A Homeowner’s Guide to Raccoon Diseases and Parasites

A Homeowner’s Guide to Raccoon Diseases and Parasites

What Diseases And Parasites Associated With Raccoons Should Homeowners Be Aware Of?

Raccoons frequently inspire awe and intrigue with their charming bandit-masked features and quick activities. Every homeowner should be aware of the possible hazards posed by diseases and parasites hidden under their endearing exterior. A homeowner's guide on parasites and diseases specific to raccoons can offer vital information about how to protect against these threats.

When they raid garbage cans or prowl around our neighborhoods, these nocturnal animals may appear innocuous, but they can carry a range of illnesses and pests that pose major health risks to both humans and pets.

Knowing About Raccoons

By monitoring their behavior and comprehending their habits, one can learn about raccoons. Raccoons are clever, adaptive animals that are distinguished by their ringed tail and characteristic black mask. Since they are mostly nocturnal, the night is when they are most active.

Raccoons eat a wide variety of food, such as fruits, nuts, insects, small mammals, and even garbage. They have a reputation for nesting in burrows or trees and are skilled climbers.

Raccoons can spread diseases that can be dangerous to humans and pets, including rabies, leptospirosis, roundworms, and baylisascaris infection. Homeowners need to be aware of the potential health risks linked with raccoons and take the appropriate precautions to avoid coming into contact with them.

Habits and Behavior of Raccoons

Highly adaptive animals, raccoons are renowned for their cunning and intellect. They are primarily nocturnal beings, with increased activity during the night. Being omnivores, raccoons consume a variety of things, such as fruits, vegetables, insects, and small animals.

These animals can easily mount fences and trees since they are skilled climbers. They can dig dens in a variety of locales, including tree cavities, attics, and crawl spaces. They are also expert diggers. Comprehending the behavior and habits of raccoons is essential for managing diseases and preventing parasitism.

Common Illnesses Involved with Raccoons

The common diseases that raccoons carry are something you should know about. These consist of raccoon roundworm, canine distemper, leptospirosis, and rabies. If not treated properly, these diseases can pose a significant risk to both humans and pets.


Zoonotic disease rabies can spread from infected raccoons to humans via bites or scratches. Considering that raccoons are known to be rabies carriers, it's crucial to exercise caution with these wild animals.

The central nervous system is impacted by the dangerous and frequently fatal disease known as rabies. Fever, headaches, and disorientation are among of the symptoms; hallucinations and paralysis may follow.

Avoiding contact with raccoons is important, especially if they are acting aggressively or abnormally. If you think that you or someone you know may have contracted rabies, you should get medical attention right once.


You should be aware that raccoons can carry diseases like leptospirosis. Leptospira, a bacteria, can be discovered in the urine of infected raccoons and is the cause of leptospirosis. This disease is known to be carried by raccoon populations, and it can be readily transmitted to humans and other animals by them.

Leptospirosis poses serious health risks since it can result in flu-like symptoms like fever, headache, muscle aches, and vomiting. Severe cases may result in meningitis, liver and renal damage, and even death.

It is essential to keep your property free of raccoon infestations and to avoid coming into touch with raccoon urine if you want to protect your pets and yourself from this parasite.

Dog Distemper

Canine distemper, a common disease carried by raccoons, can be stopped from spreading by keeping your property clear of raccoon infestations and avoiding contact with raccoon urine. Dogs can contract the viral infection known as canine distemper, but it can also spread to other animals like raccoons.

Coughing and sneezing are two common ways that the virus spreads through respiratory secretions. Canine distemper-infected raccoons may show neurological indications, coughing, nasal discharge, and fever.

Roundworm Raccoon

You may be susceptible to raccoon roundworm, a parasitic infection brought on by the Baylisascaris procyonis parasite if you come into touch with raccoon feces or contaminated soil.

By consuming raccoon fecal matter, one can contract raccoon roundworm, also known as Baylisascariasis. Serious health risks can result from this parasite's ability to infect both humans and animals.

The raccoon roundworm eggs can survive in the environment for extended periods of time and are found in the feces of infected raccoons. If these eggs are accidentally consumed, migrant larvae may make their way through the body and impact the liver, lungs, and brain, among other organs. An infection with raccoon roundworm can cause weariness, dizziness, nausea, and possibly blindness.


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A Homeowner’s Guide to Raccoon Diseases and Parasites Raccoon Diseases
A Homeowner’s Guide to Raccoon Diseases and Parasites A Homeowner’s Guide To Raccoon Diseases And Parasites

Symptoms of Human Raccoon Diseases

A raccoon that is carrying rabies may infect you and cause symptoms like confusion, headaches, and fever.

Another disease that raccoons can spread is leptospirosis, which can result in jaundice, vomiting, and muscle soreness.

Raccoons are known to carry canine distemper, which can cause fever, diarrhea, and respiratory issues.

Signs and symptoms of rabies

Serious viral infections like rabies can infect humans when they are bitten or scratched by a rabid raccoon. It is important to be aware of the risk of rabies if you have been in the vicinity of a rabid raccoon or have experienced a raccoon invasion.

Frequently observed signs of rabies-infected raccoons include agitated conduct, excessive salivation, confusion, and paralysis. Fever, hallucinations, and light sensitivity are possible additional symptoms. If you see any of these signs, you should definitely get help right once.

Manifestations of Leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is a disease that can infect humans and is spread by raccoons. If you get it, you may occasionally have flu-like symptoms. The bacteria Leptospira, which is present in the urine of infected animals, including raccoons, is the cause of leptospirosis.

Leptospirosis can cause a variety of symptoms, but fever, headache, chills, and muscle aches are frequently experienced. It can sometimes worsen into more serious symptoms like liver failure, renal damage, and jaundice.

Make sure you get medical help as soon as possible if you think you may have leptospirosis. In order to confirm the diagnosis and administer the proper care, your doctor can do tests.

Make sure your home is securely fastened to prevent raccoon infestations and take preventative measures to avoid coming into contact with raccoon urine.

Canine Distemper Symptoms

Coughing is a typical sign of Canine Distemper, a disease that humans can contract from raccoons. In both humans and raccoons, coughing is frequently followed by other respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, nasal discharge, and breathing difficulties. In extreme circumstances, wheezing or gasping for air may accompany a chronic cough.

When raccoons are infected with canine distemper, the disease can be directly transferred to humans through handling or biting an infected raccoon. Fever, appetite loss, and lethargy are some symptoms for Canine Distemper-infected individuals.

Raccoon roundworm symptoms

If exposed, be mindful of the possible symptoms that humans may experience from raccoon roundworm. By coming into contact with raccoon feces, humans can contract the parasite known as raccoon roundworm, or Baylisascaris procyonis. The roundworm eggs found in feces can enter the body through the mouth or nose and cause infection.

The intensity of the infection can affect the symptoms of raccoon roundworm in humans. Nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, exhaustion, disorientation, and neurological problems are typical symptoms. Severe cases may possibly result in death, coma, or blindness.

Typical Parasites in Raccoons

Fleas and Ticks

Since fleas and ticks are frequent parasites on raccoons, make sure to periodically check your pets for these pests. Ticks and fleas, which are easily transferred from raccoons to pets and into your home, are known to be carried by these animals. In addition to being an annoyance, these parasites can be harmful to both human and animal' health.

Fleas can cause allergic reactions and skin irritations, while ticks can spread diseases like Lyme disease. Preventive action is crucial if you have a crawl space or other areas that raccoons routinely visit. Keep an eye out for indications of raccoon activity on your property and get in touch with a reputable pest control company to take care of the problem.


Mites are a frequent parasite found in raccoons and can be harmful to both humans and their pets' health. These microscopic arthropods can irritate the animals and spread a number of diseases that affect raccoons.

Since raccoon mites may readily infest your home's furnishings, beds, and carpets, it's critical to act quickly if you suspect a raccoon infestation.

In humans, mites can cause rashes, allergic reactions, and itching. They can also spread diseases like mange.


Another common parasite found in raccoons, roundworms, can seriously endanger your family's health as well as that of your pets. These parasites are frequently discovered in raccoon intestines and are spread by their feces.

Round worms' eggs are incredibly hardy and may survive for extended periods of time in the environment. Ingestion of roundworm eggs can result in infection in both humans and animals, whether through direct or indirect ingestion.

Visceral larva migrans, which can harm the liver, lungs, eyes, and other organs, is a disorder that can develop in humans after roundworm infection.

Worms on tape

Tapeworms are parasitic roundworms that can infect raccoons and taint their feces. The eggs of tapeworms are discharged in raccoon feces and can survive in the environment for months. You may inadvertently consume tapeworm eggs if you come into contact with contaminated dirt or raccoon feces. The tapeworm larvae can grow into adult worms and create health issues once they are inside your body.

In humans, diarrhea, exhaustion, and stomach pain are signs of a tapeworm infection.

Human Raccoon Parasite Symptoms

Rashes, severe itching, and even skin diseases can result from mite infestations brought on by raccoon parasites.

Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and coughing are some of the symptoms of roundworm infections, which are spread by raccoon feces.

Fatigue, weight loss, and digestive problems can result from tapeworm infections.

Tick and flea bite symptoms

Ticks and fleas can spread diseases and parasites that affect humans to raccoons. Itching, redness, and swelling at the bite site are possible symptoms that arise from being bitten by an infected tick or flea. Additionally, some people may develop allergic responses that include hives or breathing difficulties.

Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections can cause fever, exhaustion, headaches, and joint discomfort. Flea-borne typhus, which can result from flea bites, can cause fever, chills, body pains, and rash. It's critical to seek medical attention as soon as possible if you have any of these symptoms following a tick or flea bite in order to receive the proper treatment and stop further issues.

Signs of Infestations with Mites

In humans, raccoon parasite infestations can induce a variety of symptoms. It's critical to recognize the possible symptoms of mite infestations if you have come into contact with raccoons or their nests.

Severe itching is a typical symptom, particularly in the places where the mites have penetrated the skin. Inflammation, redness, and tiny lumps or blisters on the afflicted areas are some possible symptoms. In certain instances, rashes resulting from mite infestations may disseminate to various body areas.

These symptoms can get worse and result in more infections if they are not treated. It's critical to get medical assistance as soon as possible if any of these symptoms appear.

Roundworm Infection Symptoms

Infection with roundworms brought on by raccoon parasites in humans can produce a variety of symptoms. It is crucial to know the possible signs of roundworm infection if you have come into contact with contaminated soil or raccoon feces. Depending on how severe the infection is, these symptoms can differ and could include:

The infection may also occasionally result in fever, coughing, and dyspnea. In particular, if you have come into contact with raccoons or their feces, it is crucial to get medical assistance if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

Tapeworm Infection Symptoms

It's crucial to understand the possible signs of tapeworm infections brought on by raccoon parasites in humans if you have come into contact with contaminated soil or raccoon feces. Contact with raccoon parasites frequently leads to tapeworm illnesses.

These parasites can enter a person's body by accidentally ingesting tapeworm eggs or by consuming tainted food or water. After entering the body, tapeworms have the ability to proliferate and cause a variety of symptoms.

Weakness, nausea, diarrhea, weight loss, and stomach pain are typical signs of tapeworm infections. More serious side effects, such as liver or lung damage, can occasionally result from tapeworm infections.

A Homeowner’s Guide to Raccoon Diseases and Parasites Files

Avoiding Parasites and Diseases in Raccoons

Areas that raccoons frequently visit should be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis to remove any possible sources of infection.

Remove potential food sources, block off entry points, and secure trash cans to help keep raccoons out of your house.

Appropriate Raccoon Handling

It's crucial to exercise caution when dealing with raccoons in order to safeguard your house and yourself. Always wear gloves and keep your hands away from raccoon feces, urine, and saliva since they can spread disease and parasites.

Hiring a professional wildlife removal agency is the best option if you need to remove a raccoon from your property since they will have the knowledge and tools needed to handle the problem responsibly. If you have to handle a raccoon personally, cover it with a heavy blanket or towel and leave it in a safe spot.

To reduce the chance of infection, always remember to fully wash your hands with soap and water after interacting with raccoons.

Cleaning and Infecting Raccoon-Frequently Visited Areas

Areas that raccoons frequent should be well-cleaned and disinfected by homeowners. Numerous parasites and diseases, including fleas, leptospirosis, and raccoon roundworm, can be carried by raccoons.

Raccoon latrines, which are a frequent place where raccoons deposit their waste, need to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Put on a mask and gloves first to shield yourself from any possible contamination. Using a plastic bag, remove any visible feces, and then use a bleach and water mixture to clean the area. After giving the surface a good scrub, give it a clean water rinse.

Use a bleach solution to disinfect the area after cleaning in order to eradicate any leftover bacteria or parasites. Reducing the danger of disease transmission to humans and pets can be achieved by routinely cleaning and disinfecting areas that raccoons visit.

Keeping Raccoons Out of Your House

By taking steps to prevent bothersome raccoons from entering your property, you can avoid raccoon diseases and parasites. Many diseases and parasites that raccoons may carry can be hazardous to humans and pets. Take precautions to keep raccoons out of your property for the safety of your family and yourself.

First, seal off all possible openings, including foundation gaps, vents, and chimneys. To keep raccoons out of these spaces, install mesh screens or covers.

Make sure to put your garbage cans in a safe location with tight seals. This will stop raccoons that cause you trouble from searching through your trash and maybe contaminating others with diseases.

To stop raccoons from utilizing your roof as a bridge, trim any tree branches that dangle over it. Because they are skilled climbers, raccoons might gain easy access to your house if there are tree branches close by.

By taking steps to prevent bothersome raccoons from entering your property, you can avoid raccoon diseases and parasites. Many diseases and parasites that raccoons may carry can be hazardous to humans and pets. Take precautions to keep raccoons out of your property for the safety of your family and yourself.

First, seal off all possible openings, including foundation gaps, vents, and chimneys. To keep raccoons out of these spaces, install mesh screens or covers.

Make sure to put your garbage cans in a safe location with tight seals. This will stop raccoons that cause you trouble from searching through your trash and maybe contaminating others with diseases.

To stop raccoons from utilizing your roof as a bridge, trim any tree branches that dangle over it. Because they are skilled climbers, raccoons might gain easy access to your house if there are tree branches close by.

Pathways for Treating Diseases and Parasites in Raccoons

Medical interventions targeting diseases particular to raccoons exist, as do therapies targeting the parasites they may harbor.

You can reduce your risk of catching these diseases and parasites by using natural medicines and preventative measures.

Medical Interventions for Diseases of Raccoons

For an accurate diagnosis and course of treatment, it's crucial to speak with a veterinarian about raccoon diseases. The prescription of antibiotics or antiviral drugs by your veterinarian can help prevent infections, depending on the particular disease.

Pharmaceuticals can also be used to treat parasites including fleas, ticks, and worms. There are topical and oral flea and tick preventatives that can shield your raccoon from these bothersome parasites. Internal parasites can be eradicated with the use of deworming drugs.

Treatments for Raccoon Parasites Medicinal

In order to properly treat raccoon parasites, you need speak with a veterinarian who can provide medication. It is imperative to swiftly handle raccoon parasites since they have the potential to cause various diseases and health difficulties.

Antiparasitic medicine is a typical treatment choice for raccoon parasites. These drugs can assist in getting rid of the parasites from the raccoon's body and stop more infestations. The right treatment will be prescribed by your veterinarian based on the particular parasite and its severity.

Environmental control is essential in preventing re-infestation in addition to medicine. This includes guarding garbage cans, eliminating possible food sources, and maintaining a clean home and environs.

Effective treatment and the health of both your raccoon and your household can be achieved with regular visits to your veterinarian and adherence to their recommended treatment plan.

Do-at-home Treatments and Preventative Steps

In addition to medical therapy, home remedies and preventive measures are vital ways to effectively combat raccoon diseases and parasites.

Serious infections and diseases require medical attention, but there are some easy things you can do at home to lessen your family's risk of contracting these illnesses.

Avoiding direct contact with raccoon droppings is a crucial preventive measure since they may harbor dangerous bacteria and parasites. Wear gloves at all times when cleaning up droppings in your yard with a shovel or other equipment.

A wildlife expert can offer advice on how to manage raccoon-related problems in a safe and efficient manner, so it's recommended to seek their advice. They can evaluate the issue and provide suitable preventive actions since they have the knowledge and experience to do so.

Impact of Parasites and Raccoon Diseases on Pets

Rabies, distemper, and roundworm are examples of common diseases and parasites that can be spread from raccoons to pets.

Preventive care can help shield your pets from these health risks. Examples of such care include frequent deworming and keeping your pets' immunization records up to date.

Raccoon-Pronounced Common Illnesses and Parasites in Pets

Concerns over the possible effects of raccoon diseases and parasites on pets may arise if you own any.

Rabies is a prevalent disease that can be fatal to both humans and animals and is spread by bites. Another is leptospirosis, which can harm a pet's kidneys and liver and is brought on by germs found in raccoon urine.

Additionally, raccoons may harbor parasites like roundworms, fleas, and ticks that can infest your pets and pose a health risk. Preventing your pets from coming into contact with raccoons is crucial in order to reduce the likelihood of contracting diseases and parasites from them. Common raccoon locations include wooded areas and garbage areas.

Prevention and Care of Animals

Rabies, distemper, and roundworms are just a few of the diseases and parasites that raccoons can infect your pets. As advised by your veterinarian, make sure your pets' vaccines are current in order to prevent certain infections.

Raccoons can be drawn to garbage and pet food left outside. Feed pets indoors and keep trash in locked bins.

To reduce the chance of parasites, clean your pet's living space on a regular basis, including their bedding.

Get your pet checked out by a veterinarian right away if you think it may have been exposed to raccoon diseases or parasites.

Ethical and Legal Aspects to Take Into Account When Managing Raccoons

It's critical to be aware of any applicable legal limitations while handling and removing raccoons from your property. This guarantees that you're not hurting the animals and that your actions are within the bounds of the law.

Legal Limitations on Managing Raccoons

There might be legislation that specifically addresses raccoon diseases and parasites and specifies how you can manage them. Both humans and wildlife are protected by these legislative limits.

It is forbidden to catch or move raccoons without the required licenses or permissions in many places. This is because there is a risk to the public's health because raccoons can spread diseases like rabies. Rules about using traps or other techniques to catch raccoons might exist.

To make sure you're managing raccoons in a morally and legally compliant manner, it's critical that you become knowledgeable about local laws and regulations.

Ethical Aspects of Raccoon Management

In order to handle raccoons in a responsible manner, homeowners must think about the moral ramifications of managing these animals. It's critical to consider the potential effects of raccoon management on the surrounding environment as well as the animals.

Raccoons are known to carry a number of diseases, including rabies and round worms, which can be dangerous for both humans and pets. Raccoon management must be done in a moral and humane manner. Homeowners should think about non-lethal measures like deterrents and exclusion techniques before using deadly methods. These techniques seek to deter raccoons from entering homes in a safe and effective manner without endangering the animals.

Resources for Expert Raccoon Extraction and Disease Management

The ethical and legal ramifications of handling these animals must be taken into account if you need resources for expert raccoon removal and disease control. Because they can spread dangerous diseases like the baylisascaris procyonis infection, raccoon infestations can be extremely dangerous to one's health.

Ensuring that wildlife removal techniques adhere to local standards and are humane is crucial. Ensuring the safety of both humans and animals and avoiding legal difficulties need hiring a professional with experience and licensing.

It is important to take ethical factors into account, such as preventing needless injury or stress for the raccoons. You may deal with the problem in an efficient and responsible manner by selecting a trustworthy and accountable expert for raccoon removal and disease control.

A Homeowner’s Guide to Raccoon Diseases and Parasites - (813) 544-2598

Commonly Asked Questions

How Do Parasites and Diseases Affect Wildlife Populations in Raccoons?

Wildlife populations can be significantly impacted by raccoon disease and parasites. They can quickly spread and infect animals, leading to disease or even death. It is essential to be aware of these risks and take the appropriate safety measures.

Do Humans Who Contract Raccoon Diseases or Parasites Face Any Long-Term Repercussions?

You can experience long-term consequences if you get raccoon diseases or parasites. To safeguard your health and well-being, it's critical to be aware of the hazards and adopt the appropriate safety measures.

Is it Possible for Raccoon Diseases and Parasites to Spread Through the Air?

It is true that diseases and parasites can spread among raccoons through the air. In order to protect yourself from exposure to these airborne viruses, exercise caution and take preventative steps.

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Do Raccoon Diseases and Parasites Have Any Natural Remedies or Alternative Treatments?


For diseases and parasites affecting raccoons, you might investigate natural cures and alternative treatments. These solutions might help ease the problem, but it's crucial to get expert advice to determine the best course of action.


What Are the Legal Consequences of Relocating and Trapping Diseased or Parasited Raccoons?


Laws may apply when raccoons with parasites or diseases are trapped and relocated. It is important that you get knowledgeable about local laws in order to prevent any possible problems or fines. 


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