To contact us:

Tel. : +39 0332 789031

Microsoft Teams group: you can join using the code 005b260 within the European Commission, otherwise ask us to be added!

USF is the Trade Union with the highest consensus within the European Institutions.

The main language of the USI web site is English but you will also find information in French and Italian

28th March 2024

Dear colleagues,

USI wishes you, and your family, a Happy Easter 2024!


Monica, Flavio, Luigi, Luca, Edwin, Arianna, Chiara, Elda, Daniele, Simone, Andrea, Marina

-USI staff-


15th March 2024

USI is pleased to announce that during the Commemoration Day of Union Syndicale Fédérale on 15th March 2024, the “Declaration d’Ispra”  has been signed again by all participants.

13th March 2024

All USI members are invited to join the Commemoration Day of Union Syndicale Fédérale on the 15th of March 2024 at the Clubhouse Ispra, starting from 14:30.

8th March 2024

Happy International Women's Day! 

-USI team-



21st February 2024

Dear colleagues,

Union Syndicale Ispra is pleased to inform you that, during the 27.2.2024 USI General Assembly, our lawyer Michela Velardo, who is an expert in Community law, will present the updates concerning the Italian health card situation


For this purpose, a dedicated link has been created to follow this important occasion:



- intervention of lawyer Velardo on Health Card issue -

The intervention will start at 13:00 on Tuesday 27th February 2024


 Anybody can join it!


14th February 2024


Dear colleagues,

We would like to inform you that the USI General Assembly will be held on Tuesday 27th February 2024 at 12:00 (first notice at 08: 00, second invitation at 12: 00)

with the following agenda:


1.  Report on union activities 2023; proposed actions 2024

2. Approval of the 2023 budget and 2024 expenditure forecast

3. Intervention of our lawyer Michela Velardo

4.     AOB


Please ask the secretariat to receive the link to connect. 


The USI General Assembly is open to all USI members.

If you wish to become one of us, see here the form to subscribe




Cari colleghi,

vi informiamo che l'Assemblea Generale dell'USI si terrà martedì 27 febbraio alle ore 12:00

(in prima convocazione alle ore 08:00, in seconda convocazione alle ore 12:00)

con il seguente ordine del giorno:


1. Resoconto attività sindacali del 2023

2. Approvazione bilancio 2023, spese previste per il 2024

3. Intervento del nostro legale Michela Velardo

4. AOB



Vogliate contattare la segreteria per ricevere il link con il quale connettersi. 


L'Assemblea generale dell'USI è aperta a tutti i membri dell'USI.

Chi volesse diventare uno di noi, veda qui il modulo per iscriversi. 


14th February 2024


Cari colleghi,

Il 2024 rappresenta una data importante per USI :

nel 1974 , cinquant’anni fà, ad Ispra veniva firmato l’accordo che  istituiva 

« Union des Syndicats » che sarebbe poi divenuta nel 1994 

l’Union Syndicale  Fédérale,

una delle maggiori organizzazioni sindacali presenti in tutta Europa con sedi in tutte le Istituzioni e nella maggior parte delle Agenzie Esecutive

Da più di 50 anni quindi USI è accanto ai lavoratori delle Istituzioni Europee, fornendo supporto, consiglio e consulenza.



Dear colleagues,

2024 is an important date for USI:

in 1974, fifty years ago, the agreement establishing  "Union des Syndicats" was signed in Ispra. It would then become the 

Union Syndicale Fédérale in 1994,

one of the largest trade union organisations across Europe with headquarters in all institutions and in most executive agencies

For more than 50 years, USI has been next to workers in the European Institutions, providing support and advice.



SOLO ai nostri iscritti torniamo pertanto ad offrire:


We therefore once again offer our members ONLY:

Avv. Michela Velardo

A free initial consultation with a legal expert in Community law, lawyer Michela Velardo  


Appointments to be arranged with the USI secretariat, for the following available dates (others will be added soon):





Patrick Cattaneo

    Commercialista - Revisore contabile

 A first free consultation with the accountant Mr. Patrick Cattaneo

Appointments to be arranged with the USI secretariat, for the following available dates, (others will be added soon):




Avv. Gabriele Carrà

   A first free consultation with a legal expert in civil Italian law, 

for commercial, family and real estate matters, 

lawyer Gabriele Carrà

Appointments to be arranged directly, writing to:

Gabriele Carrà

Studio Carrà-Gaini

Corso di Porta Vittoria, 32 – Milano

Via Antonio Griffi, 6 – Varese



    EPSO Competition Preparation Courses

     I corsi di formazione sono disponibili online e in presenza. In questo caso è richiesto un numero minimo di partecipanti.

    Training courses are available online and in person. In this case, a minimum number of participants is required. 


By applying for a nominative card at the time of registration, you will also have a discount of 10 % on the transport service (taxi) and other facilities in shops and other business activities contracted.

Di seguito le nostre proposte di agevolazioni :

 Below are our proposals of discounts:


     Su richiesta si esegue qualunque tipo di servizio trasporto (es. Visite mediche presso Ospedali di Varese e Milano, ecc)


from Ispra and surroundings to/from MALPENSA-LINATE-BERGAMO

AIRPORTS and VARESE stations.

On request, we can provide any type of transport service (e.g. medical

examinations at hospitals in Varese and Milan, etc.)

+39 393 388 8488  IT/EN


PI 03851330120

·         Occhiali da vista , da sole, sportivi sole e correttivi

·         Lenti a contatto 

·         Esame optometrico

15 % discount  from Mariangela Soma, L'OTTICO SOMA for: 

· Sunglasses, spectacles, sun sports and corrective spectacles

· Contact lenses 

· Optometric examination



"I sapori della mia Terra Lucana"

Frutta, Verdura, Olio

10% discount on its own production of fruits, vegetables and oil

             Nova Siri (Matera)

tel. 329 6922875


Ricordiamo che, per poter usufruire dei nostri servizi e delle  agevolazioni menzionate, è richiesta l’iscrizione al sindacato per l’anno in corso.


We remind you that, in order to benefit from the aforementioned facilities, you must be a member of the trade union for the current year.


Di seguito troverete tutte le informazioni necessarie per iscrivervi al nostro sindacato:

 subscription form


Per i costi di affiliazione, vogliate consultare il seguente link:

annual fees 


·         Le scontische sono offerte nell’ottica di aiutare i nostri iscritti nella mobilità sul territorio  e nei bisogni della vita quotidiana e sono offerte da imprese di nostra fiducia.

·         The discounts are offered with a view to helping our members to move around the ground and the needs of our daily lives and are offered by companies of our trust.



La signora Marina Michielini, responsabile della nostra segreteria, è a completa disposizione per ulteriori chiarimenti!

Ms Marina Michielini, responsible for our secretariat, is at your disposal for any further clarification!


Marina Michielini

Segreteria USI
JRC - European Commission

Building 66 – Office 012 -  TP 660
Via Enrico Fermi, 2749
I - 21027 Ispra (VA)

Phone: +39 0332 78 9031; +39 0332 78 6533



Le informazioni relative alle agevolazioni e scontistiche sui servizi professionali e commerciali indicati su questo sito web, sono rivolte ai soli affiliati e non costituiscono una proposta commerciale o promozionale.

L’affiliato è invitato a valutare attentamente le indicazioni fornite e a prendere decisioni informate in base alle proprie esigenze e circostanze specifiche.

La scelta e l’incarico che ne conseguirà sarà diretto e personale.

L'ente, USI, non ha alcuna responsabilità per i servizi forniti dai professionisti o negozi indicati dagli affiliati.

L'uso del sito implica l'accettazione di questo disclaimer.


The information on facilitations and discourse on the professional and commercial services indicated on this website is aimed solely at affiliates and does not constitute a commercial or promotional proposal.

The member is invited to carefully assess the indications provided and to make informed decisions according to their specific needs and circumstances.

The choice and assignment resulting from it will be direct and personal.

The institution, USI, has no responsibility for the services provided by the traders or shops indicated by the franchisees. 

Using the site implies acceptance of this disclaimer.

19th December 2023


Cari colleghi,

Nella sua costante attenzione all’ annosa e delicata vicenda relativa alla tutela del diritto alla salute del personale, USI accoglie con soddisfazione le iniziative di taluni Consigli Regionali, che si sono positivamente espressi circa la sussistenza del diritto all’iscrizione obbligatoria e gratuita al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale per i dipendenti degli organismi UE.

USI, tuttavia, osserva con una certa preoccupazione che talune ASST (aziende socio sanitarie territoriali) continuano a frapporre ingiustificati ostacoli all’effettivo godimento di tale diritto, ritardando l’emissione o la restituzione delle tessere sanitarie, nonostante la chiara presa di posizione dell’organo politico locale.

USI ribadisce il proprio impegno a contrastare fattivamente tali misure di dubbia legittimità, mettendo in atto gli strumenti di tutela di volta in volta più opportuni per risolvere problemi di carattere individuale, ivi incluso il ricorso all’autorità giudiziaria competente.

Si invitano, pertanto, gli iscritti a segnalare tempestivamente qualunque irregolarità, così da consentire ad USI di prestare il proprio sostegno, offrendo, se del caso, assistenza legale.

             Un caro augurio 

             di Buon Natale 🎄

    e Felice Anno Nuovo 2024, 

    a voi e alle vostre famiglie!




Dear colleagues,

In its constant attention to the long-standing and delicate situation concerning the protection of staff’s right to health, USI welcomes the initiatives of certain regional councils, which have expressed positive views on the existence of the right to compulsory and free registration with the National Health Service for employees of EU bodies.

However, it notes with some concern that some ASST (local social and health companies) continue to create unjustified obstacles to the effective enjoyment of this right, delaying the issuing or return of health cards, despite the clear position of the local political body.

USI would like to reiterate its commitment to actively counter such measures of questionable legitimacy by putting in place the most appropriate remedies to resolve individual problems, including recourse to the competent judicial authority. 

Members are therefore invited to report any irregularities promptly, so as to enable USI to provide their support, offering legal assistance if necessary.


               We wish you 

        and your loved ones 

          a Happy Christmas 🎄

          and New Year 2024!



Union Syndicale Fédérale Ispra 

 Monica,  Flavio,  Edwin,  Luigi,  Luca,  Chia

14th December 2023


The acquisition, by officials and other EU employees, of the nationality of the country in which they serve has irreversible consequences in terms of the expatriation allowance, such as provided for in Article 4 - Annex VII of the Staff Regulations.


Staff Regulations are quite clear and impose only one condition for not losing (if one has it) the expatriation allowance (the famous 16%) upon acquiring the nationality of the country of assignment, and that is that: “during the ten years ending at the date of their entering the service habitually resided outside the European territory of that State for reasons other than the performance of duties in the service of a State or of an international organisation”


Despite this clarity, P.M.O. has long raised a smokescreen on the issue, entrenching themselves behind the usual “we will see on a case-by-case basis” that has often discouraged colleagues from applying for nationality for fear of losing that allowance.


Until a few months ago, even the 'Intracomm' page dedicated to the expatriation allowance was misleading in its English version, as it said that 'the expatriation allowance can also be paid……'.


It must be acknowledged (and the Director of the PMO is to be thanked for this) that, a few days after our alert, the English version of the page was changed and now reflects both the statutory provisions and the French version.


However, despite repeated requests on our part, the Director of the PMO obstinately refuses to recognise in writing that in the case of a person acquiring the nationality of his country of assignment but "who, during the ten years ending at the date of their entering the service, habitually resided outside the European territory of that State for reasons other than the performance of duties in the service of a State or of an international organisation" there cannot be any valid reason to deny the allowance".


For these reasons, the advice that both the Director of the PMO and Union Syndicale give to colleagues who intend to apply for the nationality of the country in which they serve is to clarify, beyond any possible doubt, their situation, by "submitting a request for an administrative decision (Article 90(1)) to be in a position to take an informed decision" and this before taking action to obtain the new nationality.


Union Syndicale remains at the disposal of colleagues to assist them in this demarche.


We would like to recall the lecture (in French) on the acquisition of Belgian nationality, given by Maître Céline Verbrouck, which can be viewed at the following link

6th December 2023


Gentili colleghi,

In data 5 dicembre 2023, il TAR Lombardia ha reso un’importante sentenza relativa alla tutela del diritto alla salute del personale UE. 

Il giudice amministrativo ha dato atto dell’ avvenuta restituzione della tessera sanitaria da parte della ASST Settelaghi ad un affiliato USI.

USI accoglie con soddisfazione tale pronuncia che, seppure implicitamente, riconosce tanto la giurisdizione del giudice amministrativo che il buon fondamento del merito della questione, attraverso una statuizione equitativa sulle spese processuali.

Tale iniziativa non è, peraltro, rimasta isolata in quanto USI continua ad essere presente attivamente nei tavoli negoziali aperti tanto con le istituzioni nazionali che con la Commissione, al fine di addivenire ad una soluzione definitiva della vicenda.

Si invita pertanto il personale a segnalare ai rappresentanti di USI eventuali misure destinate ad incidere sulla titolarità della Tessera sanitaria, ovvero che in qualunque modo limitino l’ accesso al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, con grave pregiudizio per il diritto alla salute.

Cogliamo l’occasione per ricordare che USI offre assistenza legale ai propri affiliati. Questo servizio potrà continuare solo grazie al diretto sostegno del personale che si iscriverà o rinnoverà l’iscrizione a USI per il 2024.

Cordiali saluti,


Monica Ermolli, presidente USI, a nome del Consiglio, ringrazia i colleghi per la fiducia fino ad oggi accordata.


Dear colleagues,

On 5 December 2023, the TAR Lombardia issued an important judgment on the protection of the right to health of EU staff.

The administrative court found that the health card had been returned by ASST Settelaghi to a USI member.

USI welcomes this ruling, which, albeit implicitly, recognises both the jurisdiction of the administrative court and the sound basis of the substance of the matter, by means of an equitable decision on the costs of the proceedings.

However, this initiative has not been isolated, since USI continues to be actively present in the negotiating tables opened with both the national institutions and the Commission, with a view to finding a definitive solution to the matter.
The staff is therefore invited to inform USI representatives of any measures intended to affect the ownership of the health card, or which in any way restrict access to the National Health Service, which seriously undermines the right to health.
We would like to take this opportunity to recall that USI offers legal assistance to its members. This service can only continue with the direct support of staff registering or re-registering in USI for 2024.

Best regards,


Monica Ermolli, President of USI, on behalf of the  Council, thanks all colleagues for the confidence granted so far.


13th November 2023

The 2023 promotions (officials, TA) and reclassifications (contract agents) exercise ends with the publication of the Administrative Notice:

 ·  For promotions:  Promotion 2023 (
·  For reclassifications: Reclassification 2023 (

The results for all concerned categories are available in your SYSPER, under the 'Promotion' menu on the left side.

No system is perfect, and the current one is even farther from perfection than its predecessors.  All unions have objected to it, but the Commission remained true to its principle for 'dialogue' and imposed it nevertheless.

Loyal to its mission, Union Syndicale informs you on what you should do in case you appealed and you are not promoted/ reclassified.

The promotion and reclassification committees have examined all the appeals but only had 5% of pre-assigned quotas per grade at their disposal and had little room for manoeuvre in their efforts to mitigate instances of injustice or discrimination.  The Staff Representation strived and managed to obtain a list, beyond the 5%, but failed to eliminate all inequities and disparities.

Your appeal was not successful? You can introduce an “art90” complaint.  Union Syndicale is at your disposal for further advice more detailed advice.

Would you like to prepare for the 2023 promotion/reclassification exercise that will be launched soon?

Union Syndicale offers to you, assistance starting with the self-assessment phase, so please do not hesitate to contact us at

27th September  

Since three years, the Union Syndicale Fédérale has been calling for a building management policy respecting health and safety at work.


Our trade union supports the necessity, in the post-Covid phase, to rationalise how office spaces are used while, at the same time, the staff need to part-time telework is met, in order to better combine professional and private life.


The Union Syndicale Fédérale recognises, in this respect, the institution as having exclusive competence when deciding on work environment and organisation.


However, the Union Syndicale Fédérale has been insisting since three years that the Commission, as an employer, is bound to respecting the occupational health and safety standards applicable to new dynamic collaborative spaces (‘dynamic mode’), mainly configured as open-spaces.


More specifically, the US calls for office spaces and workstations consistent with the needs deriving from the activities the services perform, noise limitations in workspaces, tables adjustable in height (by crank or electrically) adapting to the morphology of each person, absence of direct light on screens and of air blowers pointed towards colleagues’ shoulders, as well as the possibility to customise the space.


The Union Syndicale Fédérale notes that the European Commission has so far not adopted the legal bases for health and safety at work necessary to guarantee these minimum requirements.


In this atypical context, the Offices for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels and Luxembourg (OIB and OIL) have been responsible for dynamic mode open-spaces proliferation in the past 3 years, without any action by DG HR (the Commission’s representative as employer) to prevent related problems (in particular in the Loi 107 building).


On the contrary, OIB and OIL projects have been allowed to acquire momentum, applying the so-called ‘100-day’ policy, namely an ‘a posteriori’ inventory of remedial actions to be taken on the basis of complaints by staff lacking training in health and safety at work.


The Union Syndicale Fédérale has been advocating for months the definition, in consultation with staff, of workspaces corresponding to the reality of staff activities, based on health and safety at work analyses to be carried out prior to any change.  Some tasks simply cannot be performed in open-spaces (dynamic mode), such as call center, secretariat, personalised and confidential assistance, work requiring a high level of concentration ...




In this context , we understand all the more the difficulties the joint committees responsible for health and safety at work are facing on a daily basis.


Considering the above, the Union Syndicale Fédérale calls for opening social dialogue on the general framework and services for health and safety at work in the Commission.  This dialogue will cover, in particular, the development of dynamic collaborative spaces, issue which will remain relevant, as well as the timeframe for the implementation of the new building policy (until at least 2030).


26th September

Please find here the Privacy Statement used by USI.

25th July
The USI trade union gives its condolences to the family and colleagues of USF Luxembourg for the sudden loss of their dear friend and colleague Isabelle Wollf.
For more details, click the following link In Memoriam : Isabelle Wolff - Union Syndicale
Le syndicat USI présente ses condoléances à la famille et aux collègues USF Luxembourg pour la perte soudaine de leur chère amie et collègue Isabelle Wollf.
Pour plus de détails, cliquez sur le lien suivant In Memoriam : Isabelle Wolff - Union Syndicale
Il sindacato USI porge le proprie condoglianze alla famiglia ed ai colleghi di USF Luxembourg, per l'improvvisa perdita della cara amica e collega Isabelle Wollf.
Per maggiori dettagli, cliccare il seguente link In Memoriam : Isabelle Wolff - Union Syndicale 

1st July 2023

After our 16th USF Congress in Alicante, Spain, last May, our Federal Committee has been busy preparing the new team to implement our resolutions adopted during the Congress.  After a long debate and even more extended discussion on who’s who should and who’s who could continue to work on our resolutions, a new team has finally been elected on Saturday the 1st of July 2023, in Brussels.

Après notre 16e Congrès USF, qui s’est tenu à Alicante, en Espagne, en mai dernier, notre Commission Fédérale a été chargée de préparer la nouvelle équipe mettant en œuvre les résolutions que nous avons adoptées lors du Congrès.  

Après un long débat et une discussion encore plus approfondie sur les personnes qui devraient et qui pourraient continuer à travailler sur nos résolutions, une nouvelle équipe a enfin été élue le Samedi 1er juillet 2023, à Bruxelles.

Dopo il nostro 16º Congresso USF, tenutosi ad Alicante, Spagna, lo scorso maggio, la nostra Commissione Federale è stata incaricata di preparare la nuova squadra per attuare le risoluzioni che abbiamo adottato in seno al Congresso. 
Dopo un lungo dibattito ed una discussione ancora più approfondita su chi dovrebbe e potrebbe continuare a lavorare sulle nostre risoluzioni, una nuova squadra è stata eletta Sabato 1° luglio 2023, a Bruxelles.

Federal Bureau:
President: Nicolas MAVRAGANIS (USF-Luxembourg)
Secretary General: Peter KEMPEN (SUEPO-Berlin)
Deputy Secretary General: Monica ERMOLLI (US-Ispra)
Treasurer: Lars NYCTELIUS (S.A.C.E.)
-Jakov MINIC (US-Eurojust)
-Urszula MOJKOWSKA (US – Parlement Européen)
-Véronique MICHEL (IPSO)
-Roberto RIGHETTI (SUEPO-Den Haag)
-Niels BRACKE (US-Bruxelles)
Special Representative for Agencies: Duccio TRIOLO (US-Bruxelles)
Federal Committee:

Representatives US-Ispra

Monica ERMOLLI Full Member

Chiara MACCHI Alternate

Commission des conflits
(art.19 des statuts : 5 membres d’organisations membres différentes)
ROBERTSON Colin (Union Syndicale – Bruxelles)
MANTZOURATOS Andreas (Union Syndicale – Parlement européen)
COLLIGNON Magali (USF – Luxembourg)
LACOUR Thierry (Union Syndicale – Bruxelles)
RAINÒ Giovanna (USF – IUE Florence)
JANSSEN-CASES Mercedes (Union Syndicale – Bruxelles)
Commission de contrôle des comptes
(article 21 des statuts : 3 membres d’organisations membres différentes)
LAHAYE Agnès (Union Syndicale – Bruxelles)
WAMS Marion (Union Syndicale – Parlement européen)
SCHAEFFLER Christian (SUEPO-Berlin)
Administration du siège : Emmanuel WIETZEL:

27th June 2023

Please find here the letter sent by USI to all staff regarding Tessera Sanitaria.
Vogliate leggere qui gli aggiornamenti riguardanti la Tessera Sanitaria.

Veuillez lire ici les nouvelles sur la Tessera Sanitaria.

26th June 2023


Due to the resignation of Mr. Umberto Montaretto Marullo,

USI communicates that on the 26th June 2023, USI Council elected  Mr. Edwin Schaaf as USI Political Secretary by the majority of participants.


En raison de la démission de M. Umberto Montaretto Marullo, 

l’USI indique que, le 26 juin 2023, le Conseil a élu M. Edwin Schaaf secrétaire politique de l’USI par la majorité des participants.

A seguito delle dimissioni del Sig. Umberto Montaretto Marullo,

USI informa che, il 26 Giugno 2023, il Consiglio ha eletto a maggioranza il Sig. Edwin Schaaf alla carica di Segretario Politico dell'USI.

7th June 2023 


According to Article 14 of the USF statute, a written procedure has taken place today within USI councilors in order to nominate the Full member and the Alternate member to the Federal Committee.

The voting procedure closed on the 7 June 2023 at 18.00, with the following result:

Mrs. Monica Ermolli has been elected by a majority vote as a Full member.

Mrs. Chiara Macchi has been elected by a majority vote as an Alternate member.

Conformément à l’article 14 du statut de l’USF, une procédure écrite a eu lieu aujourd'hui au sein des conseillers de l’USI afin de désigner le membre Titulaire et le membre Suppléant du Comité Fédéral. 

La procédure de vote s’est achevée le 7 juin 2023 à 18.00 heures, avec le résultat suivant: 

Mme Monica Ermolli a été élue à la majorité des voix en tant que membre Titulaire. 

Mme Chiara Macchi a été élue à la majorité des voix en tant que membre Suppléant.


Come previsto dall'articolo 14 dello Statuto USF, si è svolta oggi una votazione, con procedura scritta, tra i Consiglieri USI, allo scopo di eleggere il membro Titolare ed il membro Supplente al Comitato Federale.
La procedura di voto si è conclusa alle ore 18:00 del 7 Giugno 2023, con il seguente risultato:
La Sig.ra Monica Ermolli è stata eletta come membro Titolare.
La Sig.ra Chiara Macchi è stata eletta come membro Supplente.

02 March 2023

USI has sent another letter addressed to the Italian Ministries of Health and of Foreign affairs, this time in collaboration with the sister branches of the Union Syndicale Fédérale of Florence (IUE) and Turin (ETS), always  in support of European Civil servants' access to national healthcare in Italy.

17 February 2023
See here two letters issued by USI in close collaboration with Laywer Michela Velardo,  in support of European Civil servants' access to national healthcare in Italy:


Vi informiamo che

 l'Assemblea generale dell'USI 

si terrà mercoledì 8 febbraio alle ore 12:00

Potrete partecipare di persona nella sala riunioni dell'edificio 66, al termine dell'esercitazione nucleare programmata presso la sede di Ispra (di solito intorno a mezzogiorno).

Altrimenti, è possibile collegarsi anche da remoto a questo link.

 L'Assemblea generale dell'USI è aperta a tutti i membri dell'USI


We would like to inform you that the

 USI General Assembly

 will be held on Wednesday 8th February at 12:00

You will be able to join in person in the meeting room of Building 66, when the scheduled Nuclear exercise at the Ispra site will be over (usually around noon).

Otherwise, you can also connect remotely at this link.

 The USI General Assembly is open to all USI members.


Per agevolare i colleghi ai quali non è stata ridata la tessera sanitaria dal competente ufficio territoriale del SSN,  USI mette a disposizione un modello di procura per conferire mandato all’Avvocato Michela Velardo.

La procura compilata e firmata va inviata alla segreteria USI (, specificando il servizio socio sanitario competente e allegando copia di un documento di identità.

Il servizio è gratuito per gli iscritti USI, con un contributo spese di 25 euro per i non affiliati:


Troverete il modello di procura al link qui


In order to facilitate colleagues to whom the health card has not been given back by the competent territorial office of the Italian National Health Service (SSN), USI is providing a power of attorney template to confer a mandate to lawyer Michela Velardo.

The completed and signed power of attorney form must be sent to the USI secretariat (, specifying the competent health service and attaching a copy of an identity document.

The service is free of charge for USI members, with a fee of €25 for non-members.


Please find the power of attorney template here 



Workshop del 22.11.2022 con l'avvocato di USI Michela Velardo sulla Tessera Sanitaria qui


News from our Health Care Workshop on 22.11.2022 with USI Lawyer Michela Velardo here


US-I comunica la nomina di Presidente della Signora Monica Ermolli.

Sig.ra Monica Ermolli è stata eletta Presidente dal Consiglio US-I in data odierna, 9 novembre 2022.


USI would like to communicate the nomination of Ms. Monica Ermolli to President.

Ms. Monica Ermolli was voted President by the US-I Council today, the 9th November 2022.


US-I voudrait communiquer la nomination de Mme. Monica Ermolli Présidente.

Mme. Monica Ermolli a été élue Présidente par le Conseil US-I aujourd’hui, le 9 novembre 2022.

USI joint action with CISL, FFPE, ISCA, TAO and U4U: Health care and data protection - Rights of everyone

On Tuesday 15th March 2022 during the plenary meeting of the Local Staff Committee (LSC) of Ispra and Seville, Director Moricca (DG-HR) when answering questions from staff representatives said :

At the Ispra-site, several Unions are joining their efforts in the interest of the health protection of everyone (Italians and non-Italians), of officers and contractual agents (both in service and retired) and of their relevant families.



Protecting our privacy and human rights is fundamental!

Our data will be processed to take away from us what every resident in Italy (Italian and non Italian), has as a RIGHT to: the Heath Care Card; and in return, they will give us a card valid only in Italy, with potentially very high costs at the expense of both staff and pensioners!

Many of us are concerned about the lack of social dialogue from DG-HR: let us enforce our rights!

Anyone who does not want his/her data processed to the Italian authorities, must fill in this form and send it to the electronic addresses listed there.

The EC staff in service must ALSO register the form in ARES using the function on the top-left of the email message (see picture below). This registration in ARES makes it an official communication to HR.

In order to support you, feel free to inform us of the submission of the form.

New internal representation and governance structure

 Please find here the list of members of the USI Council and of the USI Executive Bureau


What is the role of Trade Union?

What is done in the Committees?

Among others, two concrete examples to answer to the colleagues who ask us what the union role is about or what is done in the committees.

1. The TRADE UNION represents YOU ​​in the negotiations with the Commission to modify  the general implementation provisions of the statute


On Thursday 26.01.2018, during the plenary meeting of the Central Staff Committee, Mr. Christian Roques, (DG HR), explained how the PMO calculates the pension rights of the colleagues who transfer national payments into the Commission's funds and what difficulties the PMO meets in doing the calculation by applying the rules in force.

To eliminate these difficulties, the proposal is to open the negotiations with the unions to establish new implementing provisions in 2019.

 2.  The TRADE UNION represents YOU ​​in the negotiations with the Commission to modify  the general implementation provisions of the statute


During the last meeting of the Joint Sickness Insurance's Joint Management Committee (JSIS) on 17 and 18 January 2018, the PMO proposed to the staff and administration representatives to open the negotiations in 2019 in order to modify the rules that determine the amount of reimbursements of medical expenses.

 These examples are just two SMALL concrete examples of the decisive role of unions and committees for all of us.

 Union Syndicale participates in all negotiations with the administration and has representatives of the staff in all Committees.


-Presentazione "Union Syndicale Ispra 2017" è disponibile in versione italiana, inglese e francese.

-USI ha negoziato nuove condizioni particolarmente favorevoli per i suoi aderenti con BNP PARIBAS, agenzia di Ispra. 

Dettagli dell'offerta disponibili in italiano e inglese.

Union Syndicale Fédérale Ispra (USI) is an organisation of workers employed by the European institutions and bodies located at the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy.

USI is a local section of the Union Syndicale Fédérale (USF). USI is a Trade Union independent of any political, private or governmental interests, religious or philosophical movements.

The main goal of the trade union is to contribute to a modern and democratic Europe by actively supporting the Institutions and the active solidarity among the staff.

The trade union safeguards the general interests, the moral and economic rights of all staff of all institutions and in particular of its own affiliates.

USF has sections in several Institutions such as in the: European Commission, European Parliament, Council, Court of Justice, Court of Auditors or in Agencies.

Union Syndicale participates in negotiations at all levels (administrative, technical and political) to establish the working conditions as it is foreseen in the Staff Regulations applicable to all agents and officials.

USI acts in favour of the stability of the employment contracts by encouraging the:

USI defends the rights regarding:

Last but not least, USI acts to preserve the purchasing power of salaries and pensions. Other fundamental topics for the trade union refer to the enhancement and optimisation of the family's living conditions at the different working sites supporting the:

The trade Union supports the Central Staff Committee (CCP) of the Commission chaired by Mr Ignazio Iacono, member of Union Syndicale Bruxelles.

All Union Syndicale sections support their candidates elected in the different Local Staff Committees (LSC) to carry out their task of control and surveillance of the correct implementation of the Staff Regulation.

Agora is a biannually issued magazine by USF dealing with political news and issues affecting the staff. It is available in the main different EU languages. 

Principal services offered by USI in collaboration with USF refer to:

USI helps you to prepare for EPSO tests thanks with books and online trainings.