Utkarsh Misra

Nanomaterials, Nanomanufacturing, and Memory Devices


Hi there! My name is Utkarsh Misra (a.k.a "U T", "Uttie", or "Kutch"). I am a 5th year BS/MS student at the department of Electrical Engineering at the University of South Florida. I am excited about the utilization of Nanomaterials to create novel non-conventional electronic devices which will help to meet the expectations set by the Moore’s and Dennard's law.  My current research focuses on usage of graphene as a thermal interface material for heterogenous RF IC packaging applications. I am currently working with Professor Jing Wang at USF EE.

I am an international student studying in the US, and I graduated from high school in India. After completing my MS this summer, I plan to pursue a PhD at the University of Texas at Austin, where I will focus on 2D material-based neuromorphic computing and 6G application devices under the guidance of Professors Deji Akinwande and Jean Anne Incorvia. Previously, I researched oxide-based resistive memory devices as a visiting researcher at the Raja Ramanna Center for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore, India, and ReS2-based photo transistors as a DAAD Rise fellow at Technische Universität Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau), Ilmenau, Germany. 

You can often find me in the lab wearing my Tom Brady's Bucs or Victor Hedman's Lightning jerseys, legend says I have over 6 pairs of them. Off the lab, you can find me competing with the USF's Men's Rowing team, throwing dimes with the USF’s flag football club, riding my Jamis ventura with the USF’s cycling club,  scrolling Twitter,  jamming Pink Floyd on my Epiphone Les Paul, cooking alfredo pasta, supporting Tampa Bay teams,  or simply banging my head against the wall.

Current Project(s)

2D Materials as Thermal Interface Material

This project is worked out currently as part of my thesis work under guidance of Dr. Jing Wang at USF  EE

Machine learning on Edge Devices

Vending Machine