and their presentations
Chronological List of Presenters
(lists most recent on top, scroll below to find presentation)
November 11, What you don't know about bees.
Bob Galbraith
Many people think they know what a honeybee looks like and we will find out if you do. What should you do if you get stung? How do bees organize the hive and who really is in charge? Who was the Ohioan who figured out “bee space” and how did that impact bee keeping. What is the inter-relationship between bees and mammals? These and many other topics will be discussed including how to become a bee keeper, where do you get bees and what is the role of temperature management in the hive. Find out what to plant to help the locale bee population and learn something besides “the Russians are coming” when it comes to the fight against colony collapse disease. I guarantee you will learn something that you did not know about bees before the night is over.
October 28, Marie Curie Tells Her Story
Drake Shepard
Marie Curie will come in person, in costume and tell about her remarkable life, how she discovered two new elements, won 2 Nobel Prizes, was a pioneer in the fields of radioactivity and X-rays plus helped kick start our nuclear age. As a bonus Marie will bring along props from her science lab, as well as show how she helped World War I soldiers, and display her unique collection of antique postcards showcasing Europe from 100 years back.
October 14, The Fibonacci Sequence
Nini Conner
The Numbers of Nature. Nini taught classes in math at a small college and the students always were fascinated on this topic.
September 23, Disinfectants and Sanitizers Around the Home - How They Work and How They Differ .
Tim Taylor Ph.D
Killing germs around the home and on our bodies has always been a concern to many, but reached new heights during the Covid 19 pandemic. In this talk, I will discuss the various types of products that are available for disinfecting our homes and protecting our bodies from harmful pathogens. Based on my 30+ years of experience developing these types of products, I'll discuss how they work, how to understand the product labels, and how to use the products for maximum effectiveness.
September 9, Why Airborne Weather Reconnaissance, emphasizing hurricanes
Danley Brown
Find out why the unprecedented Tonga Volcano, which erupted near the Fiji Islands in 2022, is causing this year's unprecedented global warming temperature spike -- and find out why the media is not reporting this scientifically historic and evolving climate change event.
August 26, Tonga Volcano and Global Warming.
John Shewchuk
Find out why the unprecedented Tonga Volcano, which erupted near the Fiji Islands in 2022, is causing this year's unprecedented global warming temperature spike -- and find out why the media is not reporting this scientifically historic and evolving climate change event.
August 12, Better balance, improved mobility and quicker reaction time.
Dr. Joe Kasper
With a growing population, those in their 50’s-100’s are more at risk for accidents/falls than ever before.
What if we could improve mobility? Get Stronger, Increase Energy, Improve Bone Density, and Ultimately Enhance our lives?
This is not only possible, it’s absolutely probable through safe, scientific and effective exercise protocols that don’t take hours in the gym or require diets that are impossible to follow.
Hello Science & Technology Group,
I enjoyed presenting to the group on Monday August 12th, 2024 on Strength Training/Balance/Mobility & Reaction Time.
Your questions were very insightful and added to my presentation and I do thank you.
*Anyone who is a member of the Science & Technology Club (Whether you were present or not during the presentation),I am offering you a health consultation via the phone at no charge.
Just call me directly at 917 399-9754, I return all calls within 24 hours.
Again, I enjoyed your group tremendously.
July 22, How Hurricane Identification Philosophy Is Changing.
John Shewchuk
Over the past few years, there has been an evolving change of philosophy about how and when tropical cyclones are named. Historical trends are examined, including the affects of changes in technology. Hear what Dr. Neil Frank, the longest serving Director of the National Hurricane Center has to say about these trends.
July 8, How Model RR Mimic RR Technologies
Bob Galbraith
Models of railroads have been in existence almost since the first railroad chuffed down a track. First the very rich had live steam models but as railroad technology evolved from steam to electric and diesel so too have models. Here will be eight examples of how desal locomotive technology and model railroads have evolved together.
June 24, Drug Development for Brain Illnesses
Peter Irwin
What studies need to be done to obtain FDA approval of a drug treatment for a brain illness? This talk will address the nexus between Academia, the Pharmaceutical Industry, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
June 10, The Schwarzschild Equation –
The Greenhouse Gas Science.
John Shewchuk
The Schwarzschild Equation represents the defining science describing how all greenhouse gases affect our atmosphere. It is universally recognized as modern science's best tool for studying greenhouse warming. It is also used by the U.N.’s IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) as an integral algorithm in all climate models.
May 27, Are There Other Universes?
Robert Wickman
We live in a universe of indescribable size. Yet the mathematics don’t rule out yet other universes, the “Multiverse,” and in some cases require them. Unlike other aspects of cosmology, the several possible forms of other universes that we’ll discuss are just speculative theory – they are unproven. This follows the segment “Current Thinking on the Origin of the Universe – beyond the Big Bang”, which provides ample background.
May 13, Lightning Tips for Villagers
Len Hathaway
He will help make you an informed consumer living here in the “Lightning Capital of the US”. He presents information based on research from the University of Florida and over 250 years of science and experience and clarifies many of the myths and misunderstandings about lightning.
April 22, Current Thinking on the Origin of the Universe
-Beyond the Big Bang
Robert Wickman
A journey through the scientific work leading to today’s understanding of how our universe formed. The concepts don’t require a physics background and even include a little audience participation. Among other things, you’ll learn the evidence that there was a Big Bang, what that might have been like, and the nagging problems with that theory that led physicists beyond it.
April 8, Exploring for Copper in Central New Guinea
Bob Galbraith
In 1970 Kennecott Copper Corporation made an agreement with the New Guinea Administration granting Kennecott exclusive rights for two years to explore 22,000 square miles located in the central highlands of Papua New Guinea. Kennecott immediately stumbled onto what was initially believed to be the largest copper deposit in the world. This talk will disclose how this was done, how the deposit was finally defined, how the exploration of this huge area was completed and an introduction to the people involved.
March 25, Citizens' Climate Lobby vs. The Climate Data.
John Shewchuk
IDiscover what the Villages' chapter of the Citizens Climate Lobby is saying about human impact upon the climate. The claims are numerous, but the data says otherwise. See how these claims are based on selective data sources, data that has been proven incorrect, and data claiming cause and affects that are subjective and unsubstantiated.
March 11, Human Evolutionary Traits
Drake Shepard
Famed anthropologist Louis Leakey will come alive to discuss and show how man has physically and mentally evolved traits over time from our ancient ancestors like Homo hablis, Homo erectus, Neanderthal and others that led to become us.
February 26, What are We Made Of?
Robert Wickman
Most of us know what an atom looks like. Or do we? And how do those atoms wandering around form molecules like water, salt, or the stuff that makes us? Why does ice float? What makes iron so strong? Why are some things like helium so inert? No chemistry background is required. You’ll discover some things you might have always been wondering about.
February 10, "Smartphone and computer "apps”: what, why, where, how, etc."
Greg Astfalk
Today nearly everyone makes use of computer, or smartphone, “apps." Having an understanding of the below-the-surface details of apps is interesting and impressive. It is also helpful for knowing how they do what they do for, and to, us.
This lecture is not about what apps to use or how to use a particular app. We generically discuss apps from their conception to their end-user usage, and what they are doing while we are using them. The goal is that you will leave with a greater appreciation and understanding of the apps we mostly take for granted.
January 22, "Corporate Environmental Scandals"
Drake Shepard
This will detail the BP oil spill, drinking water contamination in Flint, Michigan, Woburn, Mass. and Love Canal, Teflon contamination, Bhopal, India, asbestos contamination, burn pits used by U.S. military, and the 5 most polluted places on the planet. See how large corporations have been responsible for oil spills, contaminated drinking water and poisonous air that has affected millions of U.S. citizens. Numerous famous Hollywood films were made about these violations resulting in raised public awareness, outrage and long overdue environmental justice.
January 8, "Iranian Nuclear Program Issues"
George Hept
Basic physics / engineering behind nuclear power programs and the overlap with nuclear weapons development, with specific application to the Iranian program.