How To Remove Bats From Porch

How Do I Get Rid of Bats on My Porch?


As soon as you discover bats on your porch, it is essential to remove them humanely and carefully. In the United States, bats are protected by state and federal law, so it is illegal to harm or kill them.


In addition, bats play an important part in our environment by controlling pests and pollinating flowers. So, it is essential to consider their welfare when removing them from your land.

There are various methods you may take to rid your porch of bats:


Determine whether the bats are roosting or passing through the area. Especially if they have access to an attic or other enclosed place, bats frequently use porches as temporary roosting sites. If the bats are merely passing through, they will likely go within a few days. If bats are roosting, you must take additional steps.


Prevent bats from entering the porch. If bats are using your porch as a roost, you can use a one-way exclusion device to allow the bats to leave but prevent their return. These devices, which are commonly constructed from mesh or screen material, can be erected over the porch's entry. The bats will be free to leave, but they will be unable to return.

Eliminate any food sources that may attract bats. Bats are attracted to insects, so if your porch has an abundance of flying insects, bats may be drawn to the area. You may limit the quantity of insects in your home by eliminating sources of standing water and sealing any cracks or crevices that may be allowing them in.

Remove any debris or clutter from the porch. The clutter or rubbish on your porch may attract bats since it offers them a place to rest. This junk can be removed to make your porch less appealing to bats.

Utilize a bat home to encourage bats to relocate. If bats are roosting on your porch and you are unable to exclude them, you may be able to coax them into a bat home. These buildings, which can be purchased or constructed by hand, offer bats a safe and secure place to roost.


If you are unable to remove the bats from your porch on your own, you can seek the services of a qualified wildlife management professional. These professionals have the knowledge and skill to remove bats from your property in a humane and safe manner.

Why Do Bats Visit Your Property?


Numerous elements can attract bats to your property:


Bats are attracted to regions with a high population of insects since insects are their principal food source. If you have numerous flying insects, such as moths or beetles, on your land, it may attract bats.


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How To Remove Bats From Porch Files

How To Remove Bats From Porch

Bats require a reliable source of water for drinking and bathing. Bats may be attracted to a pond, pool, or birdbath on your property.


Bats require a place to roost and protection from the elements. Bats may be attracted to your porch, shed, or other building if it offers them a safe and secure spot to roost.


Bats may be drawn to trash and debris on your property because it provides roosting sites.


Heat: Bats are drawn to warmer environments because it helps them maintain their body temperature. Bats may be attracted to a porch or other building that receives ample sunshine and retains heat.


In general, bats are drawn to regions with dependable sources of food, water, and cover. By eliminating these attractants, you can prevent bats from using your property as a roost.

How Do You Clean Following a Bat Infestation?


If you have had a bat infestation in your home or on your land, it is essential to perform a thorough cleanup after the bats have been removed to avoid potential health hazards. Here are some methods for cleaning up after a bat infestation:


Use protective equipment when cleaning up after a bat infestation. It is essential to wear protective equipment such as gloves, a mask, and goggles to prevent exposure to any potential diseases or parasites left behind by bats.


Remove any visible waste. Guano, often known as the droppings of bats, may contain germs and fungi that can cause respiratory infections and other health issues. Using a broom and dustpan, collect and dispose of any visible droppings in a sealed bag.


After removing the apparent droppings, it is essential to clean the area to eliminate any lingering bacteria or fungi. A disinfectant solution or steam cleaner can be used to sterilize the damaged area properly.

During their roosting period, bats can cause damage to your home or property. This includes creating holes in your walls or roof and leaving stains or scents behind. Consider using a deodorizer to eliminate residual scents and repair any damage caused by the bats.


To prevent future bat infestations, it is essential to seal any entry points that bats may have used to gain access to your home or property. This may involve sealing cracks and breaches in your walls, roof, and foundation, as well as placing screens over vents and other openings. Additionally, you can employ exclusion measures such as one-way doors and netting to keep bats from returning.

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You can efficiently clean up after a bat infestation and avoid future infestations by following these instructions. It is recommended that you contact a professional wildlife control company for assistance if you have a major bat infestation or are unclear on how to properly clean up after the bats.


The removal of bats from your porch requires a combination of exclusion methods and habitat improvement. It is essential to keep in mind that bats are protected by state and federal law, making it illegal to harm or kill them. By following these methods and, if necessary, enlisting expert assistance, you can safely and humanely remove bats from your porch.