Shorter and Less Phase

I personally find Childhood Phases from Parenthood staying too long.

  • ShorterPhases shortens phases from 3 days to 1 day.
  • LessPhases longers the cool-down time for phases.
  • If you want to completely disable phases from happening, you can use No More Parenthood Phases by MonoChaos.
** Childhood Phases are a feature from Parenthood Game Pack

Edited Game Resources for References

Shorter Phases:
  • 6017E896!00000012!000000000002841D.buff_ChildhoodPhase_Bear.Buff
  • 6017E896!00000012!000000000002841E.buff_ChildhoodPhase_Clingy.Buff
  • 6017E896!00000012!000000000002841F.buff_ChildhoodPhase_Distant.Buff
  • 6017E896!00000012!0000000000028420.buff_ChildhoodPhase_PickyEater_A.Buff
  • 6017E896!00000012!0000000000028421.buff_ChildhoodPhase_Loud.Buff
  • 6017E896!00000012!0000000000028422.buff_ChildhoodPhase_MeanStreak.Buff
  • 6017E896!00000012!0000000000028423.buff_ChildhoodPhase_Rebellious.Buff
  • 6017E896!00000012!0000000000028554.buff_ChildhoodPhase_PickyEater_B.Buff
  • 6017E896!00000012!0000000000028555.buff_ChildhoodPhase_PickyEater_C.Buff
  • 6017E896!00000012!0000000000028556.buff_ChildhoodPhase_PickyEater_D.Buff
  • 6017E896!00000012!0000000000028557.buff_ChildhoodPhase_PickyEater_E.Buff
Less Phases:
  • 339BC5BD!00000012!00000000000283A5.commodity_ChildhoodPhase.Statistic


Nov 12, 2021

  • Mod Released

Package Name Tracking

Choose any:

  • chingyu_PhasesFewer.package

  • chingyu_PhasesShorter.package

Before you download...

  1. Make sure you have agreed to my Terms of Use for any copyright inquiry.

  2. Check Mod Status to see if the mod is up-to-date for the current game patch.

  3. View FAQ when you are using my mods for the first time or if you have any other questions regarding my mods.

  4. Follow the download instructions below to install a mod properly.

Download Instructions

  • Put the package(s) in less than FIVE folders deep in your Mod Folder.

  • You can use either one or both packages.