Course 2 

Introduction to Mindfulness


October 24th to November 7th, 2022 (New rounds will be announced when available) 

每星期一晚 7-8pm,共三周, at Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College 馬萬祺羅柏心書院 

All UM students can apply. 澳門大學學生均可報名參加






請在參加課程前, 仔細閱讀 本課程是否適合我?現在是適合我參加的時間嗎? 好好衡量現在是否你上靜觀課的最好時間。 




Do you find yourself being reactive (rather than responding skillfully) to unpleasant experiences, and that the reactivity causes more stress than relief? 


In this introduction to Mindfulness course, we’ll explore how to pay attention on purpose, learn to shift our perspective to new ways of being, and train the mind to respond rather than react.


This course is developed by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre.

Before your join the course, please read carefully Is this the right course for me, and consider carefully if now is a good time for you to take a mindfulness course. 


Prof. Katherine Chen is Associate Professor and Director of the English Language Centre, FAH. She researches and teaches academic English, sociocultural linguistics, and mindfulness. She is also a mindfulness teacher trained by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre. Learn more about mindfulness here.