A Song of Koyasan

( Japan) by Taeka

written by Vandy Ishida

Sung by 妙佳 TAEKA

contact vandy@mx52.tiki.ne.jp to Vandy

1,If you are going to Koyasan You will find the univers

If you are going to Koyasan You will find cosmic enegy

When you standing on Koyasan You will find who you are

When you standing on Koyasan You will find

空海(KUKAI) in your soul

*Free and easy Koya

色即是空 (Shikisokuzeku) 空即是色(Kusokuzeshiki )

空海(Kukai) in your soul

2 There is sunshine on Koyasan

You'll feel joy and happiness

There is moonlight on Koyasan You'll get know yourself

There are flowers on Koyasan You'll feel love for everything

There is life on Koyasan Love is love and love is all