Unicorn Magic

“Unicorn Magic” is a little show especially created for the youngest children. It was first performed on June15, 2024. Developed in association with the St. Margaret’s Bay Toy Library, “Unicorn Magic” aims to introduce children up to 5 years old to live performances in hopes of fostering a new generation of theatre lovers and, specifically, devotees of Unicorn Theatre. 

The inaugural show in June 2024 featured six short scenes based on books familiar to the children. The scenes, described as “Stories”, were part of an overall scenario in which the children were invited to enter the Land of the Unicorn, where it’s all magic, all the time.  

This fantastic land is ruled by the Unicorn Queen, who also acts as the Storyteller. She is assisted by her Courtiers, who double as Stage Managers.  

The June 2024 show lasted for 20-25 minutes, with a 15-minute intermission.  

Some accommodations were made in recognition of the young ages of the audience. 

The house lights remained on throughout the show, although there were blackouts of the stage lights so that the sets could be changed between scenes. The atmosphere in the theatre was very relaxed and welcoming to parents of small children. Although there was some crying and calling out during the show, for the most part the children appeared to be enthralled by the stories being acted out on stage. 

“Unicorn Magic” will be back again on June 14, 2025, starting at 3.00 pm. Tickets are $5.00. We will start taking reservations in May. To reserve, email unicorn.theatre@outlook.com or call 902-826-1687 and leave a message. Someone will call you back to confirm.