Day 14

Unfortunately, I got “tennis elbow” (on day 13!), so I have no regular practice today. But it does not mean that I do not practice at all. I did some left-hand tapping exercises and pizzicato and tried finger pizzicato exercises. I never tried them before, and it takes time to figure it out. Listening and reading scores are practice too, so I did it:). Find some exciting pieces following this link: I rediscovered Portnoff concertinos (I saw them before, but they were not played by professionals the first time I found them, and I was not impressed). Here is the link to one of them: . I will put it on my future to-do list (too many things, unfortunately, are there already).

I also watched “The Ergonomics of Violin Playing” by Grigory Kalinovsky on tonebase. I did not plan to watch the whole course (I rarely do it on tonebase), but I found it so interesting that I had to watch it! While watching it, I was doing some exercises from this course, so I think it qualifies as practice too:).