失傳糖藝工作坊 Sugar Art Workshop
(每班半小時 30 minute sessions)

2:30pm - 3:00pm | 3:00pm - 3:30pm

3:45pm - 4:15pm | 4:15pm - 4:45pm

5:15pm - 5:45pm | 5:45pm - 6:15pm

6:30pm - 7:00pm | 7:00pm - 7:30pm

每位 $8 per person (材料+場地費用 covers supplies & venue cost)

快啲同我哋一齊嚟探索一下糖藝呢個香港傳統手工藝啦! 喺呢半個鐘頭嘅入門工作坊裡面,我哋嘅導師 YeeChan將會教你一啲基本嘅技巧,並且同你一齊做一至兩個簡單嘅糖藝造型,例如鴨仔或者一朵花,畀你帶返屋企啊!

Join us as we discover the traditional Hong Kong craft of sugar art! Your instructor, YeeChan, will be taking you through some basics as you craft one of two available designs (the duck, or the flower) during this introductory half-hour session. 

關於糖藝 About Sugar Art 


The sugar art technique, which has been included in the Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage, is a traditional folk handicraft with a history of over 600 years. Traditionally, a set of equipment consists of a heating device on one end and sugar and tools on the other. Time control is crucial during the creation process, and each piece is made by kneading, rubbing, twisting, pressing, lifting, squeezing, pulling, and cutting with a pair of scissors, resulting in a wide variety of shapes within a few minutes.

關於導師 About the instructor 

Yeechan 畢業於皇家墨爾本理工大學及香港藝術學院藝術嘅學士學位(主修雕塑)同埋香港浸會大學視覺藝術嘅文學碩士。創作以捕捉細碎嘅生活,亦從生活縫隙中,透過重新建構日常物嚟自我療瘉。

於2019年參與嶺南大學同埋香港藝術中心合辦嘅香港非物質文化遺產教育計劃,跟香港僅存嘅兩位傳統工藝大師學習糖藝。藉此為呢個高度文化價值同埋急需保存嘅項目得以承傳。Yeechan 嘗試將當代嘅議題以傳統的工藝呈現,堅持用一把鉸剪創作每一件只有一吋多嘅糖雕。

Yeechan graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree (majoring in sculpture) from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and the Hong Kong Art School, as well as a Master of Fine Arts in Visual Arts from the Hong Kong Baptist University. Her artwork captures the details of everyday life, and she uses the reconstruction of everyday objects as a form of self-healing.

In 2019, Yeechan participated in the Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Education Program organized by Lingnan University and the Hong Kong Arts Center, where she learned sugar art from two of the remaining traditional masters. Through this, she helped to preserve this highly culturally valuable and urgently needed item. Yeechan tries to present contemporary issues using traditional crafts and insists on creating each piece of sugar art, which is only slightly over an inch in size, with a pair of scissors.

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