Feather bank & Shop

What are feathers?

Feathers are the new currency that is being used in both Valley of Kings and Hunter's Woods.

Feathers are a joint currency, meaning if you earn them in one- you can use them for the other arpg. They are applied to users, and can be used in BOTH arpgs.

They are replacing experience and store point gains, along with event currencies, for a more uniform and easy to manage single currency.

You earn Feathers by completing prompts, in events, earning honorable mentions, ect

You will NOT lose anything you have already gained. You will maintain levels and items you already have. This is going forward.

You can claim feathers through art/writing at the feather claim thread

**You do NOT have to manually transfer types of feathers claimed. The bankers/staff will do so on their own.

White feathers

The most common type of feather. These are the 'basic' feathers you'll be earning

Five white feathers = 1 bronze feather

White feathers are used for common/basic/simple items.

Bronze feathers

Slightly more rare than white feathers, these are a bit more shiny...

5 bronze feathers = 1 silver feather

Bronze feathers are used for small-low uncommon items.

Silver feathers

Getting fancy...these have a bit of sparkle to them

5 silver feathers = 1 gold feather

Silver feathers are used for high-uncommon and rare items

Gold feathers

The rarest feathers in the lands, who knows what magical beast these came from

5 gold feathers = 1 iridescent feather

Gold feathers are used for rare/special items

Iridescent feathers

What strange feathers...these don't look like normal..maybe they only show up for those who really look for them

Iridescent are used for limited/legendary items

Feather Bank

You CAN use feathers as long as you've put in the claiming form. You can use items as soon as they are purchased as long as the form has been entered (You do not have to wait for them to be entered in the bank, but it will be verified.) Claim entries are recorded for record purposes.

ARPG Feather Bank

Use this form to purchase from the shop, transfer/gift feathers via the Feather claims/shop

These posts act as your proof of ownership, you will link to them when using the items.

Store items

Make your own (MYO) Guidelines:

Once you have purchased a MYO, comment under the MYO thread to be added to create your MYO. MYOS are CURRENTLY for Lions and Cats. Hyena and Fox MYOS are not currently available. *There is no longer a purchase limit to MYOS, buy as many as you want. You can create the MYO OR have someone else do it for you. All MYOS must be approved by a member of staff to be official.

Level up

You can use 5 white feathers to purchase a level up for your group/pride. This gives you 2 more slots for lions/cats. You can apply a level up to EITHER your VOK pride or your HW group (But not both at once).

White feather (Common item) Items

Edit Remover - Can be used to remove a single edit on any VOK Lion/hyena, and any HW Cat/fox
*note that this can be used to remove manes.
Cost: 2 white feathers

Non-rarity Edit Item - Can be used to give a VOK lion/hyena or HW cat any listed Nonrarity edit.
This includes weight, sclera color, accessories, scars, ect.
*note that this can be used to add/switch between basic manes.
Cost: 2 white feathers

Monthly Raffle - Will award one ticket in the monthly raffle (See tab under store for more info) Every month there are different rewards. You can buy as many tickets as you like. However: Be aware that you can buy a lot and still not win! It is entirely up to chance. These tickets last until the next raffle. (At which point, your tickets are 'used up')
Cost: 2 white feathers

Food coloring - Can be used to add a randomly generated color to the palette when breeding, chance of unnatural/unusual colors. *can use unlimited amount
Cost: 2 white feathers

Marking filter - Can be used to add a random marking or pattern to the mix when breeding, chance of unusual/odd markings to the artist's choice. *Can use unlimited amount
Cost: 3 white feathers

Bronze Feather (Low-Uncommon) Items

Minor edit - A minor edit that can be used to give a lion or cat any minor edit listed.
Cost: 1 Bronze feather

Growth Potion - Can be used to grow a kit/cub early as long as the artist has finished the adult version. They are still subject to the 3 week waiting period (Until they would be an adult) to breed.
Cost: 2 bronze feathers

Basic MYO - A basic MYO, includes scars, accessories, Unlimited Nonrarity and minor edits. You cannot use unnatural colors (except for the eyes)
Cost: 4 bronze feathers

Silver Feather (High-Uncommon) Items

Medium trait - Can be used to give a LION or HYENA a medium edit. Cannot be used to give halfblood edits.
Cost: 1 Silver Feather

Mutation Booster- Can be used to double chances of mutations in breedings *can be stacked up to 2
Cost: 1 Silver Feather

Edit magnifier - Can be used when breeding to double chance of already-present edits passing *cannot be stacked
Cost: 2 silver feathers

1 Trait Medium MYO - Can be used to create a LION MYO with 1 medium trait. (Cats do not have medium traits, and medium MYOS ONLY Apply to lions). Can include unlimited nonrarity/minor traits. Medium trait CANNOT be half-blood. You CAN use unnatural colors for this MYO.
Cost: 3 Silver feathers

Orphan random design - Can be used to receive an 'orphan' adopt of your species of choosing (Hyena, Lion, Cat, or Fox). The design will be claimed and created by an available artist. An orphan design has a mutation roll (the same as the nursery mutation roll for that respective nursery) for a potential edit or unusual color.
When purchasing/posting, you can choose up to three colors/markings/elements you'd like to see in the design, is its largely artist choice. These will be on the kit/cub lines and be age-able after 3 weeks like a normal nursery batch.
Cost: 3 silver feathers

Fertility Potion - Guarantees 3 kits/cubs when breeding, with a Chance for 4.
Cost: 3 silver feathers

Medium trait translator - Can be used when breeding to guarantee the passing of a medium trait, at 100% for the first cub, and with a higher, 75% chance on other cubs. You can use multiple when breeding (for different traits) but you cannot stack them (ex: for 100% on the other three cubs)
Cost: 4 silver feathers

Gold Feather (Rare) Items

Unlimited Medium MYO - Can be used to create a LION MYO with unlimited medium traits . (Cats do not have medium traits, and medium MYOS ONLY Apply to lions). Can include unlimited nonrarity/minor traits. Unlimited medium CAN include half-blood. You CAN use unnatural colors for this MYO.
Cost: 1 gold feather

1 Trait Major MYO - Can be used to create a CAT MYO with 1 major trait. (Lions do not have 'Major" traits, and major MYOS ONLY Apply to cats). Can include unlimited nonrarity/minor traits. You CAN use unnatural colors for this MYO.
Cost: 2 Gold feathers

Large wings (VOK) trait - Can be used to give a lion/hyena a large wing edit
Cost: 2 gold feathers

Large Feather growth (VOK) trait - Can be used to give a lion/hyena a large feather growth edit
Cost: 3 gold feathers

Large scale growth (VOK) trait - Can be used to give a lion/hyena a large scale growth edit
Cost: 3 gold feathers

Large extra features (VOK) trait - Can be used to give a lion/hyena a large extra feature edit (Extra limbs, Extra heads, Extra eyes, extra ears, extra tails over 6)
Cost: 3 gold feathers

Fertility Bloom - Guarantees 4 kits/cubs when breeding
Cost: 3 gold feathers

Unlimited Major MYO - Can be used to create a CAT MYO with unlimited major traits. (Lions do not have 'Major" traits, and major MYOS ONLY Apply to cats). Can include unlimited nonrarity/minor traits. You CAN use unnatural colors for this MYO.
Cost: 4 Gold feathers

Iridescent Feather (Legendary) Items

Large trait edit (VOK) - Can be used to give a lion/hyena a large trait *EXCLUDES Fullblood edit.
Cost: 1 Iridescent Feather

Major trait edit (HW) - Can be used to give a cat/fox a major trait
Cost: 1 Iridescent Feather

1 Large trait MYO - Can be used to create a LION MYO with 1 large trait. (Cats do not have large traits, and large trait MYOS ONLY Apply to lions). Can include unlimited nonrarity/minor/medium traits. Large trait CANNOT be fullblood. You CAN use unnatural colors for this MYO.
Cost: 1 Iridescent Feather

Large trait translator- Can be used when breeding to guarantee the passing of a large trait, at 100% for the first cub, and with a higher, 50% chance on other cubs. You can use multiple when breeding (for different traits) but you cannot stack them (ex: for 100% on the other three cubs)
Cost: 1 Iridescent feather

Fullblood MYO (VOK)- Can be used to create a fullblood MYO. See fullblood info on the VOK trait guide for more info. Cost is higher due to potential for additional edits.
Cost: 2 Iridescent Feathers

Unlimited Large trait MYO - Can be used to create a LION MYO with any amount of large traits. (Cats do not have large traits, and large trait MYOS ONLY Apply to lions). Can include unlimited nonrarity/minor/medium traits. You CAN use unnatural colors for this MYO.
Large trait can be fullblood, but be aware that being fullblood will limit the other large traits you can have (As it needs to still be recognizable as feline-adjacent)
Cost: 3 Iridescent Feathers

Pay to use Feather Bases/lines

Unlock rights to use the lines with feathers. Once purchased, you will be added to the oekaki (if oekaki lines) or sent the file.

These lines can be: Colored in for your lions, used for commissions, used to earn feathers,ect. You can make adoptables on them if you want (Non-arpg cat/lion adopts)

You may NOT distribute the lines/files themselves.

*Colorin reward is the amount of feathers you can earn with FREE colorins on this base. This can be colorins for yourself, or gifted colorins for the community.
You CAN do commissioned colorins on these bases, but they cannot be claimed for feathers if they are paid for.

Lineset 1:
Artist: Sixbane
File type: PSD/SAI2/PNG
Inclusions: Basic mane
Feather cost: 5 white feathers
Colorin reward: 1 white feather

Lineset 2:
Artist: Sixbane
File type: PSD/SAI2/PNG
Inclusions: No edits
Feather cost: 5 white feathers
Colorin reward: 2 white feathers

Store Lions/Cats/Hyenas

No ones here now!