Maharshi Veda Vyas

BRICS Virtual Lab

Welcome to Dr. BRB's Virtual Laboratory (Dr. BRB's VLab). It is an initiative of Dr. BRB's BRICS Lab and set up by Dr. Biswajit R Bhowmik and his students at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Surathkal. Hence, the Lab is also known as BRICS VLab.

The BRICS VLab is dedicated to the "Guru of Gurus" Maharshi Veda Vyas (also known as Acharya Veda Vyasa or Krishna Dvaipayana), a legendary Hindu sage who scribed Vedas and Puranas. Also, note that the great Hindu epic Mahābhārata was authored by him.

Academic activities are severely affected while the world has been fighting the man-made virus COVID-19 and its variants since December 2019. Consequently, the students' community suffers a lot while educational institutes are compelled to shut down during the pandemic. The Ministry of Education, Bharat Sarkar (Govt. of India), has started an initiative called "Virtual Laboratory" under the National Mission on Education through ICT to facilitate the online learning mode for the Laboratory courses similar to theory courses under NPTEL, Sayam, etc. Dr. Bhowmik and his students have come out to accelerate and promote this online learning mode for a laboratory course. It is little contribution to the teachers' and students' community from Dr. Bhowmik and his team in association with the NIT Surathkal and Shiksha Mantralaya (Ministry of Education), Bharat Sarkar.