by David Dorrell and Joseph P. Henderson is licensed under CC-BY 4.0
Urban Literacy: Learning to Read the City Around You by Leanne Serbulo is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
World Regional Geography: People, Places and Globalization by Royal Berglee, PhD is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
GIS and Geospatial Technology
Essentials of Geographic Information Systems by Jonathan Campbell and Michael Shin is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Mapping, Society, and Technology by Steven Manson is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
Educational Resources (Open/free courses, materials, tutorials, worksheets, etc.)
Environment and Society in a Changing World - Course from Pennsylvania State University, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
see course page for full author attributions
Human Use of the Environment - Course from Pennsylvania State University, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
see course page for full author attributions
Individual Choices, Collective Impacts - Assignments developed by Bradley Austin for GEO 100: Introduction to Geography at Anne Arundel Community College, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Other OER
Open Geography Education - website dedicated to providing free, open curriculum and resources for the study of geography
OER Commons- Geography Resources - OER Commons is a great resource for finding and sharing open educational resources. This link connects to results for an OER Commons library keyword search of the term "Geography".