How Do I DIY Bat Removal

How Do I Remove Bats Myself?


Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, you simply noticed squeaky sounds coming from your attic. It appears like you have a bat infestation! Bats in an attic can cause extensive property damage and spread disease.


Therefore, it may be time to take action and attempt bat removal.


However, how do you do it? Is DIY Bat Removal without expert assistance possible? The answer is yes, but only if it is executed properly.


Before attempting DIY Bat Removal, there are critical considerations to take because it can be dangerous for both you and the bats.

The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Guide to Bat Removal from the Attic


This guide is ideal for individuals who want to take issues into their own hands and save money by avoiding expensive professional services. It is also beneficial for individuals who are concerned with the bats' welfare and wish to guarantee that they are treated humanely during the eviction procedure.


By following this Do-It-Yourself Guide To Attic Bat Removal, you can rest assured that your home will soon be bat-free!




It can be challenging to investigate a bat infestation in your home. Observe where bats are entering and exiting your home as a first step. This can be accomplished by standing outside at dusk and noting the locations from which bats take flight.

It is vital to draw a drawing of your home on a notepad and label these locations so you can quickly identify them in the future. Additionally, it is essential to identify the species of bats that have made your home their home, as this will alter the exclusion procedure.

Distinct bat species have different sizes, behaviors, and birthing seasons, all of which must be taken into account while trying to exclusionz.


It is illegal and inhumane to trap newborn bats inside, preventing their moms from caring for them; therefore, it is advisable to avoid exclusion efforts during the maternity season.


Once you have recognized the species of bats inhabiting your property, you may formulate a plan for their compassionate and safe removal.




Inspection is a crucial stage in addressing a bat infestation. Check for common access points such as vents, fascia boards, ridge caps, and louvers as a first step.


Inspect any damaged portions of the home for potential entryways, such as broken or missing windowpanes, warped boards, missing or damaged bricks, and any minor gaps or apertures.

Bats can enter via openings as small as 3/8 of an inch, so it is essential to pay attention to even the tiniest gaps.


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It is also essential to search for indications that bats have already entered your property. Guano (bat droppings) on certain walls or portions of the roof and urine stains in a single spot are both indications that bats may have already made your home their home.


Pay close attention to chimneys and roof vents because they are key entry points for bats.

Once you have evaluated the entire house and discovered any holes – no matter how minor – seal them with hardware store items.

How Do I DIY Bat Removal Files

How Do I DIY Bat Removal

Configuring the Exclusion


The installation of exclusion nets or funnels is a crucial stage in the process of removing bats from a dwelling. This procedure is used to establish a one-way exit point for bats, allowing them to fly out after dark but preventing them from returning.


Depending on the house's design, several forms of exclusion netting, screening, funnels, and cones may be required. This phase must be performed flawlessly to ensure that the bats are able to escape and do not return.


Although it may appear straightforward, it can be challenging to get the exclusion netting or funnel precisely right. It requires careful planning and accurate measurements to ensure that all entry sites are sealed and that there are no openings through which bats could re-enter.


This phase should not be hastened, as it is crucial to the elimination of bats. With the right installation of exclusion netting or funnels, homeowners may rest assured that their residences will soon be devoid of bats.



Observing your home at dusk is essential for preventing bat infestations. By viewing the one-way device, it is possible to ensure that all bats are leaving and cannot return.


If it is not functioning properly, it must be removed immediately. If it is functioning properly, it should be left in place for at least three days. This will give you sufficient time to determine if any bats are attempting to re-enter your property.


Check up


After the bats have been removed from the home, it is essential to monitor their progress and ensure that they have not returned. The most effective approach to accomplishing this is by removing the netting used to trap them and sealing any entry gaps or holes that may have been left open.


This will prevent bats from reentering your home and causing additional damage. It is also crucial to keep in mind that bats live a long time and have a strong memory, so they may attempt to re-enter your home for many seasons after they have been evicted.



Clean up the bat guano as the sixth step in eradicating bats from your attic. This procedure decontaminates and deodorizes the entire area.


Bat guano can corrode wood and drywall, resulting in the growth of mold, which can cause health issues in some individuals. Therefore, it is essential to clean and disinfect the area completely.

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How Do I DIY Bat Removal Links


It is vital to wear protective clothing such as gloves, a face mask, and eye protection when cleaning up bat guano.


To clear any droppings or debris that may have accumulated in the attic, it is also essential to use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. After vacuuming, you should disinfect the area with a mix of bleach and water.


After this, an odor neutralizer should be applied to assist in eradicating any lingering scents from the bat guano.


If you do not feel confident executing this task on your own, you should seek assistance from a professional.


Should You Consider Hiring an Expert for Bat Removal?


Bat removal is a crucial service offered by animal removal companies. If you have observed symptoms of damage in your attic, bats may be residing in your home.


A professional animal exterminator can remove bats from your home and fix any damage they may have caused swiftly and effectively. In addition, they provide the option of installing a bat house nearby so that you can keep these wonderful creatures nearby.