候鳥 Adrift

候鳥 Adrift

7:30pm - 9:30pm | $16 | 港人劇院 HKer Theatre (Anvil Theatre)

香港屋邀請咗大溫嘅香港藝術演出單位一齊喺市集當晚嘅Anvil Centre劇場「做齣好戲」— 用音樂、舞蹈、獨白同埋書法為大家帶嚟 “Adrift 候鳥”,等我哋一齊感受離開家嘅不捨而同時堅定不屈嘅勇氣啦! HK House has invited artists to gather together to create an evening of multidisciplinary acts by local Hong Kongers. Featuring music, choreography, monologue and calligraphy, we will be performing in the Anvil Centre Theatre for our curated live show “候鳥 Adrift”. Join us to experience this powerful and emotional performance.

演出單位 Performers

Samantha | Step

音樂人 Musicians:
Barnabas | Ernest | Gabriel | Goodwin | Handwash | Joe (JYKC) | Serina | Tony | YY

樂隊 Bands:
Belmont | Story.On.Air

Adrift cover

設計師希望透過白紙呈現出失落同迷失嘅感覺。候鳥努力咁尋找要遷徙嘅方向,通過拼湊一塊塊被撕破嘅白紙嚟搵番自己嘅身份。灰藍色、深紫色和灰色嘅風流色調加強同放大咗候鳥內心嘅迷失同搖擺不定嘅漂泊感。極簡嘅設計傳達咗漂浮同漂泊 (Adrift) 嘅主題。 The artist wants to present a sense of loss and disorientation by these blank papers; how the migratory bird is trying to search for direction and identity through piecing the already torn, blank pieces of paper together. The color palette of the wind current represented in the bird is grey blue, dark purple, and grey to enhance and amplify the wavering sense of lost and "adrift" within. The minimalist design is to convey the floating, displaced theme of being: adrift.

宣傳插圖設計 Artwork and design: 幻波 Wanbo (視覺藝術 Visual Art / 插畫 Illustration)
書法 Calligraphy: Goodwin Li  |  主題 Theme: Raymond Choi  |  風格 Tone: Heiky Kwan

About the theme

Migratory birds wander around mountains and seas and travel all over the world, just to look for a place to live. Migrants in Canada like us may also share the same feeling. We leave our homes for many reasons, and we seek a better life. Throughout the process, there are always ups and downs, excitements and struggles. So what are the migratory birds actually looking for? What are we looking for?

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