What Bat Removal Techniques Should Homeowners Know

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Vermin Patrol

603 E Amelia Ave, Tampa, FL 33602

(813) 544-2598

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What Bat Removal Strategies Should Homeowners Be Aware of?


Infestations of bats may be an absolute nightmare for homes. They leave droppings, spread disease, and damage the insulation in the attic, to name a few problems. Getting rid of bats is, of course, easier said than done!


Don't despair if you believe you have bats in your home. There are compassionate and practical bat removal strategies and recommendations that will get them out of your home with minimal effort.

How Are Bats Removed

How Get Rid Of Bats In House

Why Should Bats Be Removed?


Bats are beneficial to the environment because they devour enormous quantities of insects and assist in the dispersal of seeds and pollination of plants. When bats enter a dwelling, however, they pose a number of health and safety problems. Rabies is one of the most significant threats. Homeowners can be exposed to this unpleasant and life-threatening disease through bites, scratches, and even touching bats. Additionally, bat guano may include fungi that produce spores that, if inhaled, can cause histoplasmosis in humans. In some situations, this respiratory infection can be severe or even fatal.


In addition to posing health dangers, bats can cause property damage by gnawing through insulation and electrical wire. In addition, their droppings or urine may leave behind unpleasant scents. In order to safeguard the health and safety of your family, it is essential to remove any bats that have entered your home as quickly as possible. Bats can be removed from your home by a professional wildlife removal service and prevented from returning in the future.

What Bat Removal Techniques Should Homeowners Know - (813) 544-2598

What Types of Bats Do You Have Around Your Home?


Bats are intriguing creatures that may be found in a variety of locations around the globe. Some species exhibit distinctive habits or adaptations. There are three bat species that are most likely to inhabit the attics, walls, and soffits of old houses.


Large Brown Bats


Big Brown Bats are a species of bat found in the majority of North America. They are fairly abundant, with huge colonies including as many as a dozen individuals. The brown hair and black wings of these bats make them easily identifiable in the night sky.

Big Brown Bats are also noted for frequenting the attics of old houses. This is because they like to roost in dark, warm settings throughout the day. They are frequently observed flying around at dusk in search of insects. Big Brown Bats are important predators in numerous environments, helping to reduce bug populations. As they search for nourishment, they also assist in the dispersal of seeds and pollen from flowers and plants. 

Little Brown Bats


Little brown bats are a species of bat found primarily in northern Canada and the United States. They are typically less than 4 inches in length or approximately the size of your thumb. Little brown bats build enormous colonies, which can number several hundred individuals.


These bats are insectivores, which means they eat insects like moths and beetles. They hunt at night by detecting prey through echolocation. Little brown bats may fly up to 30 miles per hour and consume as much as 50 percent of their total weight in insects each night. During the day, they roost in dark areas such as caves and tree hollows. These bats are essential for managing insect populations and maintaining the equilibrium of habitats. Since 2006, habitat degradation and white-nose syndrome, a fungal illness that has killed millions of bats across North America, have contributed to their decline.

How Do I Get Rid Of Bats In My Home

Mexican Free-Tailed Bats 


There are Mexican free-tailed bats throughout the southern, western, and southwestern United States. Their name derives from the fact that their tails extend about a third beyond their tail membranes, whereas the tails of other bats are often totally enclosed. These bats are either reddish-brown or gray in color, with enormous, forward-pointing black ears. They are one of the most common bat species in North America, with colonies ranging in size from hundreds to thousands.

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Homeowner Advice


As a homeowner, it is crucial to safeguard your largest investment and be aware of the warning indications. Whether you are interested in purchasing a freshly constructed or older house, there are numerous factors to consider. During a home inspection, it is crucial to be aware of any potential issues that may occur. It is essential to take preventative steps, such as sealing cracks and crevices around windows and doors, because rodents are frequently discovered in newer structures.


Those seeking to sell their home can take preventative measures to avoid unpleasant surprises during the home inspection. This may involve examining the roof for any missing shingles or for evidence of water damage.


Additionally, homeowners should inspect their homes for pest infestations and take the required measures. These steps will assist you in preparing your home for sale and obtaining the greatest potential price when you offer it for sale.


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What Keeps Bats Away From The House

What is Bat Removal?


Exclusion is the process of keeping bats from entering a dwelling or structure. This is accomplished by covering their entry points with netting or tubes. The bats are able to drop down and fly out, but cannot crawl back in.


Successful bat exclusion requires installing netting at the point of entry (usually a hole or crack). A hole at the bottom of the netting allows bats to exit safely, but prevents them from re-entering.


Bat exclusion is a service frequently requested by wildlife removal specialists. Before beginning, however, homeowners must acknowledge that bat exclusion can be a significant undertaking, especially if they own a property with numerous cracks through which bats can enter.


In order for bat exclusion to be successful, it is necessary to ensure that all potential access points are securely covered and sealed. This method, if executed correctly, should help keep your property free of unpleasant pests such as bats and other wildlife.

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Eliminating Bat Guano


When bats have left a roosting location, it is time to clean up their droppings. Guano, or bat droppings, is a great fertilizer. However, it may include the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. Inhaling this fungus can lead to ‌respiratory infection in humans, so necessary care must be used when cleaning up guano. The crew utilizes a HEPA vacuum and wears suits and masks to prevent the release of fungus spores into the air.


Bats have an extremely acute sense of smell and may detect a previous roosting location from miles away. As a result, all bat droppings must be removed with care to prevent attracting further bats. The crew takes extreme precautions to ensure that no traces of guano remain when their operation is complete. By taking these steps, both human health and bat populations in the region are protected.

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Using Bat Boxes


Bat boxes are a wonderful approach to providing displaced bats a safe and pleasant habitat. Installing a bat house on your property is a terrific way to aid the local bat population, as well as add an intriguing element to your landscape. Bat houses are available in a variety of sizes and designs, but all include entrance holes at the bottom. They frequently resemble a birdhouse on steroids, while others are available with Folk Victorian styling for those seeking a more beautiful option.


The installation of a bat box is advantageous not just for bats but also for people. By providing bats with a safe habitat, the danger of disease transmission from bats to humans is reduced.


Additionally, bats are great pollinators and insect hunters, so having them in your garden or yard can help keep pests away. Lastly, they are simply interesting creatures that offer a sense of intrigue to any outdoor setting.