Econ/Buen 221 Money and Banking, Winter 2024

Session #1592 & #2141 MWF 3:10pm - 4:20pm @223 Briggs Hall

Office hours: Tue & Fri 2:00PM - 3:00PM, @Briggs 117A 

or by appointment via Zoom (make sure to email me in advance)

This course introduces students to money, banking, and financial markets in the US. We will discuss topics including the functions of money, the monetary system, bank management, and structure of the US financial market. We will explore the determinants and behavior of interest rates on bond market and factors that impact asset prices on stock market. We will discuss the role of the Federal Reserves as the Central Bank of the United States. To enhance the acquaintance of materials throughout the course, students will read carefully, complete regular quizzes, problem sets, data assignments, group work presentation, tests, and final exam.

You are always welcome to my office hours if you have questions. In case you can not visit my office, just write me email to and we can schedule online meeting via Zoom.

Required textbook: Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 13th edition, by Frederic Mishkin, ISBN 9780136894353

Supplementary text (Optional): Principles of Economics, 10-th edition by Gregory N. Mankiw. ISBN 978-0-357-722718 (paperback), 978-0-357-722848 (e-book).

Link to the Course Syllabus

Link to the Course Calendar

I will be communicating with students of the course via Canvas site.