Sun (日)  |  May 7 |  11am - 7pm  |  Anvil Centre, New Westminster

A space for HK culture


A place for HKer artists, creators to grow their presence and connect with the community.
A place that loudly proclaims that HKers are in this space and community and we have our own heritage and identity.
A place for HKer culture promotion and preservation.

表演節目 Shows and Performances 

電影放映會 Movie Screening | 12:00pm | $16

香港藝術家表演 Hong Konger Artist Performance | 7:00pm | $16

工作坊報名區 Workshops Registration 

好驚塞車? 放心!一定會!

Transit highly recommended

乘搭交通工具嘅話  How to get there via transit:

3 mins walk from New Westminster Station (Expo Line), or

3 mins walk from Bus route 103 New Westminster Station @ Bay 9

Parking Lot

Anvil Centre 停車場泊車位有限,不如過去New West站樓下嘅停車場啦!
The parking at Anvil Centre will likely be full. Highly recommend parking at the Shops @ New West - Lot #2298 

停車場地址係 800 Carnarvon Street, New Westminster BC V3M 0G3 

贊助 Sponsors

關於我哋 About HK House


We’re HK House – a volunteer collective of Hong Kong diaspora and friends from Vancouver. Our mission is to actively support and enhance Hong Kong culture in Vancouver through cultivating a community of Hong Kong diaspora and friends. In the past, we've hosted community events such as BBQ, holiday parties, hiking , neighborhood cleanups, movie screening and regular mingling! We look forward to building a community together with all of you!

This event is held on the unceded, traditional, and ancestral lands of the Coast Salish Peoples, including the territories of qəyqəyt (Qayqayt), xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), q̓ʷainƛ̓ən (Kwantlen), q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie) Peoples. Hong Kongers, as a diasporic community, often fail to understand that we are uninvited guests of these lands. It is important that we recognize the significance of this history and how it impacts the way we live today. Let us continue to learn from those who came before and become better allies.

As Hong Kongers, we have gained a greater perspective on inequity, imbalance of power, and systemic oppression. We empathise with the difficulties Indigenous Peoples face to defend their rights, preserve their cultures, and protect their languages. We stand with those who advocate for human rights and justice for all.

呢個活動係喺 Coast Salish 領土包括 qəyqəyt (Qayqayt) xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam)q̓ʷainƛ̓ən (Kwantlen)q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie)  民族嘅未割讓、祖傳、同埋被奪去嘅土地上舉行。 香港人呢個流散社群可能未完全理解到,我哋其實係呢片土地上不請自來嘅「客人」。認識呢段歷史同對我哋現時生活嘅影響攸關重要。讓我哋繼續向前人學習,做個更好嘅盟友。
