Econ 100 Introductory Economics, Fall 2023

Session #5599 MWF 1:50pm - 3:00pm @223 Briggs Hall

Session #5600 MWF 3:10pm - 4:20pm @223 Briggs Hall  

Office hours: MW 4:30PM - 5:30PM @117 Briggs Hall

or by appointment via Zoom (make sure to email me in advance)

This course introduces a broad range of economic concepts, theories and analytical techniques. It considers both microeconomics - the analysis of choices made by individual decision-making units (households and firms) - and macroeconomics - the analysis of the economy as a whole. The use of a market model, supply and demand, will be the fundamental model in which trade-offs and choices will be considered through comparison of costs and benefits of actions. Fundamental macroeconomic indicators, GDP, CPI, and unemployment will be covered thoroughly. The macroeconomic interaction of goods and services markets, labor market and financial market at an aggregate level will be introduced. The role of government policy to address micro-economic market failures and macroeconomic objectives will be examined.

You are always welcome to my office hours if you have questions. In case you can not visit my office, just write me email to and we can schedule online meeting via Zoom.

Required textbook: Principles of Economics, 10th edition, by Gregory N. Mankiw, ISBN 9780357722718 (paperback), 978-0-357-722848 (e-book)

Link to the Course Syllabus

Link to the Course Calendar

I will be communicating with students of the course via Canvas site.