Who To Call To Get Animals Out Of Attic

How To Get An Animal Out Of Your Attic

How Do I Remove an Animal From an Attic?

If you discover an animal in your attic, the first step is to analyze the situation and determine whether it is an emergency. If the animal is injured or trapped and you are unable to free it on your own, contact a professional wildlife rescue organization immediately. If the animal is healthy but stuck up there, you can persuade it down with food or enlist the assistance of a friend. However, exercise caution - some animals can be hazardous, so always exercise caution when interacting with them. Whatever you do, avoid attempting to catch or kill the animal. Continue reading to learn how to remove stray animals from your attic.

Signs You Have a Wild Animal in Your Attic

What does your attic sound like when animals are present? You may hear one or more of the following nuisance noises from above:

Getting Rid of Frequently Found Animals in Your Attic

Rats and Mice

Roof rats (affectionately known as black rats) typically nest in attics. Due of their daily requirement for water, they prefer to nest in regions with easy access to water. Utilizing classic wooden snap traps or bait traps is the most successful means of removing rats and mice. The most successful method of rodent management is an integrated approach that combines rodenticide, rodent proofing, harborage reduction, trapping, and increased hygienic care.


Squirrels can be identified by their scampering noises and missing insulation near the eaves. Determine the points of entry (usually soffit or roof vents and eave gaps). Steel mesh should be used to cover the entry holes, but the primary entry/exit hole should remain accessible. Install a one-way squirrel exclusion door at the opening to allow squirrels to exit but not return. The squirrels should depart within a few days. When you no longer hear scurrying noises in your attic, you'll know they've fled. Remove the exclusion door and block the primary access hole with steel mesh. Traps in the attic are rarely effective. You could place traps at the roof's entry point, but you might not catch them all.


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Vermin Patrol How Do I Get An Animal Out Of The Attic
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Vermin Patrol How To Get An Animal Out Of Your Attic


Raccoons can enter your attic through loose shingles and/or gaps in the roof, as well as through the roof and eaves. Raccoons are capable of pulling off roofs and gnawing holes in structures. By creating an uncomfortable environment in your attic with bright lights and a radio, you can entice raccoons to leave on their own.

How Do I Get An Animal Out Of The Attic Files

To determine whether raccoons are using a suspected entry hole, insert rags or bunched up paper into the holes and inspect for signs of disturbance. Utilize a one-way door as an exclusion device; it functions similarly to a tunnel or gateway, allowing raccoons and other rodents to pass through but not return. The raccoons escape via the one-way door and are unable to re-enter through the same location. When there is a possibility of raccoons present, avoid employing a one-way door unless the raccoons are mobile. Ascertain that no raccoons remain before shutting the access entrance, especially between March and July, when young may be present.

How Do I Get An Animal Out Of The Attic


Possums are excellent climbers and typically establish residences in attics. They are foul-smelling critters who wreak havoc in your attic with their droppings. Possums may be eradicated from your attic only by trapping and removing them. While catching and relocating possums may be illegal in your state, Vermin Patrol can help you understand your specific options.


Pigeons can get entry to your attic through broken eaves, vents, or attic windows. If there is a window in your attic, open it and shoo the bird out. If you do not have a window, you may have to wait for the bird to fly away spontaneously. After the pigeon has flown away, repair the broken area that allowed the bird to enter. Removing any bird eggs detected may be prohibited; consult Vermin Patrol to decide the right course of action.

Apart from the creatures mentioned previously, there are more species that may make their way into your attic. Therefore, keep an eye out for specific warning signals and contact a specialist if necessary.

How To Remove Animals From Your Attic Safely

Avoid panicking - The raccoon or possum likely entered your home accidentally and is looking for an exit.

Keep a safe distance - Keep children and dogs away from the animal to avoid bites. Squirrels, skunks, and raccoons all have the potential to spread rabies, which is why contact with them is crucial. When trapped or threatened, these animals are aggressive and will bite or scratch.

Allow the animals to leave alone - Open all doors and windows and turn on all lights. Take care not to hinder their exit. If you have come into contact with the animal, contact an animal removal company to have it removed and to establish your risk of exposure to disease.

Once you are convinced that all animals have fled, prohibit their re-entry - Once the animal has departed, repair the damage to prevent future animal invasions into your attic. Conduct routine inspections of your home for decaying wood, holes, or other access ways.

What Are the Most Frequently Stuck Animals in Attics?

Typically, animals that become trapped in attics are small animals such as squirrels, raccoons, opossums, and birds.

How Do I Get An Animal Out Of The Attic KWs

What Are Some Effective Methods for Getting an Animal Out of an Attic?

There are numerous methods for removing an animal from an attic. The most frequently used and simplest method is to use a ladder and a broom. This strategy is most effective when dealing with tiny creatures such as squirrels or raccoons. It is also possible to use it with larger creatures such as cats or dogs, although it will be far more difficult.

If your attic is too high for a ladder to reach, you may need to explore alternative methods like using a long pole with a noose attached or calling an animal control organization.

What Should I Do If the Animal Doesn't Come Down on Its Own? 

If you discover an animal in your attic and it will not come down on its own, you will need to determine the animal's preferred route up there. This could be due to a hole in the roof, inadequate ventilation, or an unlocked entrance. Once you've located the creature's entry point, use the handle of your broom to attempt to scare it toward the aperture. If that does not work, you can try coaxing it down with food one step at a time.

If you continue to have problems coaxing the animal away, your best course of action is to contact a professional animal removal firm.

Are You Having Difficulties Removing Animals From Your Attic?

Make contact with a competent wildlife removal company. Trapping and removing wildlife from your attic, as well as climbing onto your roof with a trap, is challenging. Your wildlife removal specialist is trained in safe attic animal removal.

How Do I Get An Animal Out Of The Attic Links

Getting Rid of Frequently Found Animals in Your Attic

Rats and Mice

Roof rats (affectionately known as black rats) typically nest in attics. Due of their daily requirement for water, they prefer to nest in regions with easy access to water. Utilizing classic wooden snap traps or bait traps is the most successful means of removing rats and mice. The most successful method of rodent management is an integrated approach that combines rodenticide, rodent proofing, harborage reduction, trapping, and increased hygienic care.


Squirrels can be identified by their scampering noises and missing insulation near the eaves. Determine the points of entry (usually soffit or roof vents and eave gaps). Steel mesh should be used to cover the entry holes, but the primary entry/exit hole should remain accessible. 

Install a one-way squirrel exclusion door at the opening to allow squirrels to exit but not return. The squirrels should depart within a few days. When you no longer hear scurrying noises in your attic, you'll know they've fled. Remove the exclusion door and block the primary access hole with steel mesh. Traps in the attic are rarely effective. You could place traps at the roof's entry point, but you might not catch them all.



Raccoons can enter your attic through loose shingles and/or gaps in the roof, as well as through the roof and eaves. Raccoons are capable of pulling off roofs and gnawing holes in structures. By creating an uncomfortable environment in your attic with bright lights and a radio, you can entice raccoons to leave on their own.

To determine whether raccoons are using a suspected entry hole, insert rags or bunched up paper into the holes and inspect for signs of disturbance. Utilize a one-way door as an exclusion device; it functions similarly to a tunnel or gateway, allowing raccoons and other rodents to pass through but not return. The raccoons escape via the one-way door and are unable to re-enter through the same location. When there is a possibility of raccoons present, avoid employing a one-way door unless the raccoons are mobile. Ascertain that no raccoons remain before shutting the access entrance, especially between March and July, when young may be present.