What is Mindfulness靜觀是什麼?

Mindfulness is a scientifically proven skill for improving one's mind and wellbeing. It originated from ancient contemplative wisdom, while modern Mindfulness-based interventions and curricula, notably MBSR, MBCT, MBCL/MSC, and IMP, etc., are secular, scientific, and evidence-based. 

靜觀 (也稱正念)是一種經過科學驗證的改善身心健康的技能。它起源於古代的智慧,而現代的靜觀干預課程,特別是MBSR、MBCT,  MBCL/MSC, IMP 等, 是基於證據和科學的。

Jon Kabat-Zinn, Professor Emeritus of Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program MBSR in 1979 defines Mindfulness as "the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally, in the service of self-understanding and wisdom" 


-喬‧卡巴金教授, 麻省大學醫學院榮休教授, 1979年靜觀減壓課程

The Science of Mindfulness (2022)

Ture and False of Mindfulness (2024)

An overview of Mindfulness

How meditation changes the brain structure

Talks by Sara Lazar, Harvard Medical School. 

8-minute talk in 2011

40-minute talk in 2020

Healing from Within (1993)

A historic documentary that followed Jon Kabat Zinn as he taught MBSR to chronic pain patients at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre. Video, 43 mins.

Mindful Nation UK report (2015)

A report published by the UK Mindfulness All-Party Parliamentary Group, detailing policy to address mental and physical health concerns in the areas of education, health, the workplace and the criminal justice system through the application of mindfulness-based interventions. 

CBS 60 Minutes report: Mindfulness (2014) 


唔止發呆咁簡單 粵語 

Now TV《杏林在線》youtube 10 分鐘短片


北京大学心理与认知科学介紹 youtube 32 分鐘

正念: 當下的力量 普通話

臨床心理師石世明, youtube 24 分鐘

關於靜觀 文字介紹


甚麼是靜觀? 粵語 

A 9-minute guided practice by .b Mindfulness in School Project, Oxford Mindfulness Centre

Free resource to learn Mindfulness

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction 

This is the complete MBSR 8-week course developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979

Jon Kabat-Zinn guided meditation and Q&A on Youtube

Jon Kabat-Zinn guided meditation and Q&A during Covid-19 from March to June 2020. Sign up for updates from Wisdom 2.0 or follow them on social media for future Jon Kabat-Zinn live sessions. 

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

Oxford Mindfulness Centre 

Audios and videos from the MBCT curriculum, also check their weekly mindfulness practice session via Zoom.

Mindfulness: Finding peace in a frantic world

Free audios from the book of the same title by Danny Penman, Mark Williams (one of the founders of MBCT), and Vidyamala Burch.

Mindfulness Network UK 

Offer online guided practice sessions and audio downloads.

Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC)

Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) free exercises

Mindfulness Program at U Wisconsin-Madison 

The Healthy Minds Program (Phone App)

A comprehensive program developed by the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It covers mindfulness training in four areas: Awareness, Connection, Insight, and Purpose. Each area includes multiple guided practice you can set the time from 5 to 30 minutes, and short talks that explain the science behind the practice. To access the app, you need to set (at least temporarily) your phone's "country" to a European or N. American country. App download at iphone or google play

Prof. Richard Davidson, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, talks about wellbeing is a skill, and the four constituents of wellbeing. 

Useful Apps for Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness Bell, Meditation Timer  Both are easy-to-use timers for self-guided practice, or for setting reminders to pause and breathe within a set time. 

Insight Timer  This one has free and paid guided meditations. 


靜觀練習 粵語 

NewLife 330 Youtube 頻道, 也可以用電話 App iphonegoogle play 

Dr. Helen Ma 馬淑華博士 - 靜觀練習 粵語

Youtube 搜尋影片

MBSR 華人正念減壓中心 普通話

Youtube 頻道

Prof. Jon Kabat-Zinn 喬‧卡巴金教授的演說 有中文字幕

Youtube 搜尋影片

香港大學賽馬會「樂天心澄」靜觀校園 粵語

不定期免費公眾靜觀活動, 也有靜觀課程及教師訓練

香港大學「疫」境中的靜觀空間 普通話 粵語 English

錄音下載 Audio downloads

香港中文大學敬霆靜觀研究與培訓中心 粵語


靜觀訓練 Mindfulness HK 粵語

不定期, 有部分靜觀活動免費


1. 正念網絡( Mindfulness Network), 提供免費的普通話正念共修時段

北京時間每周一下午16.15-16.45 (30分鐘)

加入者無須正念修習的經驗, 也不須事先註冊

Zoom Meeting ID: 會議號:  872 0075 7094

Passcode 密碼:  272789

2. 以下網絡提供普通話的正念共修時段, 請找微信公眾號聯絡:  

慧舍文化, 華人正念減壓園地  

Attending a teacher-led MB course 老師帶領的靜觀課程

If resource allows, taking a teacher-led Mindfulness-based course has many benefits, you will be guided by a professionally-trained teacher with whom you can discuss your meditation practice and problems, and the possibility to meet fellow learners and form peer practice networks. One of the founders of MBCT, Mark Williams explains, the MBCT (and its predecessor MBSR) programmes follow a structure that includes a combination of class-led and home-based meditation practice that has been proven successful in scientific research. Taking a teacher-led mindfulness course also prepare you for more advanced practice. Intensive meditation may pose risks and should not be attempted without professional guidance. All certified MB teachers adhere to Good Practice Guidelines of respective countries' professional mental-health institutions/associations. 

Check the following links for local and online classes:



Mindfulness-Based Courses 靜觀課程

粵語: 香港靜觀中心澳門正念學會

普通話: 請找微信公眾號: 1. 慧舍文化, 2.  靜觀:中科博愛(北京)諮詢


Oxford Mindfulness Centre, MBCT.com, Brown University MBSR

Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living, Mindful Self-Compassion 

Mindfulness Hong Kong 

Mindfulness for specific groups 靜觀專科

A. Mindfulness courses for schools and teachers 幼稚園, 小學及中學靜觀課程及教師訓練

B. Mindful parenting 父母靜觀課程

C. Mindfulness therapy for depression 靜觀治療抑鬱

D. Mindfulness courses for cancer patients and family 癌症患者及家屬靜觀課程

Further readings

Kabat-Zinn, Jon. "Mindfulness-based interventions in context: past, present, and future." Clinical psychology: Science and practice 10.2 (2003): 144-156.

Segal, Zindel V., Mark Williams, and John Teasdale. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression. Guilford Publications, 2018.

Mindfulness Journal

The American Mindfulness Research Association 

University of Oxford Mindfulness Research Centre