HKer Origami Workshop

5:30pm - 7:00pm 

每位 $8 per person
(材料+場地費用 covers supplies & venue cost)

摺紙睇落去好簡單,但其實都係一樣幾考工夫嘅藝嚟㗎! 相信紙飛機、心心等等嘅圖案大家都摺得多喇,唔知大家又有冇試過摺動物同食物呢? 喺呢一個半鐘頭嘅工作坊入面,我哋嘅導師將會教大家一齊摺一隻兔仔同埋港式燒賣,睇落去都幾逼真㗎 !

Origami seems to be very simple but in fact it requires a lot of handwork! Many of us are already familiar with folding a plane or a heart. Have you ever thought of folding some animals or HK-style food? In this workshop, our instructor will be teaching you to fold a rabbit and HK-style Siu Mai. Hope you will enjoy it! 

關於導師 About the instructor

Tim Chan 現為 Simon Fraser University 嘅 Master 學生,本身係一名用戶體驗設計師,佢細細個就好中意摺紙,摺咗差唔多20年,佢周不時都有舉辦摺紙活動推廣大眾對摺紙嘅認識。

Tim Chan is currently a Master's student at Simon Fraser University and a user experience designer. He has been an origami fan since he was young and has been folding paper for almost 20 years. He occasionally organizes origami events to promote public awareness and understanding of the art.

關於摺紙 About Origami 




Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding, which originated in Japan during the 17th century. The word "origami" comes from the Japanese words "ori" meaning "to fold" and "kami" meaning "paper". The practice of origami has since spread to other countries, and today it is a popular craft all around the world.

Origami involves the creation of various forms and shapes by folding a single sheet of paper, without cutting, gluing, or using any other materials. The art of origami is not only a fun and creative activity, but it is also believed to have therapeutic and educational benefits. It can help develop hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and patience.

Over the years, many different styles and techniques have developed within the world of origami. Some of the more popular forms include animals, flowers, and geometric shapes. Today, origami enthusiasts continue to push the boundaries of what can be created with a single sheet of paper, exploring new and innovative designs.

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