Side/fun projects

Welcome to the record of stupid things I do in my free time

Enigma machine on FPGA

When department gives you a 200$ worth FPGA board for a course duration, you have to make most out it. In order to do that, in fall 2020 I emulated one of my intellectual fantasies, the Enigma machine from WW2, on the Basys 3 FPGA.

Codes will soon be provided on my Github profile after final corrections

The parking problem on FPGA

This problem was given as a final project problem for the course in which FPGA board was issued.

Sound/noise alert system

Who likes to repetitively nudge and sush that one group of doods on the quite study floor that keeps talking out loud?

Being a library geek I like my library surroundings like by bike's crank set, quite. So I came up with this idea to build an automated system to notify users based on the sound level detected on the place they are sitting

This project is being worked under the IEEE mentorship program, with my mentee, Basak E.

The fun with ICs begins

I took Fundamentals of digital logics course in the spring 2020, which introduced me to the whole integrated circuits arena of electronics. I worked out 3 basic projects during the semester:

  • One-bit binary full adder with binary output

  • 4-bit BCD adder with 7-seg display output

  • Clock enabled 0-9 counter with 7-seg display output

A major takeaway from these projects was, all it takes is a single loose connection to ruin everything, whether it be circuit board or life.

Extension on NASA's Aerokats project

Me and my 'team' picked up NASA's Aerokats project to expand upon, as our semester long project in the Fall 2019, for k-12 outreach. I was initially assigned as the engineering tech lead for the group, but later as my 'team' slacked off the charts, me and my friend ended up doing all the work ourselves, from brainstorming, to CADing, to 3D printing, to testing.

On the exhibition day, course instructor and coordinator, both were really impressed by the innovation, and said that the prototype could be sent to NASA for further revisions, but god knows if it will ever happen

Automation of a manual homogenizer valve

I used to see one of my labmates sitting in the lab for 8 hours daily just to turn up a homogenizer valve every 30 mins. I don't like to see people doing tasks that a 9V battery and 10 lines of Arduino code could do. So in my free time at the lab I worked out a mechanical Arduino based automator for the valve.

Potential future advisors, I can do a lot more than this in your labs, just give me a chance, lol

Mask_RCNN (Neural Network) code for 2D flake identification on Silicon wafers

Big brain time!!

Nah, honestly I am struggling on this at the moment.

Collection of my philosophical ideas

Soon to be a documented thing. Thanks to Dr. Alex Levine for introducing me to the mind-body problem during my first semester at Uni :)

My famous alfredo pasta

Living away from family for the first time is no joke, and specially for someone like me who can count the number of times they've been into the kitchen before college, it is difficult.

I needed to survive, and in order to do that, I needed to cook, so I learnt how to cook. My journey from not being able to flip an owmlet with spatula on the first day, to flipping it by tossing today, has been remarkable. During which, I somehow was able to engineer a new recipe of making alfredo pasta, which got famous among my friends.