
Rules have been broken down into sections to make them easier to access/read. If you have further questions or issues with anything, feel free to ask a member of staff. Rules are in place for the safety of the artists and the group members!

Basic Rules

  • Your chickensmoothie account must be at least 2 months old to participate and request a founder.
    Explanation: This prevents people making new accounts for free designs or to use them as trade fodder, or them getting banned for multi-accounting resulting in lions trapped on unused accounts.

  • All content within the arpg and behavior must follow chickensmoothie's rules of conduct, as that is the host site that it is on. All content must be child friendly if linked/attached on site. You can explore darker themes (respectfully) in private, but it must be kept separate from your main pride links.

  • You must start with a founder, and level up to obtain more lions. Founders and their prides/pride information must be stored on a cs thread, or other cs-appropriate website for hosting.

  • You may own as many as you want overall, but lion slots are restricted to your pride/group's level. Each level up will earn you two spaces for additional lions/cats for your pride, see the feather store for details.

  • There can be multiple males in your (lion) pride (to your discretion.) There is no limit on how many you might have or ratio of male to female in either ARPG. Your founder may be a queen/king/any gender.

  • Your founder will NOT be readopted if you don't level up, but you won't be able to adopt more until you reach level 1. Your adopts will NEVER be revoked for inactivity.

  • Breedings and pairings are allowed between lions/cats of any sexes/genders. It's up to you and your character/world development if you want to keep it biologically accurate or find an explanation for this. I will not police your character preferences or development.

  • You may NOT breed lions for valley of kings or cats from hunter's woods outside of the official nursery, they may interact with other characters but your pride itself should only be made up of lions from within the arpg to avoid confusion and muddled design heritages.

  • Theft or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated, Neither will guilt tripping or begging. Please do not make unsolicited trade or breeding offers on lions/cats if the owner has not posted looking for them, and don't press the issue if people say no.

  • If you are banned for whatever reason, you will be asked to move your designs to new lines and asked not to use their artwork from the arpg. They will be marked as Deceased within the arpg.

  • We will never revoke/take away designs under banning unless they are stolen/not yours to begin with.

  • Please be respectful towards fellow members and staff. All conduct within the ARPG should adhere to chickensmoothie rules, as that is the platform that it is primarily present on.

  • You MAY remove a lion/cat from the ARPG (And make them a normal character) at any time, with the permission of the artist and the owner (Sixbane). After this point, VOK/HW Rules are null, and you are expected to come to an agreement on a new terms of service with the artist for their design. If removing a lion/cat from VOK/HW you MUST make them a new reference, and you cannot use the ARPG reference.
    Explanation: You must make a new reference to avoid confusion/anyone obtaining the character in the future and thinking they are still part of the ARPG.

  • You may not edit your lion/cat without approval/the appropriate edit items. This is to prevent things being drastically changed and making the game unfair for others.

  • Hyenas are part of Valley of Kings, and Foxes are part of Hunter's woods. They have the same restrictions as lions and cats, respectfully, and take up a slot of the ARPG they are in.

  • If something is overdue by at least a month (nursery batch, founder, something you're owed- or judging contest) let staff or Sixbane know to address

Trade/Sale Rules

  • Lions/cats and prides/groups CANNOT be co-owned. You can develop your characters with another user, and even have them closely interact or share a territory, but there should be a solid distinction of who owns what.
    Explanation: Co-owning gets complicated, and often leads to character disputes that are difficult to resolve, sometimes it becomes a he-said-she-said to deal with and that puts more pressure on staff for avoidable problems.

  • You can trade lions/cats for other designs(inside or outside of the arpg), you may trade them for art or writing, or you can sell them for CS pets/C$ ONLY. They may NOT be sold for DA points or USD (real money currencies). USD/points should NOT be involved in a transaction/sale of a lion or cat. You may ask for other in-game currencies for other sites (Dappervolk, Flightrising, ect)
    Explanation: Da points (can be transferred into USD) and USD are not permitted to be transferred on CS. It is not permitted because we do not want to encourage people to break CS rules and disclose personal (paypal) information. Additionally, the adopts are free and it is unfair towards the artists for people to profit off of their work. If you wish to make a USD transaction, you are welcome to remove the lion/cat from the arpg and sell them with the artist's permission.

  • Founders (obtained from free, founder tickets) may NOT be sold for any currency. They can ONLY be traded for art, or other lions/cats.
    Explanation: This discourages people from applying for founders for the sole sake of trade fodder. They can only be used to obtain other elements of the ARPG.

  • You may gift or readopt a lion/cat at any time, However, you must own them for at least a month before you may trade/sell them for any currency or for VOK things.
    Explanation: This cooldown discourages people from entering adopts for the sole purpose of trading/selling them.

  • You may gift/trade/sell items at any time. For any currency except USD/Points.

  • You MAY gift/trade/sell feathers.

  • When any items/lions are transferred, you must post an update on the Archive update threads so that the information can be updated/there is proof of the transfer.

Writing/Development Rules

  • You are NOT required to adhere to any set format OR the canon lore for your group/pride structure. You are welcome to create your own story, world, magic/ect to suit your desires and your characters and completely ignore the canon if you so choose.

  • Your lions/cats do NOT have to be realistic/adhere to realistic lions/cats unless you want them to do so.

  • Your founder is the only "Mandatory" start point of your pride/group. You can give your founder any role in your pride that you so choose. Founders cannot be replaced so long as you still own that lion/cat unless you complete the prompt to mark that lion/cat as deceased and mark a new lion/cat as founder, OR you trade your founder and place a new one in their place.

  • You may develop your prides/groups with other users at your discretion.

  • You may develop your lions/groups into multiple prides. You are still restricted by level requirement as to how many you can own, but you can divvy them up into separate groups at your discretion.

  • Incestual or Adult-cub/kit relationships are NOT permitted.

  • You may give your lions/cats magic(al) abilities in terms of writing, but you cannot add physical edits/changes to their official references without the appropriate edit items.

  • You may set up/structure your pride(s)/groups however you want.

  • You can write/draw/develop your characters in AU's/other forms (Such as anthro or human) if you like.

  • There is no restriction on lion/cat age, since they aren't realistic you can make them live forever if you so choose.

  • You can add your own accessories in stories/your own artwork of the lions/cats. You'll need a nonrarity edit to add them to the ref (This is more of a cosmetic thing than anything else)

NPC Rules

  • NPC (Non Playable Characters) are allowed within VOK/HW

  • NPCS can be external characters to your pride/group, but should not be an 'actual' member of your current group/pride. They CAN be 'occasional' members (who may be nomadic or only live with your pride/group situationally)

  • NPCS can be relatives of your lions/cats who are no longer present/ect, or FORMER members of the pride/group

  • You may include NPCS in prompts, however: they do not count for prompt rewards unless one of your VOK lions/HW cats is the center focus of the writing.

General Design Rules

  • All normal adopt and MYO lions/cats are natural colored (With the exception of event /special occasion). Some leeway is permitted, and may be determined on a case by case basis as surrounding colors can dilute or nullify the effect on some shades of color, and the distribution can play a part in it. Generally, as long as it looks like something plausible on a natural mammal it is probably okay. Basic/minor/common MYOS should be natural colors. You CAN use unnatural colors with at least an unlimited medium VOK MYO. (This doesnt exist for HW)

Examples of allowed vs not allowed colors
(Reds, oranges, yellows, and browns, along with greyscale are typically safe colors. Greens/blues/purples get a little more iffy unless heavily greyed.)

  • Markings should be natural. They are not strictly adhered to natural "For a lion/cat" as lions are quite plain, but things like leopard spots, cheetah spots, cat patterns,ect are fine. You just can't use hyper-defined manmade shapes (logos/hearts/stars/skulls/ect) under most circumstances, but they can be loosely implied as long as its a believable 'coincidence' type of marking. ex

  • Manes are more common on male lions, but are not hard-restricted to either gender.

  • Eyes may be ANY color, and are not restricted to natural tones.

  • Please note, that due to the restrictions of designs, and similar themes, sometimes lions/cats may look similar. Especially if they are based on similar species/inspiration points. If you have concerns about two lions/cats looking too similar, you are welcome to raise these concerns and staff will look into it.

  • For traits/edits, see the trait guides.

Discord Rules

  • All discord behavior/conduct must abide by Chickensmoothie rules. Swearing, and NSFW topics are not permitted. Politics may not be discussed per cs rules. You may not reveal personal information about yourself, your location, age, ect.

Explanation: As the server is connected/linked to CS, it must abide by CS rules in order to stay a public server.

  • All basic/ARPG rules also apply in the discord server

  • Try to keep topics to their designated channels, though you won't be punished for getting a little off topic.

Explanation: We understand that conversations can get off track sometimes, but you'll be asked to move if you spam in a non-bot channel, for example.

  • Please do not whine, guilt trip, or beg within the discord server.

Explanation: Statements that make others feel bad for winning contests, not giving up lions, guilting over trade offers, ect will be removed.

  • Be respectful and kind to others! Drama/arguments will not be tolerated.

  • Please do not publicly argue/start disagreements with staff or community members, please direct issues to staff to address or resolve.

Explanation: We're more than happy to hear any issues and try to resolve them privately, public arguments aren't allowed on CS and therefore cannot be allowed in the server.

  • Please do not advertise other discord servers.

Explanation: We cannot monitor the content of servers linked to our server in this way, and therefore cant affirm it's adherence to CS rules.

  • No name dropping/insulting/talking badly about other users in the discord server

  • You do NOT have to have a VOK lion/HW cat to participate in the discord server.

  • You must post in introductions upon arriving in the server so that staff can keep track of your user on CS.

Nursery Rules

  • Only adult lions/cats may breed in the nursery. Cubs/kits CANNOT breed.

  • Lions/cats must be at least 3 weeks old to breed. (If you use a cub growth potion *VOK*, they are still restricted by this 3 week cooldown).

Explanation: This prevents people from immediately breeding out cubs or kittens /breeding just for breeding sake, and gives the artist a bit of a break.

  • Incestuous relationships are NOT permitted. Blood-related characters may NOT breed.

  • You may breed two lions/cats you own, OR partner with another user to pair one of your lions/cats with theirs.

  • Cubs/cats may grow after 3 weeks. The artist will complete the growth while doing the batch. ) Please PM the artist directly when you want them aged to adult. The artist may not age them up until you advise them to do so.
    Explanation: Users might have story reasons to keep cubs as young for extended periods. We don't assume you want them adult in case of this, just advise when you want them grown. Some artists may grow them on the 3 week period to ensure they don't forget.

  • Lions/cats of ANY gender may breed.

  • Only completed tickets should be posted. WIP tickets and reserve tickets are NOT allowed. You may edit your ticket ONLY if the slot has not been closed, and it is not a FCFS ticket.

  • Each lion/cat may breed 3 times.

  • Artists will post on the nursery thread when they open slots, so keep an eye on the thread. Artists MUST have open slots to request a breeding.

  • Lions/cats do NOT have to be a formal/in character couple in order to breed. They do not have to be dedicated mates and lions can have breedings with different partners.

  • Guilt tripping, harassment, or begging over cubs will not be tolerated. Staff will NOT intervene in choosing the owner of a cub/kitten. If requested, staff can randomize between two users.

  • Both owners must be off cooldown to breed. Lions/cats do not individually have a cooldown.

  • If one owner leaves the site/or is banned, the remaining owner can cancel the batch (if it is pending, and the artist accepts the cancellation). If the artist is already far enough along on the batch and don't want their work to go to waste, they can decline the cancel and finish it.

  • If one owner leaves/or is banned and the cubs/kittens ownership cannot be determined, option to determine ownership will fall to the remaining owner after at least 1 month has passed since the other owner was first contacted/notified of the finished batch, with no response.

There is a chance between 1-4 cubs in a litter.

If one user is breeding, its 25% of 1, 50% chance of 2, 15% chance of 3, and 10% chance of 4.

If TWO users are breeding, its 75% chance of 2, 15% chance of 3, and 10% chance of 4.

There is a chance between 1-4 kittens in a litter.

If one user is breeding, its 45% of 1, 40% chance of 2, 10% chance of 3, and 5% chance of 4.

If TWO users are breeding, its 85% chance of 2, 10% chance of 3, and 5% chance of 4.

Slot types:
Out of character:

  • You: as a user, are allowed ONE out of character slot a month (Every 30 days). These do NOT require prompts or development, and the couples do NOT have to be a canon pairing to breed. They can be from different prides/groups and have different owners. Both owners must be off cooldown to breed.
    Explanation: Out of character breedings have a longer cooldown/are more limited so the system isn't abused since they require no work on the users part.

  • Out of character slots are on an independent cooldown from the In character slots.

In character:

  • You are allowed one in character slot a week (Every 7 days). These DO require prompts and the couples need some form of development in order to breed. They can be from different prides/groups and have different owners. Both owners must be off cooldown to breed.

  • These are on an independent cooldown from the out of character slots.

  • The in character breeding prompt is 500 words OR two small art pieces (minimum, flat colored bust/shoulder-up couple pieces) OR one full art piece (shaded fullbodies + simple background) OR if you want to split writing and art, 250 words + a small art piece is acceptable.

  • Art/writing for the prompt is user's choice as long as it shows development between the two parents. Make sure to keep cs appropriate.

  • One user can complete the prompt, or you can split it between both owners to your discretion.

  • You MAY commission one small art piece, the other small art piece or 250 words must be written by one of the owner.

Explanation: This prevents people from 'pay to get slots' mentality, and encourages actual development.

Prompt Rules

  • Any body of writing may only be used to claim a reward ONCE within the arpg. You cannot claim 2 rewards with one writing. (Ex: you can't write a breeding prompt and claim a nursery batch with it, and then claim a prompt reward for it. It's one or the other.

  • You CAN use contest writing for prompt rewards, as long as it meets the requirement and you own the character.

For further prompt specifics, please see the Prompt page: Here as specific prompts have specific rules.

Staff Rules

  • Staff are awarded 2 Gold feathers every month that they are active (Produce at least 2 lions/cats/nbs in their respective ARPGS). They are awarded at the end of each month. An artist can request to claim them early provided they have already finished the 2 things that month. If an artist creates 1 thing 1 month, and 1 the next, they CAN merge the two to claim the 2 feathers. (But they cannot claim two if they produce 2 things the second month but only 1 the first.) Moderators and Archivists/bankers are generated as active on a case by case basis, as long as they are available and show activity.

  • Staff will be removed after 4 months of inactivity if they are not reachable/don't communicate with the rest of staff a prior reasoning for this inactivity. A notification will be issued before this.

  • Rewards (customs) can be made in advance, but cannot be posted/approved prior to their earning.

  • Staff are expected to be available to add people to threads if requested, or add them upon someone winning the lion/cat/adult refs on the nursery (in case of any edits needed)

  • Staff can make 1 for-profit lion/cat/hyena to be sold for c$, OTA, art, or character trades after every 5 free adopts/2 nb designs they create. These sold adopts can be for any price that the artist likes, and can use up to medium edits/SOME mild unnatural colors. These cannot be event adopts and are only main adopts. Staff may not sell adopts for points/USD at this time (Since they cannot be resold at these currencies.

  • Staff can make designs for feathers at any time, but these do not count towards the for-profit free design requirement. The artist will be awarded the feathers.

  • Staff can make personal batches after doing 5 (Free) things for the community. Staff personal batches have to be rolled publicly via the rolling channel, or by someone else on staff.
    *Moderators and archivists can make one personal batch monthly as long as they are active.