Other Marketing Claims

Interview with Lori Panda, Senior Program Manager Ohio Proud & Specialty Crop Block Grant Programs discussing "the Ohio Proud Food Label".


Halal means permissible in Islamic Law and in this case is applied to food and beverage products. There are a number of Halal certification agencies worldwide, some of the most common are pictured below.


Kosher is food that abides by Kashrut, Jewish religious dietary laws. There are five major Kosher certifiers in the United States as seen below.

General Marketing Claims

General marketing claims can provide consumers with additional information about the product or manufacturers. Many marketing claims are specific to cultural or social practices and can help consumers make informed purchasing decisions. However, marketing claims are the least regulated type of food labels and consumer must be aware that the standards and terms used may not be government regulated. For example the terms "natural" and "local" are loosely defined by the federal government allowing for variations in their use. As a consumer you have the right to ask questions of producers and food manufacturers if you are unsure of what their label means. The USDA, FDA, and educational institutions are also great sources for food label information.