Major Digital Libraries
General Overview of the History Collections and Libraries
The collections below reflect a growing and diverse body of research guides to aid and facilitate virtual reference services for librarians. The page also extends free and equitable access to resources to educators and the public.
General Resources
Library of Congress
This collection is a holding of a few hundred subcollections accessible from the Library of Congress. The collections consist of materials in a variety of formats and across over 60 subjects.
Enslaved: Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade
This open source database just went live recently. It is the project of a number of scholars, including Henry Louis Gates Jr., who are trying to "banish the common notion of one-dimensional enslaved people" who were anonymous.
Contributed by Heather Hartman-Jansen
The British Library
The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom and the largest library in the world by number of items cataloged. Over 200 million items from many countries in over 30 subject areas.
World Digital Library
Launched in 2009, the World Digital Library (WDL) was a project of the U.S. Library of Congress, with the support of UNESCO, and contributions from libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions, and international organizations around the world. The WDL sought to preserve and share some of the world’s most important cultural objects, increasing access to cultural treasures and significant historical documents to enable discovery, scholarship, and use.
The History Engine
The History Engine is a collection of thousands of historical “episodes” that paints a wide-ranging portrait of the past that is freely available to scholars, teachers, and the general public. Students from a variety of colleges and universities write these episodes. Creating an episode for the History Engine gives them the opportunity to learn history by doing the work—researching, writing, and publishing—of a historian.
Museums of the World
Museums of the World website is accompanied by a suite of mobile applications, providing users with up-to-date information about museums and galleries worldwide in one place—including visitor information, exhibitions, events, collections, interactive audio guides, and more.
Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources
This blog has a comprehensive list of available virtual museum content in an effort to combat the drop in museum attendance due to Covid-19. This resource includes portals, virtual tours/online exhibits, history museums, natural science museums, natural parks, online exhibits, E-learning, children’s content, art and cultural collections, science, and history collections with access to digital archives & libraries.
Contributed by Marisol CarrasquilloCitation: Byrd-McDevitt, L. (2020, November 20). The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources. Retrieved from https://mcn.edu/a-guide-to-virtual-museum-resources/
Open Learn: History & The Arts
Free, online history lessons created by The Open University on topics regarding the intersection of history and art. Perfect for anyone wishing to learn history through art, how art has influenced the course of history, and how art has influenced the remembrance of important historical events.
Contributed by Lizette Lizardi
Citation:The Open University. (2020). Free courses: History & the arts. OpenLearn. https://www.open.edu/openlearn/history-the-arts/free-courses?filter=date/grid/none/none/none/none/&page=0
North America
Brief Overview:
This collection contains various general and topical/emphasis collections on North American history and is organized by three major general topical collections: US history, Canadian history and the history of the Indigenous Peoples. There are various formats and libguides available here to access that do not require any login or subscriptions (as of now). The collection is great for research guides on all three general topics. The collection was pulled from the former History resources of the Americas.
Alternatively, you can access the collections, click on the link below.
To view a resource, click on the titles in bold, and you will be redirected to the chosen resource.
Historical Multimedia
Radioooooo is a project born in 2013, dreamt up by a family of friends, both DJs and music lovers, who decided to share their record collections and the fruit of many years of research, for all to enjoy. Radioooooo is a collaborative website, whose goal is to open each and everyone's horizons through culture and beauty. The treasures that constitute this ever-growing library come from the collective memory of our humanity, in its most universal and timeless form, music. There is a free basic mode, which allows anyone to access most of the features of the website and has zero costs.
Online Sources for European History is a digital history portal that offers links to online facsimiles, transcriptions, and translations of European primary historical sources.
Brief Overview
The ongoing colonial division of Ireland, along with mass emigration and the previous centuries of British rule, means that Ireland’s historical records are divided up within the Republic of Ireland (“Ireland”), the occupied Six Counties of the North (“Northern Ireland), Britain, countries with a significant population of Irish descendants, and elsewhere. Their digital equivalents, therefore, fall under the jurisdiction of many different states and public and private institutions.
Thanks to the modern revitalization of the Irish language, many of the online resources listed below are available in English and Irish Gaelic. The collections include conventional, standalone websites that provide information about Irish history as well as Library Guides (LibGuides) that contain links to multiple databases and other resources.
Alternatively, you can also access the collections here:
Contributed by Z. Medieros and M. Phelan (2022)
Asia (East and South)
Digital South Asia Library
Digital South Asia Library: The Digital South Asia Library provides digital materials for reference and research on South Asia to scholars, public officials, business leaders, and other users. The website contains free materials where lurkers can download historical data, reference books, and audio recordings. Additionally, it provides library catalogs of South Asian newspapers and Gazettes, as well as 19th century publication holdings from British India.
The Asian Studies Digital Collections
The Asian Studies Digital collections range from Chinese manuscript and archival collections, Korean rare books, Japanese traditional woodblock prints, to oral history interviews on key figures of the American occupation government in postwar Japan.
Brief Overview
The Korean Cultural Centre of New York provides a comprehensive fact sheet about the history of Korea (North and South) and its people from early civilization to the modern day. The site also features additional resources and a library database that you can access here. The site is available in both English and Korean.
Alternatively, you can access the main link here as well:
Contributed by M. Phelan (2022)
Citation: Korean Culture Centre. (n.d). Korean information: History. https://www.koreanculture.org/korea-information-history
Brief Overview
This website is part of an online curriculum project produced by the University of Pittsburgh. It contains academic essays and journals on Japanese history, as well as other topics regarding Japan and history such as a historical timeline of major events. The history spans the 10,000 BCE period to the present day.
Alternatively, you can access the main link here as well:
Citation: The University of Pittsburgh. (n.d). Japan: History. https://www.japanpitt.pitt.edu/essays-and-articles/history
Contributed by M. Phelan (2022)
Brief Overview
This is a collection of topical articles regarding Ancient China from the National Geographic Society, curated for children and youth based on their curriculum by grade. The collection includes the Zhou, Quin, and Ming dynasties.
Alternatively, you can access the main link here as well:
Citation: The University of Pittsburgh. (n.d). Japan: History. https://www.japanpitt.pitt.edu/essays-and-articles/history
Contributed by M. Phelan (2022)
Mexico and South America
Brief Overview
This core collection contains various topical/emphasis collections of resources on the history of Mexico, South America and its peoples. The collection was pulled from the former History Resources of the Americas collection and the former Mexico History collection. The resources are divided between Spanish language and English or in dual language. Topics include general history, political history, art history and literary history. All resources are curated to provide ease of access for librarians, educators, students or members of the public who have an educational interest in research regarding this major collection.
To view the resource guide, click the link below or click the Title Header.
The Caribbean
Brief Overview
The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) is a cooperative digital library for resources from and about the Caribbean and the circum-Caribbean. dLOC provides access to digitized versions of Caribbean cultural, historical and research materials currently held in archives, libraries, and private collections. The view the resource, click on the Header Title, alternatively, you can also click on the link below.
Digital Library of the Caribbean. (2004). Digital library of the Caribbean: Home. https://www.dloc.com/
Brief Overview
Explores the history of the British Caribbean through government documents, photographs and maps dating from the 17th century to the 1920s and discovered during a cataloguing project at The National Archives of the United Kingdom. This resource was formerly part of the History Resources of the Americas collection.
The view the resource, click on the Header Title, alternatively, you can also click on the link below.
The National Archives. (n.d). Caribbean histories revealed. https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/resources/caribbean-histories-revealed/
Brief Overview
Audio archive of the BBC Caribbean programmes: 1988-2011.
This resource was formerly part of the History Resources of the Americas collection.
The view the resource, click on the Header Title, alternatively, you can also click on the link below.
BBC., The University of The West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, Tobago. (n.d). BBC Caribbean archives - 1988-2011. https://uwispace.sta.uwi.edu/dspace/handle/2139/11134
Brief Overview
This government website outlines the general human history of South Africa from early tribe settlements to modern-day events of historical importance. The site is also organized by further topical articles of historical information.
The view the resource, click on the Header Title, alternatively, you can also click on the link below.
The Republic of South Africa Government. (2022). History - South Africa. https://www.gov.za/about-sa/history
Contributed by M. Phelan (2022)
Brief Overview
This website page is authored by the BBC News and Entertainment corporation and provides a historical timeline of the history of Rwanda from its inception as a country in East Africa, to the modern-day political landscape.
The view the resource, click on the Header Title, alternatively, you can also click on the link below.
BBC. (2018). Rwanda profile: Timeline. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-14093322
Contributed by M. Phelan (2022)
Brief Overview
This podcast production provides an alternative format for users who prefer to listen to information or read. The podcast series covers the general chronological history of Africa as a continent and includes discussions on topics such as politics, culture, and social development.
The view the resource, click on the Header Title, alternatively, you can also click on the link below.
The History of Africa Podcast. (2020). Seasons. https://historyofafricapodcast.blogspot.com/p/seasons.html
Contributed by M. Phelan (2022)
Project STAND (Student Activism Now Documented)
A website that documents the history of student activism from marginalized communities (i.e. Black, Asian, Latinx, LGBTQ+, and Women). This "grassroots archival consortia project" brings together digital and analog material from colleges and universities in the U.S. that have documented student activism from marginalized communities. Any college and university can add material to this digital collection. The collection is available free online for anyone to access.
Contributed by Lizette Lizardi
Citation:Project STAND. (2018). Collections By Theme. Stand Archives. https://standarchives.com/collections-by-theme/